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Implementation of the EMEP monitoring strategy

This article discusses the implementation challenges, including financial, structural, and technical issues, of the EMEP monitoring strategy. It highlights the role of the CCC and offers guidance and support for ensuring efficient implementation. The importance of collaboration with EC DG.Env, DG.Res, GAW, and other frameworks is emphasized. The objective is to develop an implementation plan for consideration by the Steering Body.

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Implementation of the EMEP monitoring strategy

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  1. Implementation of the EMEP monitoring strategy - Introduction of the legal status and given responsibilities - Key challenges relating to financial, structural and technical issues - These challenges vary between ”levels” - Role of the CCC and what can we offer - Importance of the EC DG Env., DG Res. GAW and others frameworks Main objective is to dicuss how to ensure efficient implementation and to develop an implementation plan for the consideration of the Steering Body in September www.unece.org/env/emep/strategies.html www.nilu.no/projects/ccc/

  2. ECE/EB.AIR/83 - Report of the twenty-second session of the Executive Body;”Approved the EMEP monitoring strategy for the period 2004-2009 and adopted decision 2004/1 regarding its implementation” Introduction to the legal status and responsibilitiesECE/EB.AIR/GE.1/2004/2 - Report of the twenty-eight session of the Steering Body;“Adopted the revised monitoring strategy” Annex I, Decision 2004/1 Concerning Implementation of the EMEP monitoring strategy; ……………

  3. Key challenges relating to financial and structural issues financial issues - requires national committment and is often a slow process - requires discussions at a political level mandated to set priorities - integration of requirements between frameworks and network is essential - national collaboration between contributing institutions structural issues - establishement of new infrastructure takes time - restructuring of network to provide a thrue multi-topic approach even more so - national- and transnational collaboration at joint sites is challenging - information flow (data availability etc.) - more challenging to make decisions as more users are involved

  4. How key challenges vary between levels Level 1 - Geographical coverage is the main issue ! (CAPACT, training courses, accession countries) - Completion of the suit of parameters to be measured is essential (e.g. complete chemical speciation of inorganics, gas/particle distrib. PM mass) - Overlap or lack of harmonisation with other relevant regional networks Level 2 - Involvement of new groups often essential - Regional collaboration is not sufficiently developed - Instrumentation, methodology and competence is often limiting - Financial limitations

  5. How key challenges vary between levels, cont... Level 3 - Research funding supporting observations are declining (the ”new instruments” may not be as efficient as FP4 and FP5 projects) - Involvement of research groups includes a new type of considerations (less tradition for sharing data, more difficult to harmonize methodologies etc., more difficult to secure long-term committment) - Involvement of new groups often essential

  6. Role of the CCC and what will we offer; - Provide advice and training related to technical issues - Active participation in related activities to facilitiate harmonization (WGE, HELCOM, OSPAR, AMAP, UNEP, ETC-AQCC/EIONET, WMO-GAW, EANET, ACCENT etc.) - Take lead for the dialoque between national institutions and experts, the relevant task forces and the EMEP Steering Body. - provide advice to national authorities (several examples exist) - support letters relating to financial or structural matters

  7. Importance of the EC DG Env., DG Res., GAW and others - The references on the 4th Daughter Directive to the EMEP monitoring strategy is of crucial importance - DG Research funded projects are fundamental to support level2 and in particular level3 activities While relevant EU-project will most likely include partners involved in EMEP, there is however a much smaller emphasis on measurements in FP6 compared to earlier programmes The EC can also support infrastructures, mobility/training and QA/QC - Collaborations with other frameworks is essential

  8. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Brussels, 16.7.2003 COM(2003) 423 final 2003/0164 (COD) Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air Article 4 Assessment of ambient air concentrations and deposition rates ... 4. Irrespective of concentration levels one sampling point should be installed every 50000 km² for the indicative measurement of arsenic, cadmium, total gaseous mercury, nickel, benzo(a)pyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons other than benzo(a)pyrene, and of the total deposition of arsenic, cadmium, mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Each Member State shall at least set up one measuring station. Where appropriate monitoring should be co-ordinated with the EMEP monitoring strategy and measurement programme. ...

  9. Developement of an implementation plan - Preliminary progress reports from Parties - national ability for implementation - changes introduced - identification of typical obstacles - A more detailed compilation will be compiled and presented to the SB - Suggestions on how CCC further can assist Parties

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