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The Need for Data Exchange

The Need for Data Exchange. As computer applications became more numerous in every domain, the need and value for exchange data between systems is an obvious benefit. Preparing are report: Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, video clip.

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The Need for Data Exchange

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  1. The Need for Data Exchange As computer applications became more numerous in every domain, the need and value for exchange data between systems is an obvious benefit Preparing are report: Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, video clip Preparing a design: 3D Massing, detail construction model, rendering package, various analyses

  2. Evolution of Translator and Exchange Technology 1970s Custom Translators 1980s IGES DXF 1990s ISO-STEP 2000s

  3. What is a Building Product Model? • An electronic database or file • incorproates 3D geometry, possibly presentation geometry • includes functional, material specs, surface information, critical relations, esp. between multiple representations • a standard representation used for exchange between applications (CAD, engr., simulation, production) • interfaces between building aspect models, for system integration, system design/fabrication/assembly

  4. The Basic Definition of the Building Product Model Fabrication Automation Analysis Applications Material/Part Ordering(BOM) Cost Estimation Subsystem detailing Erection Planning Architectural Design Construction Scheduling Site Planning A common data structure that provides two-way exchange between muliple applications

  5. How is a Data Model Defined? 1. Scope defined 2. From process models, derive significant applic.interactions 3. From process models, define entities and attributes 4.Check with applications, to derive needed entities/attributes/structures 5. Define structure how entities are related 6. Test in trial translators 7. Document spec. as an open standard 8. Work with application vendors to implement

  6. IAI Model (IFC2.x) architectural feasibility, design, facility mgmt. PCI-CPM project precast model AISC-CIS/2 Steel Model IAI Architectural Bldg. Model • AISC CIS/2 Model steel design and fabrication • PCI precast concrete design and fabrication project Current IT Efforts to Support Integration Actors Other subs. General Contractor struct. sub Mech. sub Architectural Design consultants Structural Engr Client Program MEP Engr Phase

  7. What does CIS/2 mean to a design or fabrication shop? Production Planning Steel Detailing CIS/2 Structural Steel Language • Fast design coordination • Faster detailing/engineering • fabrication automation

  8. Complex Joints and Detailing

  9. APPLICATION PROTOCOLS 219: dimensional inspection process planning 220: printed circuit assembly mfg. planning 221: functional and schematic representation of AEC process plants 222: exchange between design and manufacturing for composite structures 223: exchange between design and manufacturing for cast parts 224: mechanical product definition for process planning using form features 225: structural building elements using explicit shape representation 226: ship mechanical systems 227: plant spatial configuration 228: building services: HVAC 229: forged parts 230: building structural frame: steelwork 231: process engineering data 201: explicit draughting 202: associative draughting 203: configuration controlled design 204: mechanical design using boundary rep. 205: mechanical design using surface rep. 206: mechanical design using wire-frame rep. 207: sheet metal die planning and design 208: life cycle product change process 209: design through analysis of composite and metallic structures 210: electronic printed circuit assembly, design and manufacture 211: electronic test, diagnostics and remanufacture 212: electro-technical plants 213: NC process plans for machined parts 214: core data for automotive design processes 215: ship arrangements 216: ship moulded forms 217: ship piping 218: ship structures INTEGRATED RESOURCES GENERIC 41: fundamentals of product description and support 42: geometric and topological rep. 43: representation structures 44: product structure configuration 45: materials 46: visual presentation 47: shape variation tolerances 48: form features 49: process structure, property and representation APPLICATION 101: draughting 103: electrical applications 104: finite element analysis 105: kinematics 106: building core model CONSTRUCTS 501: edge-based wireframe 502: shell-based wireframe 503: geometry bounded 2-D wireframe 504: draughting annotation 505: drawing structure and administration 506: draughting elements 507: geometry bounded surfaces 508: non-manifold surfaces DESCRIPTION METHODS 11: the EXPRESS language reference manual APPLICATION REFERENCE MODEL LANGUAGES - 12: the EXPRESS-I language reference manual NIAM - IDEF1x - EXPRESS-G IMPLEMENTATION METHODS 21: clear text encoding (file format) 22: standard data access interface (SDAI) 23 Early C++ bindings 24: Late c++ bindings CONFORMANCE TESTING 31: general concepts 32: requirements on testing laboratories 33: abstract test suites 34: abstract test methods ABSTRACT TEST SUITES 1201: ATS for 201 1202: ATS for 202 1203: ATS for 203

  10. STEP Architecture Conceptual Model Require-ments Model Implement-ation Model Implement-ation Medium Implementation methods description methods: description methods: EXPRESS Graphical Language, EXPRESS-G EXPRESS Data Modeling Language, Database Schema generators application protocols application protocols: Implementation methods Application Reference Model (ARM), defined in: EXPRESS-G Application Interpreted Model (AIM): in EXPRESS physical file fomat or other implementation method(SPF) integrated resources generic and application integrated resources: re-usable EXPRESS constructs

  11. Software Exchange Process

  12. Receiving Source Application Application Export Import Translator Translator Data Exchange Part 021 Translator Part 021 Translator Data Structure Part 21File Data Structure Product Model Conformance ClassSubset Typical Data Exchange Process

  13. XML and Product Models Business and product information design in text Business processes XML Design/Engineering/Manufacturing processes EXPRESS-based product model Complex engineering data, including geometry, behavioral properties, layout

  14. Some Example Types of Exchange Complex Exchanges: Design Application1 Design Application2 Design & Analysis Application3 Data Repository Design Application4 Analysis Application5 Analysis Application6

  15. General Strategies for Exchange • Criteria for selection: • real-time vs. asynchronous exchange • passing data vs. algorithms • narrow vs. wide semantic domain • internal network vs. Web-based open exchanges • total passing of dataset vs. repository with incremental additions and extractions • who will be responsible and maintain exchange SW?

  16. Some Example Types of Exchange • Many possible ways to carry out Building Data Exchange: • write to, then read from an ASCII file in some agreed upon format (DXF, IGES, STEP Part 21 file format) • pass data between programs as C++ objects, wrapped as CORBA or COM objects (used in Intranet and file server networks) • pass data in HTML or XML across Web (being used in e-commerce efforts) • send JAVA objects that carry exchange data (approach being developed by Bentley)

  17. The Scope of the Precast Engineering Software Product Precast Product Model

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