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Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence Theories

PED 392 Child Growth and Development. Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence Theories. Short term memory – where memories are held while we consciously work on the memories Long term memory – Where information is stored in an organized fashion. Memory.

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Chapter 4: Cognitive Development: Information Processing and Intelligence Theories

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  1. PED 392 Child Growth and Development Chapter 4: Cognitive Development:Information Processing and Intelligence Theories

  2. Short term memory – where memories are held while we consciously work on the memories Long term memory – Where information is stored in an organized fashion. Memory

  3. Encoding strategies • Rehearsal – repeat over and over again until you remember it (phone number) • Organizational – grouping of items into a form easier to remember (phone number into xxx-yyy-zzzz) • Elaboration – Adding to the information to remember it more effectively (Hamburger) Memory

  4. Metacognition – knowledge and understanding of our own cognitive capabilities and thinking processes. Metamemory – knowledge about memory IQ – divide the mental age by the chronological age, then multiply by 100 Definitions

  5. Logical-Mathematical • Scientist, mathematician • Linguistic • Poet, Journalist • Musical • Musician • Spatial • Navigator, sculptor Gardner’s intelligences

  6. Bodily Kinesthetic • Dancer, Athlete • Interpersonal • Therapist, Salesman • Intrapersonal • Access own feelings • Naturalistic • Farmer, Veterinarian, Botanist Gardner's intelligences

  7. Genetic Home environment / parenting Poverty Early intervention Race Ethnicity Gender Changes to intelligence

  8. Unusually high ability in any given area • Cognitive • Language • Affective • Physical??? Giftedness

  9. A disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors. May need special attention and help in school and social environments Mental retardation / Intellectually Delayed

  10. Mild • IQ of 50-70 • Mental age of 7-11 years old • Piaget = concrete operational • Moderate • IQ of 35-50 • Mental age of 2-7 years old • Piaget = Preoperational Levels of Mental retardation / Intellectual delay

  11. Severe / profound • IQ below 35 • Mental age of 6 months to 2 years • Piaget = Sensorimotor • Mental age refers to the level of which a child should be able to perform a given task. Levels of Mental retardation / Intellectual delay

  12. Ethnicity • Reading and math – gaps narrowing • Science – large gaps • Asian Americans outperform in math, reasoning, spatial and numerical abilities. Differences in cognitive performance

  13. Gender • Verbal is better in female • Spatial – no clear differences • Mathematical • Elementary – girls better on computation • High School – boys better on reasoning and problem solving • Science – not much difference Differences in cognitive performance

  14. Schools • Schools must provide equal opportunities and equal resources for all children • Multicultural education • Reduce prejudice • Increase involvement • Increase knowledge of other cultures and people Differences in cognitive performance

  15. Becoming a larger part of schools • Students are taught to use computers in school • Homework, research, papers, etc • No differences between boys and girls • Limited research on effects on learning Computers

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