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New Building Transition

New Building Transition. Welcome!. Transition Timeline. Feb 3 Empty and Sort Trailers (3 weeks) Feb 4 Garage Sale (3 weeks). Garage Sale. February 3 Unload and Sort Items from trailers We need helpers Friday evening/night February 4 Garage Sale

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New Building Transition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Building Transition Welcome!

  2. Transition Timeline • Feb 3 Empty and Sort Trailers (3 weeks) • Feb 4 Garage Sale (3 weeks)

  3. Garage Sale • February 3 Unload and Sort Items from trailers • We need helpers Friday evening/night • February 4 Garage Sale • You may bring household items but they MUST be dropped off on Friday. There will be no pick up or early storage.

  4. Transition Timeline • January 29 Small Group Discussion Groups • March 12 Staff Moves into Offices (8 weeks) • March 18 Last Sunday at FCC (9 weeks) • March 19-22 Work Week • March 24 Open House • March 25 & April 1 One Assembly (10 weeks) • April 8 Easter Sunday (two services) • April 15 Adult Small Groups Begin

  5. Building Usage • “New Building…..new look……new opportunities!”

  6. March 25 & April 1Sunday AM9:00 am - 10:15 am Service

  7. Easter Sunday April 8thSunday AM9:00 am - 10:15 am 1st Service10:45 am – 12:00 pm 2nd Service

  8. Sunday AMChildren’s Ministry9:00-10:15 am Kids Worship and Bible ClassInfant-5thGrade

  9. Sunday AMC3 Student MinistryOpen Youth Room withCoffee/OJ Donuts

  10. Sunday PMAdultsSmall Groups(homes and building)

  11. Sunday PMC3 and Club 56“Merge”6:00-7:30 pmYouth RoomLarge and Small Groups

  12. Wednesday PMKingdom Kids, C3, Young Families“FX”6:00-7:30 pm

  13. OtherAdultsMonday (pm): Ladies Bible ClassTuesday (am): Ladies Bible ClassTuesday (pm): Bible StudyThursday (pm): Men’s Prayer Group

  14. Weekly Schedule

  15. Teams • A/V • Hospitality • Greeters • Parking • Former Member Contact • Advertisement/Outreach • Opening Weekend • Communication • Building Prep • Prayer

  16. Audio/Visual • We need 8-10 people to be trained on running our audio/visual system for our new building. This includes running our sound system, projection system, etc. during our morning assemblies. This will be a position that will continue to be needed every Sunday throughout the year. • Michael Brinkley

  17. Hospitality • This ministry will provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our guests at our new building. This will include preparing coffee, drinks, snacks, etc. for our open house and our Sunday morning assemblies between now and Easter Sunday, 2012. • Rita Fox

  18. Greeters • Anyone with a warm smile and a love for people qualifies for this ministry. We need several people to serve as greeters to our guests. This ministry will be responsible for developing an active group of folks to assist our guests, pass out information, and greet everyone with a warm welcome. This ministry will function between now and Easter 2012. • Eric Mittig

  19. Parking • You will be the first person that a visitor sees. Looks after members and guests in parking lot. Makes sure people know where to park. Helps keep parking lot secure. Offers umbrellas on rainy days.

  20. Former Member Contact • This team will be responsible for contacting our former members and those who no longer attend. The goal for this team is to invite these former members to our open house/1st service. This team’s responsibilities will be concluded on March 24.

  21. Outreach/Advertisement • Primary responsibility will be to develop and promote creative ways in which we can introduce ourselves to our new neighbors with an emphasis on our open house and Easter Sunday. This team will function between now and Easter Sunday, 2012.

  22. Opening Weekend • This ministry will be responsible for planning, organizing and staffing our opening celebrations. Our open house is tentatively scheduled to take place on Saturday night, March 24, the evening before our first church service in the new building on Sunday, March 25. This event will allow our members and community members to tour our new facility. This team’s task will be completed on Saturday, March 25 with the conclusion of first service. • Will Morris

  23. Communication • This team will assist the staff in developing ways to communicate the message and vision of CrossPoint to our guests. This will include the development of written and visual materials that can be shared with both members and guests. This team will complete their task by March 24.

  24. Building Prep • This team will be responsible for helping with a deep cleaning on our new building prior to our March 24, open house. Team members will also be involved in putting the finishing touches on and in the building. Team members can expect to do most of their work in the week immediately prior to open house and this team’s commitment will be completed by March 24. • Jace and Shannon Hockaday

  25. Prayer • This team will be responsible for developing and implementing ways to lead the church in fervent prayer opportunities for our new beginning. This team will commit to leading these prayer opportunities through Easter Sunday, 2012.

  26. Transition Timeline • Feb 3 Empty and Sort Trailers (3 weeks) • Feb 4 Garage Sale (3 weeks) • March 12 Staff Moves into Offices (8 weeks) • March 18 Last Sunday at FCC (9 weeks) • March 19-22 Work Week • March 24 Open House • March 25 & April 1 One Service (10 weeks) • April 8 Easter Sunday Two Services • April 15 Adult Small Groups Begin

  27. Question and Answer

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