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BIODIVERSITY. DEFINITION : The wide range of variations among the living organisms of the world is termed as Biodiversity. STEPS : 1.Diversity in ecosystem. 2. Diversity within species. 3. Diversity between species. FACTORS OF BIODIVERSITY. Important factors are given below :

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  1. BIODIVERSITY • DEFINITION : The wide range of variations among the living organisms of the world is termed as Biodiversity. • STEPS : • 1.Diversity in ecosystem. • 2. Diversity within species. • 3. Diversity between species.

  2. FACTORS OF BIODIVERSITY • Important factors are given below : • 1. Climate. • 2. Area and Territory. • 3. Geographical condition of the earth. • IMPORTANCE. • 1. Ecosystem. • 2. Economic importance. • 3. Ecological balance.

  3. CAUSES OF LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY • NATURAL CAUSES. • 1. Prolong draught. • 2. Irregular / Less rainfall. • 3. High rainfall. • 4. Flood. • 5. Earth quake. • 6. Forest fire .

  4. MAN MADE CAUSES. • 1. Deforestation. • 2. Filling up of marsh /wet lands. • 3. Introduction of hybreed. • 4. Lack of knowledge about the • importance of biodiversity. • 5. Hunting. • 6. Using of chemicals as fertilizer and • pesticide. • 7. construction of dams.

  5. IMPORTANCE OF CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY • MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION • 1. Restoration of habitats. • 2. Establishment of Parks / Zoos / Sanctua ries. • 3. Use of lands. • 4. To stop filling of low / marshy / wet lands. • 5. Forestation. • 6. Dredging of rivers. • 7. Fishing. • 8. Hunting

  6. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS • PHYLUM : SARCOMASTIGOPHORA • 1. Pseudopodia / Flagella + • 2. Nuclei monomorphic. • 3. Reproduction -Sexually / Asexually. • 4 No spore formation.

  7. CLASS : PHYTOMASTIGOPHORA • CHARACTERS ; • 1. Chlorophyl + • 2. Autotrophic in nature. • 3. No. of flagella 1 / 2 . • EXAM : 1. Euglena viridis. • 2. Volvox xobator.

  8. CLASS : ZOOMASTIGOPHORA • CHARACTERS . • 1. No chlorophyl. • 2. Flagella more than one. • 3. Mostly parasitic. • EXAM. • 1. Giardia intestinalis. • 2. Trypanosoma gambiense.

  9. CLASS: OPALINATA. • 1. Cilia arranged in oblique rows on the surface of the whole body. • EXAM. 1. Opalina ranarum. • CLASS : LOBOSA. • 1. Blunt pseudopodia / Thread like rhizoids + • 2. No axial filament. • 3. Free living / parasitic. • EXAM : 1. Amoeba proteus. 2. E. histolytica.

  10. CLAS S: HELIOZOA. • 1. Pseudopodia axopod type. • 2. Axial filament + • 3. Body is covered with test • EXAM : 1. Actinophrys sol.

  11. PHYLUM : LABYRINTHOMORPHA • CHARACTERS: • 1. All are parasitic. • 2. Spindle shaped / roundish. • 3. Species form zoospore. • EXAM : 1. Labyrinthula.

  12. PHYLUM : APICOMPLEXA • CHARACTERS. • 1. Parasitic. • 2. Apical complex is present. • 3. No cilia. • 4. Reproduce by Syngamy. • EXAM : 1. Perkinsus Sp.

  13. xCLASS : PERKINSEA • 1. Sporozoite with flagella. • 2. No sexual reproduction. • EXAM : 1. Perkinsus sp. • CLASS : SPOROZOA> • 1. Sexual / Asexual reproduction + • 2. Oocysts are found. • EXAM : 1. P. vivax.

  14. PHYLUM : MIXOZOA • 1.Insect like appearance. • 2. Ciliated. • EXAM : 1. Rhopalura. • PHYLUM :MICROSPORA> • 1. Spores are present. • 2. Sporocyst may be present. • 3. Parasite in invertebrate. • EXAM : 1. Nosema.

  15. PHYLUM : ASCETOSPORA. • 1. Spores are unicellular / Multicellular. • 2. Spores are with one / more sporoplasms. • 3. Parasite both in invertebrate / vertebrate. • EXAM : 1. Haplosporidium.

  16. PHYLUM : CILIOPHORA • CHARACTERS : • 1. Cilia + • 2. Macro / Micro Nuclei + • 3. Pellicular alveoli + • CLASSES : • 1. Kineto pharage minophorea. • a) Oral cilia not distinct. • b) Cytosome apical or midventral. • EXAM : 1. Balantodium coli.

  17. CLASS : OLIGO HYMENOPHOREA • 1. Oral cilia distinct. • 2. Ventral cytosome • EXAM : 1. P. caudatum. • CLASS : POLYMENOPHOREA> • 1. Cilia + • 2. Uniform body . • EXAM : 1. Stentor coeruleus.

  18. PHYLUM : PORIFERA • CHARACTERS • 1. Pores “ ostia “ + on the body . • 2. Tissue formation + • 3. Difft types of cells + • 4. Spicules + • 5. No organ system • 6 . No mouth • 7. No digestive system. • 8. Fresh water / marine .

  19. CLASS- 1. CALCAREA. • 1. Calcarious spicules + • 2. Spicules are niddle / 3 / 4 rayed . • 3. 3 types canal system + • 4. All marine . • EXAM : 1. Sycon gelatinosum.

  20. CLASS : HEXACTINELLIDA • 1. Siliceous spicules + • 2. Spicules are 6 rayed. • 3. Body funnel shaped or cylindrical. • 4. Spicules are united and formed net. • 5. Syconoid / Leuconoid c system +. • 6. All are marine. • EXAM : 1. Hyalonema longissimum.

  21. CLASS : DEMOSPONGIAE. • 1. Silicous spicules + • 2. Spicules are 1 / 4 rayed • 3. Spicules are spongied. • 4. Leuconoid C. System + • 5. Body is coloured . • 6 . Marine / fresh water • EXAM : 1. Spongilla locustris

  22. PHYLUM : CNIDARIA • CHARACTERS. • 1. Diploblastic animal. • 2. Radially symmetry. • 3. Gastrovascular cavity + • 4. Cnidoblast cells are +. • 5. Mouth is encircled by tenyacles. • 6. Polyp and medusa + • Exam. 1. Hydra vulgaris.

  23. CLASS : HYDROZOA • 1. Body is covered with Perisarc. • 2. Both polyp and medusa are present. • 3. germ cells developed from ectoderm. • Exam : 1. Hydra vulgaris. 2. Obelia geniculata.

  24. CLASS : SCYPHOZOA • 1. Polyploid stage either absent or short. • 2. Medusa bell shaped. • 3. No velum. • 4. Germ layers developed from ectoderm. • All marine. • EXAM : 1.Aurelia aurita

  25. CLASS : ANTHOZOA • 1. Medusoid stage is absent. • 2. All polyps. • 3. Mouth is surrounded by tentacles. • EXAM . 1. Metridium senil. 2. Gorgonia verrucosa.

  26. PHYLUM: CTENOPHORA. • 1. Biradially symmetrical. • 2. No nematocyst. • 3. 8 radial hair comb + • 4. If tentacles + do not encircle the mouth. • 5. Free swimming and marine. • EXAM : 1. Hormiphora plumosa. 2. Ctenoplana sp.

  27. CLASS : TENTACULATA • 1. No of tentacles 2 . • EXAM : 1. Hormiphora. plumosa • CLASS : NUDA • 1. No tentacle. • EXAM : 1. Beroe sp.

  28. PHYLUM : PLATYHELMINTHES • CHARACTERS • 1. Acoelomate animal. • 2. Bilaterally symmetrical animal. • 3. 3 germinal layers + • 4. Alimentary canal + • 5. No anus. • 6. Flame cells acts as excretory organ. • 7. Mostly parasitic. • EXAM : 1. Taenia solium. 2. F. hepatica.

  29. CLASS : Terbellaria. • 1. Body is covered with thick cuticle. • 2. Sucker + • 3. No hook. • 4. More than one larval stage + • EXAM : 1. Dugesia tigrina.

  30. CLASS : CESTODA • 1. Body is tape or ribone like. • 2. 800-900 segments are + in the body. • 3. Scolex is + on the head. • 4. No alimentary canal. • 5. All are parasitic. • EXAM : 1. Taenia solium.

  31. CLASS : APHASMIDA • 1. No phasmid. • 2. Coelomocytes well developed. • 3. Mostly free living. • EXAM : 1. Trichinella spiralis. • CLASS : PHASMIDA • 1. Phasmids are + • 2. Coelomocytes are 4-6 . • 3. Mostly parasitic. • EXAM : 1.Ascaris lumbricoides

  32. PHYLUM : NEMATHELMINTHES • CHARACTERS. • 1. Long / round / unsegmented / cylindrical body. • 2. Alimentary canal complete. • 3. Cilia absent. • 4. Pseudocoelomate animal. • 5. Free living / Parasitic. • EXAM : 1. A. lumbricoides.

  33. PHYLUM : ANNELIDA • CHARACTERS. • 1.Body elongated , cylindrical, metamerically segmented . • 2. Coelomate animal. • 3. Excretory organ is nephridia. • EXAM : 1. P. posthuma.

  34. CLASS : POLYCHAETA. • 1. Head is distinct and with tentacles and • eyes. • 2. Locomotory organ is parapodia. • 3. No clitellum. • 4. Trocophore larva is + • 5. Mostly marine. • EXAM : 1. Neanthes limnicola.

  35. CLASS : OLIGOCHAETA • 1. Head is not distinct. • 2. Clitellum is + • 3. Setae is + • 4. No larval stage • EXAM : 1. Metaphire posthuma.

  36. CLASS : HIRUDINEA • 1.Head indistinct. • 2. Clitellum is distinct. • 3. No setae or parapodia. • 4. Sucker is + • EXAM : 1. Hirudo medicinalis.

  37. PHYLUM : ARTHROPODA • CHARACTERS • 1. Segmented body . • 2. Appendages jointed. • 3. Haemocoelate animal. • 4. Excretory organ is Malpighian tubules. • 5. Bilaterally symmetrical animal. • EXAM : 1. Apis indica.

  38. CLASS : INSECTA • 1. Body is divided in to 3 regions like • Head, Thorax,and Abdomen. • 2. Respiration by Trachea. • 3. Wings are 2 pairs. • 4. Legs are 3 pairs . • 5. No appendages in abdomen. • EXAM : 1. Apis indica .

  39. CLASS : CRUSTACEA • 1. Body is divided in to two regions like • ,Cephalothorax and abdomen. • 2. Cephalothorax is covered by Carapace • 3. Biramous appendages + • 4. Head appendages are Antenna, Maxilla and Mandible. • 5. Telson and Uropod + • EXAM : 1. Palaemon carcinus.

  40. CLASS : ARACHNIDA • 1. Body is divided in to 2 regions like Cephalothorax and Abdomen. • 2. Legs are 4 pairs . • 3. Respiration by Gills ,Trachea and Booklungs. • EXAM : 1. Limulus polyphemus.

  41. CLASS : MYRIAPODA • 1. Commonly known as Centipedes, Mellipeds. • 2. Body is long ,cylindrical and With • large number of segments. • 3. Each segment is with one pair of legs. • 4. Legs are uniramous. • EXAM : 1. Julus terrestris .

  42. PHYLUM : MOLLUSCA • CHARACTERS • 1. Soft bodied animal. • 2. Body is covered by hard shell /mantle. • 3. Unsegmented body. • 4. Muscular foot is + • 5. Terrestrial / Marine / Fresh water. • EXAM : 1. Pila globosa.

  43. CLASS : CAUDOFOVEATA • 1. Body worm like. • 2. No shell. • 3 . No head. • 4. No excretory organ. • 5. Calcareous scales + • 6. Sexes separate. • EXAM : 1. Chaetoderma nitidulum.

  44. CLASS : SOLENOGASTRES • 1.Body worm like. • 2. No head. • 3. No shell. • 4. No excretory organ. • 5. Harmaphrodite. • EXAM : 1. Neomenia carinata.

  45. CLASS : MONOPLACOPHORA • 1. Shell made up of single plate. • 2. Mantle cavity with 5 / 6 gills. • 3. Radula + • 4. 6 pairs nephridia + • 5. Sexes separate. • EXAM : 1. Neopilina galatheae.

  46. CLASS : POLYPLACOPHORA • 1. Shell made up of 8 plates. • 2. Dorsoventrally flattened body. • 3. Trochophore larva + • EXAM : 1, Chiton tuberlatus.

  47. CLASS : SCAPHOPODA • 1.Tubular shell opens at both ends. • 2. Foot conical. • 3. Mouth with radula and tentacles. • 4. Trochophore larva + • EXAM : 1.Dentalium verneda.

  48. CLASS : GASTROPODA • 1. Body is asymmetrical. • 2. Body is coiled shell of one olate. • 3. Head is well developed with radula. • 4. Foot is large and flat. • EXAM : 1.Pila globosa.

  49. CLASS : BIVALVIA • 1. Shell is of two lateral valves. • 2. Mantle two lobed. • 3. Head is reduced. • 4. Mouth with labial palps. • 5. No radula. • 6. Gills are plate like. • EXAM : 1. Lamellidens marginalis.

  50. CLASS : CEPHALOPODA • 1. Head is well developed. • 2. Shell reduced / remain inside / absent. • 3. Feet modified into siphon. • 3. Development Direct. • EXAM : 1. Octopus vulgaris.

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