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The Roman Empire: From Town to Empire

Explore the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, from its humble beginnings as a town to its status as a powerful empire. Learn about the geography, climate, social classes, soldiers, laws, and architecture of ancient Rome. Discover how Roman society thrived and ultimately faced challenges that led to its decline.

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The Roman Empire: From Town to Empire

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  1. The Roman Empire stretched for thousands of miles across Europe, Africa and Asia

  2. Before it became an empire, Rome started off as town, and then a city. Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus in 750 B.C. He fought his twin brother Remus for control of the new town. Who won?

  3. Where is Rome, anyway?

  4. The Roman climate is mild. • Over 75 degrees in the summer • Hot, dry summer days • Cool breeze comes from the west (sea) called the ponentino • Rainy season: spring and fall (33 in.)

  5. A hot, summer morning in Roma.

  6. A cool summer evening in Roma

  7. Today Rome is a modern city, filled with ancient structures.

  8. Geography • Rome is located 15 miles from the Tyrrhenian Sea • The city was built around seven hills • The Tiber River flows through the city • The soil is rich, good for crops • Great location, center of the Mediterranean .

  9. Tiber River

  10. Why was the Tiber River so important to the people of Rome?

  11. Ancient Rome in all its glory

  12. Was it safe to travel through the streets of ancient Rome at night?

  13. The wealthy class was known as the Patricians. These included senators, wealthy landowners and nobility

  14. The patricians lived in large homes in the city.

  15. The Patricians also owned large villas in the countryside

  16. The lower classes were known as the Plebeians (plebs). They were made up of farmers, soldiers, workers and commoners.They lived in crowded apartments.

  17. The lowest of all classes were the slaves. What does this image portray? What is going on?

  18. Lets not forget about the soldiers.They were a menacing force to be reckoned with on the battlefield

  19. A typical Roman soldier ready for battle.

  20. Only ones who could hold public office or vote. All citizens had duties to perform. Had to pay taxes. Males had to serve in army when needed. Romans were proud of to be citizens Roman Citizens

  21. Declare war Raise taxes Nominate public officials Influence meetings of the Senate. Leads religious festivals. Many Emperors abused their powers. Roman Emperors

  22. Roman Roads

  23. Roman Laws

  24. Traitors to Rome, and lawbreakers were severely punished. Which famous rock is this?

  25. If you said……. The Tarpeian Rock…you are correct!

  26. Engineering

  27. Roman Philosophy: Stoic • Focused on how their ideas could improve their own lives • Shouldn’t be concerned with possessions • Live a virtuous life • Act for the good of your city (civic duty)

  28. Traditional Roman religion was polytheistic (believed in many gods). Which Roman god is this?

  29. Roman Entertainment • Plays • Poetry • Chariot Races • Gladiator games : man vs. man , animal vs. animal, animal vs. man. Games were free, bread was given out • Gambling (games with dice)

  30. This is one place where all classes of Rome met.

  31. Romans loved their games, even if they were brutal? Are games today brutal?

  32. Rome eventually became Christian when an emperor converted.

  33. Not before hundreds of years of persecution

  34. Roman paintings

  35. Lifelike Realistic Marble durable Roman Statues

  36. Large and strong buildings Use of the arch. Columns and open spaces. Roman Architecture

  37. Vaulted ceilings Domes Roman Architecture

  38. By the 200’s though, Roman society had begun to weaken. Threats from both outside and inside the empire seemed likely to tear the empire apart. The Romans made great advances and created a great culture in their empire

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