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Celebrate With Us !

Celebrate With Us !. First Letters First Words First Sentences First Stories First Books First Grade!. Annalissa Kieskowski Lisa Lasinski Kelly Orr Dana Ziegler.

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Celebrate With Us !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Celebrate With Us! First Letters First Words First Sentences First Stories First Books First Grade! Annalissa Kieskowski Lisa Lasinski Kelly Orr Dana Ziegler

  2. Morning Meeting A perfect way to start our day!

  3. Reading Teachers • A Team of Teachers • Focusing on Your Child’s Needs • Committed to Strengthening Listening,Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills

  4. Dear First Grade Friend, • Please show me the cover of this book. • Touch the title and author of our story • Let’s walk through the pictures to see what our story is about. • Now we’re ready to read from left to right!

  5. Dear First Grade Friend, • Let’s stop and think. • Tell me what may happen next. • Let’s talk about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. • What have we learned from this story?

  6. Dear First Grade Friend, • Let’s build words! • Get your mouth ready to say the sound you hear. • What letter of the alphabet matches the sound you hear?

  7. When we ask you to spellfriendyou may use inventive spelling such as... • F • fr • frn • frd • fend or • fri • We’ll know what you want to say!

  8. Dear First Grader, • In September your writing may look like this... I can swim.

  9. In June your writing may look like this!

  10. Celebrate Writing! At home ~ your child is ready to use“best guess” spelling for: Thank you notes Grocery lists Signs for their room Birthday cards Friendly letters to family members, Santa, Tooth Fairy etc… Keeping journals Creating address books Making invitations and place cards for parties Scrapbooking

  11. Let’s Write Mini-Lesson: Teacher directed lesson talking about what they are going to focus on that day as writers. Kids practice in the meeting area before going to their seats for independent practice. Writing Time: The kids write independently at there seats trying to apply the new learning from the mini-lesson. During this time, the teacher conferences 1:1 with children extending the mini-lesson or catering instruction to individual students needs Sharing/wrap-up: We celebrate writing that incorporated the new skill of the day. We review what we will always try to do as writers and what we were proud of.

  12. The magic of 1st Grade is how we learn words

  13. Everyday MathematicsThe University of Chicago School Mathematics Project number writing calendar weather money telling time counting dominoes number grids patterns shapes coin exchanges temperature measurements addition facts subtraction facts tens-and-ones place value relation symbols area comparing weights graphing fractions polygons symmetry number stories odd-even numbers Help!

  14. Exploration, Journal Pages, Math Boxes, and Home Links Cooperative learning and discussions promote better listening & communication. Spiral learning: A student no longer learns an isolated concept to mastery and the moves on. The scope and sequence of the program provides many opportunities for learning over a longer period of time. Math is every where, every day!

  15. Sometimes we’ll work independently...

  16. Sometimes we’ll work cooperatively….

  17. Sometimes we’ll use computersto learn something new each day!

  18. Thank you for your visit.I’m thankful we are sharing this year together! Kids Are Special People

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