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Drug terms $200

Drug terms $200. Chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of pleasure in response to a variety of activities. Drug Terms Answer $200. Answer: Endorphins. Drug Terms $400.

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Drug terms $200

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  1. Drug terms $200 • Chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of pleasure in response to a variety of activities.

  2. Drug Terms Answer$200 • Answer: Endorphins

  3. Drug Terms $400 • A change in the body’s chemistry so that without the presence of substance (Drug), normal functioning begins to fail.

  4. Drug Terms Answer $400 • Answer: Physical Addiction

  5. Drug Terms$600 • The physical symptoms that occur when an addictive drug is cleared from the body.

  6. Drug Terms Answer$600 • Answer: Withdrawal

  7. Drug Terms$800 • Mental dependence on a drug, habit, or behavior.

  8. Drug terms Answer$800 • Answer: Psychological Addiction

  9. Drug Terms $1000 • The unpleasant feelings that occur when endorphins are lacking.

  10. Drug Terms$1000 • Answer:Dysohoria

  11. Alcohol Terms$200 • The active ingredient of alcoholic beverages.

  12. Alcohol Terms Answer$200 • Answer: Ethanol

  13. Alcohol Terms$400 • Consuming five or more drinks within a few hour’s time.

  14. Alcohol Terms Answer$400 • Answer: Binge Drinking

  15. Alcohol Terms$600 • This a test used to check the alcohol level in a person’s breath, which reflects the blood level of alcohol.

  16. Alcohol Terms Answer$600 • Answer: Breathalyzer Test

  17. Alcohol Terms$800 • An enabler who is a member if the family of, or has a close relationship with, a person addicted to a drug.

  18. Alcohol Terms Answer$800 • Answer: Codependent

  19. Alcohol Terms$1000 • A cluster of birth defects, including permanent mental and physical retardation and facial abnormalities seen in children born to mothers who abuse alcohol during pregnancy. .

  20. Alcohol Terms Answer$1000 • Answer: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

  21. Tobacco Terms $200 • The addictive drug present in tobacco.

  22. Tobacco Answer$200 • Answer: Nicotine

  23. Tobacco Terms $400 • Chemical present in tobacco.

  24. Tobacco Terms Answer$400 • Answer: Tars

  25. Tobacco Terms$600 • A drug whose abuse is likely to lead to abuse of other, more potent, and dangerous drugs.

  26. Tobacco Answer$600 • Answer: Gateway drug

  27. Tobacco Terms$800 • Burning tars release many of these which are cancer causing agents.

  28. Tobacco Answer$800 • Answer: Carcinogens

  29. Tobacco Terms$1000 • When a smoker inhales this deadly gas is formed which is formed during the burning of tobacco.

  30. Tobacco Terms Answer$1000 • Answer: Carbon Monoxide

  31. Miscellaneous$200 • The taking of a drug for its medically intended purpose, and in the appropriate amount, frequency, strength, and manner.

  32. Miscellaneous Answer$200 • Answer: Drug Use

  33. Miscellaneous$400 • The deliberate taking of drugs for anything other than its medical purpose.

  34. Miscellaneous Answer$400 • Answer: Drug Abuse

  35. Miscellaneous$600 • The taking of drug for its medically intended purpose but not in the appropriate amount, frequency, strength, or manner.

  36. Miscellaneous Answer$600 • Answer: Drug Misuse

  37. Miscellaneous$800 • A term made up, to describe their drug use, by people who claims their drug taking produces no harmful social or health effects.

  38. Miscellaneous Answer$800 • Answer: Recreational Drug Use

  39. Miscellaneous$1000 • DAILY DOUBLE!! The first step in the spiral that leads to physical addiction

  40. Miscellaneous Answer$1000 • Answer: Curiosity

  41. Myths & Facts$200 • This is the only cure for a hangover.

  42. Myths & Facts Answer$200 • Answer: Time

  43. Myths & Facts$400 • This syndrome is a loss of ambition and is a characteristic of long term marijuana abusers.

  44. Myths & Facts Answer$400 • Answer: Amotivational Syndrome

  45. Myths & Facts$600 • Adults who drink this amount of alcohol cause no physical harm to overall health.

  46. Myths & Facts Answer$600 • Answer: Moderation

  47. Myths & Facts$800 • This is the legal limit for a driver under the age of 21.

  48. Myths & Facts Answer$800 • Answer: 0

  49. Myths & Facts$1000 • The strongest of all the painkillers.

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