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CRCT Question

CRCT Question. Cold, dry air affecting the northern United States in winter comes from what kind of air mass? Continental tropical air masses Continental polar air m assess Maritime polar air masses Maritime tropical air masses. Project Work time

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  1. CRCT Question Cold, dry air affecting the northern United States in winter comes from what kind of air mass? Continental tropical air masses Continental polar air massess Maritime polar air masses Maritime tropical air masses

  2. Project Work time You have 20 minutes to get your project together!!!!!!

  3. Air Pressure

  4. Group Discussion • What effects air pressure? • How does air temperature effect the air pressure?

  5. Air Masses and Weather Fronts

  6. Air masses and fronts • Types of air masses (large body of air with similar properties) • Tropical – forms over the high latitudes / Polar – forms in low latitudes • Maritime – forms over water and are moist • Continental – forms over land and are dry. • This results in four main types • Maritime polar • Maritime tropical • Continental polar • Continental tropical • Air masses move because global winds move the air masses

  7. An air mass is a large (usually thousands of miles across) volume of air that has the same temperature and humidity. Air masses get their properties from spending days to weeks over the same part of the Earth Examples: over central Canada, the North Pole, the tropical Pacific Ocean. Describe what the air would be like in each of these places. Warm? Cold? Wet? Dry?

  8. If the air mass sits over the ocean for a while, it becomes humid (wet) and is called maritime. The air will have high humidity. If the air mass sits over land for a while, it becomes dry and is called continental. The air will have low humidity.

  9. If the air mass sits near the equator for a while, it becomes warm and is called tropical. If the air mass sits near the poles for a while, it becomes cold and is called polar.

  10. This means there are 4 combinations: What do you think they will be? Maritime tropical = wet & warm Continental tropical = dry & warm Maritime polar = wet & cold Continental polar = dry & cold Our weather constantly changes because different kinds of air masses are being pushed around the Earth.

  11. In the USA, the jet stream push air masses from west to east. Therefore our weather generally comes from the west toward Georgia.

  12. Weather fronts

  13. Front • Fronts occur where two air masses with different properties touch each other. • Four types of fronts • Cold Front • The air mass doing the pushing is cooler and more dense that the air mass it is pushing • Move quickly and can produce severe weather • After it moves through, clear skies, cooler temperatures • Warm Front • The air mass doing the pushing is warmer and less dense than the air mass it is pushing • Bring humid weather, sometimes rainy for several days • After it moves through, temperatures are warmer

  14. Stationary front • Two air masses next to each other. Neither mass is moving the other • Weather remains the same for several days Occluded front • Warm air mass is caught between two cold air masses

  15. A weather front is a “battle” between two different air masses that are touching.

  16. This means that a front is the boundary that separates different kinds of air masses. Imagine two water balloons that are filled with water of different temperatures. If you hold one in each hand and push them together, the places the balloons touch is theboundary between the two balloons. This would be the balloon “front.”

  17. . Notice the symbol for a cold front! Cold front Notice that the colder (blue) air is pushing the other air out of the way. It is “winning the pushing battle.”

  18. Notice the kinds of clouds at a cold front.

  19. Cold front facts to know: 1. Moves quickly • 2. Rapid “uplift” of air occurs due to the cold air lifting the warm air. 3. Produces cumulus first. 4. Often produces severe weather (tornadoes, hail, lightning). 5. Cooler, drier air follows.

  20. Cold front Drier, cooler air mass

  21. A warmer air mass is pushing into a cooler air mass. Because warm air is less dense, it gets pushed over the cooler air mass.

  22. Notice the kinds of clouds at a warm front.

  23. Facts to know about warm fronts! 1. Warm air moves over cold 2. Often begins with cirrus clouds followed by stratus. 3. Produces light to moderate rain. 4. After it passes, warmer weather.

  24. The weather remains the same until a force makes them move.

  25. Sometimes is you are observant, you can see the front!

  26. So what does the H and L mean on a weather map?

  27. H stands for a high pressure air mass L means low pressure.

  28. Kinds of weather maps.

  29. Isotherm map – these lines are isotherms Iso = equal therm = temperature

  30. Wind map – these lines are isobars Iso = equal bar = barometric pressure

  31. Doppler radar map of a hurricane crossing Florida. Doppler radar sends out microwaves that bounce back to a receiver according to how much precipitation gets in the way.

  32. Combination map used for TV and internet

  33. Another combination map – Can you read it?

  34. Questions ? ?

  35. Classwork ActivityDue Friday Choices • Brochure for the weather channel • Weather Skit Must Include: (10 Pts. Each) • Air masses (Maritime, continental, tropical and Polar) • Cloud Types (cumulous, stratus, and cirrus) • Cold Fronts • Warm Fronts • Stationary fronts • Pressure (high and low) • Temperature • Jet Stream • Weather Map • Occluded Front

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