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Blue Ribbon Education /Practice Partnership: From Informal to Sustainable

Blue Ribbon Education /Practice Partnership: From Informal to Sustainable . By: Elizabeth Bruno, MSN, Director, Organizational Development & Team Member Relations Patricia Kraft, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE Southeast Georgia Health System Distinguished Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences. Willingness

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Blue Ribbon Education /Practice Partnership: From Informal to Sustainable

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  1. Blue Ribbon Education /Practice Partnership: From Informal to Sustainable By: Elizabeth Bruno, MSN, Director, Organizational Development & Team Member Relations Patricia Kraft, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE Southeast Georgia Health System Distinguished Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences

  2. Willingness + A Meeting of the Minds + Serendipity = Success!

  3. A new Dean, A new-ish Vice President for Patient Care Services, And an old-but-charming Director of Organizational Development Meet . . .

  4. Find . . . A willingness on the part of the Dean to hear it all. . . • The Good • The Bad • The Ugly

  5. Which inspired . . . Reflection and truth telling about nursing in the Health System

  6. The Dean Listened and Asked: • From your perspective, what about our program works? • Where do we need to improve immediately? • Where do we need to improve over time? • How can we make your life easier? • How can we collaborate better?

  7. The Director Listened and Asked: • What part of this do we own? • How can we help? • What do we need to do to improve? • Where or in what way are we an obstacle?

  8. We realized . . . That the long-standing beliefs we had about one another might be incomplete if not erroneous.

  9. Thus was born . . . • The death of “us” and “them” • The birth of “we”

  10. At the college, the fruits of the new “we” included hard decisions and risk taking including . . . • Faculty Changes • Reorganization of duties within the college’s nursing department • Redesign of courses and programs

  11. Expansion of advisory board • Educational opportunities for Registered Nurses • Service Learning Initiatives

  12. At the Health System, fruits of the new “we” included . . . • A complete revamping of nursing orientation • Shared Electronic Medical Records • Enhanced clinical placements • Reconfiguration of the new graduate transition program

  13. Finally, three other concepts/behaviorswhich keep us moving in the right direction . . • Framing all questions with the patient as the center • Looking in the mirror • Speed dial communication

  14. Thank you Questions? Comments? ebruno@sghs.org pkraft@ccga.edu

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