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3 rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 9

3 rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 9. Syl-la-ble. Syllabication Main Idea Supporting Details. In lesson 5 we talked about syllables. Syllables are the parts or beats of words. Each syllable contains two or three sounds.

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3 rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 9

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  1. 3rd Grade Language Arts with Ms. Sheri Lesson 9 Syl-la-ble Syllabication Main Idea Supporting Details

  2. In lesson 5 we talked about syllables. Syllables are the parts or beats of words. Each syllable contains two or three sounds. Sometimes these three sounds are made with many letters because of magic e, blends, and dipthongs. sled wink

  3. An open syllable has a single vowel that is not followed by another letter. That vowel says its own name. A closed syllable has a single vowel that makes a short sound. The i in hi says his name but is short in hid. d hi hi

  4. I will show you how to break a word into syllables. banjo c v c c v banjo cl o băn/jō c v c / c v ban/jo c v c / c v

  5. cl o băn/jō c v c / c v This word is an example of the cvc/cv syllable pattern. It has a closed syllable followed by an open syllable.

  6. Another syllable pattern is cv/cvc. music c v c v c o cl mu/sic c v / c v c o cl mū/sĭc c v / c v c

  7. Here are a few words to practice breaking into syllables. humid product student o cl pro/duct cv cvc o cl stu/dent cv cvc o cl hū/mĭd cv cvc

  8. Let's try some more. combo blemish comic cl o com/bo cvc cv cl cl com/ic cvc vc cl cl blem/ish cvc vc

  9. Another syllable type is magic e like in these words. locate hopeful volume o m-e lo/cate cv cvc* o m-e vol/ume cvc vc* m-e cl hope/ful cvc* cvc

  10. Now let's do some three syllable words. bombastic excavate cl cl cl bom/bast/ic cvc cvc vc cl o m-e ex/ca/vate vc cv cvc*

  11. This is the end of the phonics lesson for today. You will practice what we learned with the Syllable Break worksheet. For extra practice you can play the Ramona forever syllable game.

  12. Main idea detail detail detail The main idea is like the bun of what you read holding all the details together. The details are tucked inside the main idea.

  13. Main Idea Supporting Details The main idea is mostly what the text is about. The supporting details give more information about the main idea.

  14. We will read some passages and find the main idea in each. Just click below. In nonfiction the main idea is in the topic sentence. Main Idea Passages

  15. Assignment: 1.Complete Syllable Break worksheet 2. Read and answer main idea questions for Squirrels 3.Read and answer main idea questions for DNA 4. Play Ramona Forever Syllable Game Good-bye

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