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Cancer Program Fewer Montanans experience late stage cancer. Fewer Montanans die of cancer.

Early Stage Cancer Detection Age and income eligible Montanans have access to breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. So that…. Metrics Quarterly number of women screened for breast and cervical cancers . Quarterly number of men and women screened for colorectal cancer .

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Cancer Program Fewer Montanans experience late stage cancer. Fewer Montanans die of cancer.

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  1. Early Stage Cancer Detection • Age and income eligible Montanans have access to breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. So that… • Metrics • Quarterly number of women screened for breast and cervical cancers. • Quarterly number of men and women screened for colorectal cancer. • Quarterly number of American Indian women screened for breast and cervical cancers. • Implement Evidence Based Practices (Work Sites) • Worksites implement cancer-friendly policies. So that… • Metrics • Yearly percent of employees utilizing screening benefits. • Quarterly number of insured Montanans who receive information on breast, cervical or colorectal cancer screenings • Number of new worksite wellness policies implemented • Monitor Cancer Burden • Populations are identified that are at an increased risk of developing cancer. • Cancer program resources are targeted for greatest impact. Cancer Program Logic Model Desired Outcomes and Metrics So that… • Metrics • Quarterly percent of program gaps identified by surveillance data that are addressed with program resources. • Implement Evidence Based Practices (Insurance) • Insured utilize cancer screening benefits. • Insurance companies offer breast, cervical and colorectal screenings at a 100% coverage rate. So that… • Cancer Program • Fewer Montanans experience late stage cancer. • Fewer Montanans die of cancer. • Communicate Cancer Burden • Montanans know what cancers can be screened for early detection. • Medical and public health partners are aware of cancer best practices. • Medical and public health professionals, and others, are knowledgeable about trends in cancer prevention, cancer incidence and cancer mortality. • Metrics • Biannual percent of Montanans who are up-to-date with colorectal cancer screening. Data source: BRFSS • Biannual percent of Montanans who are up-to-date with breast cancer screening. Data source: BRFSS • Biannual percent of Montanans who are up-to-date with cervical cancer screening . Data source: BRFSS • Metrics • Quarterly number of client reminder systems implemented • Quarterly number of small media campaigns implemented. • Percent of annual increase in colorectal cancer screening utilization rates from insurance organizations. • Percent of annual increase in breast and cervical cancer screening utilization rates from insurance organizations. So that… • Metrics • Quarterly percent of program staff meetings that use surveillance data for decision making • Implement Evidence Based Practices (Medical) • Medical providers follow recommended guidelines. • Medical providers take every opportunity to offer screening to eligible patients. So that… • Maintain Cancer Data Systems • Complete and quality cancer data are readily available. So that… • Metrics • Annual number of formal agreements with patient navigation centers at CoC-accredited cancer centers and Montana CHCs. • Annual percent increase in CRC screenings at each clinic that implemented the Toolbox. • Metrics • Annually achieve NAACCR Gold Certification for data quality, completeness, and timeliness. • Annual percent of breast and cervical screening data (MDE data) that meet all 11 core performance indicators. Last Updated: June 29, 2012

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