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Learn about the interfaces and features in MOM that are relevant to troubleshooting result reporting. Gain knowledge on HL7 and XML formats.
Trouble-shooting with MOM Describe the Interfaces and features in MOM pertinent to trouble-shooting result reporting
Background Knowledge HL7 and XML formats Previous introduction to the MOM user interface and the Messages tab Familiar with the basic interaction between SCC and external applications
What does ESB/MOM Messages replace? Flashback to the “resrep” trace
Presentation Description • Describe the ESB architecture and the content of the MOM user interface Messages screen • Describe the Result Reporting processes that are the destinations for the TEST_RELEASED event. • Search basics for four issues: • routing based on attributes • result content • Formatting • event status
Overview of ESB/MOM Message Flow – MOM is a Message Router
TEST_RELEASED event routing • The presentation example event is the TEST_RELEASED event, when a result in LAB/MIC/BB is verified or a Gene test is signed out. • Diagram shows the MOM process steps: • Parent event TEST_RELEASED with Source Application (e.g. LAB) • MOM to Destinations, e.g. RDC Result Data Collector • Destinations status response to MOM • Child event TEST_RELEASED based on payload from destination and routing configuration, e.g. RR interface • Note: routing for events “*_RESEND and TEST_CALLED” involve the same RR components
MOM view of TEST_RELEASED routing Viewing the same data flow in MOM Messages tab
TEST_RELEASED routing configuration How is MOM Routing Configured? Setup Mappings
TEST_RELEASED event’s Sources and Destinations – Integration
TEST_RELEASED event’s Destinations • Destination “WS.ESB.RES.COLLECTOR” • Nomenclature: unchanged from system to system • <WS or DB><SCC.LAB or ESB><IN or INT or OUT><SERVICE> • always mapped in MOM from the base “CMN_SIN_RDC” interface in SoftDMI • When conversing, often shortened to “RDC” • Other Collectors CMN_SIN_{PDC},_{VDC},_{XDC} • Pulls all data regarding the ordered test into a “canonical” format • Patient data • Order data • Specimen data • Result data • Discrete for LAB/MIC/BB/GIS technologies • Textual for GIS technologies only
TEST_RELEASED event’s Destinations • Destination “WS.ESB.RES.COLLECTOR” • Canonical after XML re-formatting: canonical is easiest to view with the XML link provided with the Child TEST_RELEASED event
TEST_RELEASED event’s Destinations • Destination “WS.{HIS}.OUT.HIS.RR” • Result Reporting to external system • Nomenclature: substitute HIS acronym in place of {HIS} • Configured based on Specifications from a model in SoftDMI, then mapped in MOM to the same name • When conversing, often shortened to “RR” interface • Specification Rules and Content applied here • Does test qualify to be sent to this HIS? • Output-specific rules, e.g. • Cancelled observation format • Inclusion of comments or placement of comments • Create Lab/Mic/BB display segments • Re-format to HL7 • Translation Services for HIS coded elements • Pull genindex information, e.g. HIS Placer number
TEST_RELEASED event’s Destinations • Destination “WS.{HIS}.OUT.HIS.RR” • Configuration for all components is in SoftDMI
TEST_RELEASED event’s Destinations • Destination “WS.SCC.ESB.INT.IRR.LAB” • Result Reporting update from Gene Suite to Lab • Nomenclature: unchanged from system to system • always mapped in MOM from the base “SCC_INT_LAB_IRR” interface in SoftDMI • What does this do? • Post status to any matching components • Updates • Status: FINAL, CANCELED, PENDING/PRELIMINARY • Component result value • “See” or “InProcess” or “Final” or “Cancelled” {technology} • Verification (Sign out) TS when status FINAL/CANCELED • Verified by (Sign out user ID) when status FINAL/CANCELED • Observation TS and Observer Tech ID updated for any status (Result type only) • Note that updates by this interface are triggered by other events, e.g. REPORT_REACTIVATED
Result Reporting processes - Other • ESB Communication interfaces– SCC is transitioning to ESB-based • Nomenclature “SCC.OUT.{HIS}.FRM.SND” • Configured based on Specifications from a template in SoftDMI, then mapped in MOM to the same name • Often referred to as “SND” • Required for • Stand-alone Gene implementations • Outputs with an embedded PDF
Result Reporting processes – Other • Other exceptional processes may be defined • E.g. CCHS example which checks final status of the entire order before composing the result message
Problem Topics First, mention search capabilities in the Messages view Second, discuss four categories of reporting issues that might come up: • Routing based on message data • Data Content • Data formatting • Message processing status
First, Search Features Search criteria
1. Routing based on Attribute Issue: Message not sent Routing based on Attributes is done both by MOM and the Destinations: • MOM: Check the Green two-headed icon • Destinations: determine if the record qualifies to be processed:
1. Routing based on Attribute Routing based on Attributes is done both by MOM and the Destinations: • MOM: Check the Green two-headed icon • Destinations: determine if the record qualifies to be processed:
1. Routing based on Attribute Use the following features to quickly find attributes
2. Result Content Problems Issue: missing component result or improper discrete data Two places in MOM messaging to check: • Details returned by RR interface • XML from the Child event (Data Collector info)
2. Result Content Problems Two places in MOM messaging to check: • Details returned by RR interface • XML from the Child event (Data Collector info) The XML provides additional flagging information
2. Result Content Problems • With experience you will find search criteria that will pinpoint the message that contains appropriate feedback. • With content-type problems, I use search criteria that are specific to the order, the TEST_RELEASED event, the destination, and choose Child message only
2. Result Content Problems • Second Example: No URL sent with discrete result • If no useful information in the Details section, check the XML from the Data Collector.
2. Result Content Problem • Example: No URL sent with discrete result • In this case, you find the clue:
2. Result Content Problem • Translation Service issues • Test codes • Field Mappings • Some Translation Service warnings are printed in the Details section. To see all in the trace, open the *.RR trace and select the Translation record:
2. Result Content Problem • Canceled Test results conversion by the *.RR interface: • “.XYZ” results may not be configured to be sent • Check the Details or the before (XML) & after (HL7) • Configuration is in DMI for this functionality under the Miscellaneous section.
3. Result Format Problems Issue: text wrapping incorrectly Which process creates the display formatting depends on the application: • Gene Suite display text is an ascii version of the actual report and is collected by the RES_COLLECTOR (RDC). • Look for the DSP sections in the XML of the child message
3. Result Format Problems Change from legacy Result Reporting • MIC display text is formatted now by the ESB *.RR interface. With legacy RR, this was performed by a MIC process and provided to the legacy RR. • BB display text is also formatted now by the ESB *.RR interface. • Go to the HL7 (Green flag) or the Destination trace to see the DSP as the XML will not have the DSP
3. Result Format Problems For the programmers out there, viewing the Style Sheets • You can view the style-sheets for the display text build if you want...
4. Result Status Problems Issue: result not sent Message life cycle in terms of the status: when an eventmessage is sent to MOM such as a TEST_RELEASED event: -MOM will give it an initial SENDstatus. -Once the message is sent to the Destinations, a PENDINGstatus is assigned. HAPPY DAY SCENARIOS -If the message is processed without error a DELIVEREDstatus is assigned. -If the message has no appropriate mapping it is placed in a UNDELIVERABLEstatus NOT SO HAPPY DAY SCENARIOS -If there is a problem that requires MOM to automatically re-send, then the status of WAITis assigned. -But if there is a unavoidable problem or the re-send limit is exhausted, then the message is placed in a HOLDstatus and must be handled manually, either Canceled or Manually sent.
4. Result Status Problems First, know the possible Destination statuses returned to MOM: • OK OK • DATA_ERROR HOLD status, required intervention • TRANSPORT ERROR WAIT may be temporary, then HOLD • WAIT_FOR_ACK OK, until it isn’t • UNDELIVERABLE OK, but not for RR (error in configuration) • SKIPPED = MOM skipped this destination OK • SKIPPED_BY_DEST = Destination skipped further processing OK • SKIP_FAILED Warning, check Details, may be setup issue • RESOURCE_BUSY = Temporary application problem, e.g. locked record WAIT may be temporary, then HOLD • TIMEOUT_ERROR WAIT may be temporary, then HOLD
4. Result Status Problems - HOLD MOM will place a message in HOLD status when it receives the following Destination Result codes: • DATA ERROR (Missing HIS#, SOAP Fault) • Re-sending attempts reaches the max for TRANSPORT ERROR, RESOURCE BUSY, and TIMEOUT ERROR statuses. • HOLD status should be referred to SCC to investigate – these go to the Problem List
SUMMARY • ESB-MOM is an architecture for integrating all applications, both internal and external • MOM user interface provides a view that reflects the message-oriented design • Four key interfaces were reviewed: RDC, HIS.RR, IRR.LAB, and SND • The trace information is stored in a database. Given a reasonable knowledge and experience with using the Messages screen in MOM, this view should provide an easy and quick utility for investigating resulting issues