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TLSR Bidders’ Conference

TLSR Bidders’ Conference. RFP # K1148. Washington State Department of Revenue September 9, 2014 2:00 – 5:00 PM. Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions. Agenda. Introductions Protocols for Bidders’ Conference

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TLSR Bidders’ Conference

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  1. TLSR Bidders’ Conference RFP # K1148 Washington State Department of Revenue September 9, 2014 2:00 – 5:00 PM Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Protocols for Bidders’ Conference • Background, Purpose, and Scope of the Tax and Licensing Systems Replacement (TLSR) • Recap of Proposal Contents • Key Dates • Vendor Questions Related to the RFP

  3. Introductions • Kit Bail, Project Director • Gil Dean, Project Manager • Mark Lyon, Assistant Attorney General • David Sorrell, CIO • Chris Waite, RFP Coordinator • Dennis Gallitano, Special Assistant Attorney General

  4. Housekeeping Items • Housekeeping Announcements • Emergency exits • Restrooms • Breaks will be provided, as needed • Other Notes: • Please place your mobile devices on silent or vibrate mode; take or place calls outside

  5. Protocols for Bidders’ Conference Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  6. Protocols for Today’s Conference • Vendors must sign the Vendor Registration Form • WebEx participants will be muted until the vendor comments and questions period at the end of each section • When speaking, please identify yourself and the company you represent • WebEx participants, mute your phones unless asking a question

  7. Protocols for Today’s Conference • The materials presented in the Bidders’ Conference provide summaries of key provisions of the RFP and the Bidders’ Conference materials do not alter or change the RFP requirements. Bidders must review the applicable section of the RFP for the complete statement on the requirements for this RFP • Nothing said or discussed during this conference will modify, add to, alter or in any other way qualify or amend the published procurement documents

  8. Protocols for Today’s Conference • AS A REMINDER • All communications concerning the TLSR RFP must be directed only to Chris Waite, the RFP Coordinator. • Any communication directed to DOR staff, or its consultants, other than the RFP Coordinator may result in disqualification. • Any oral communications by DOR will be considered unofficial and non-binding. • Official responses to written questions will be posted as RFP addenda. Bidders should rely only on written statements issued by the RFP Coordinator.

  9. Background, Purpose, and Scope of TLSR Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  10. Business Case • DOR plays a pivotal role in the state’s economic vitality and business climate. • Systems used to collect taxes and license businesses are severely outdated. • Systems are incapable of supporting today’s expectations by businesses and government partners that count on DOR’s services. • This project presents DOR with the opportunity to both modernize the technology and to improve the taxpayer and employee user experience. • Looking to consolidate systems, make it easier for businesses to register and comply with their business licensing and tax obligations.

  11. Procurement Purpose • Replace the legacy systems used to administer the state’s excise tax collection, accounting, distribution, and business licensing programs. • Acquire and implement configurable commercial-off-the-shelf system(s) developed in modern technologies and architecture to replace the legacy systems. • Includes the acquisition of implementation services • Form a partnership with the Apparent Successful Bidder (ASB) to work collaboratively to complete the TLSR Project and support and maintain the TLSR Solution on a going-forward basis.

  12. Project Scope…Attachment 2 of RFP • Due to the size and complexity of the TLSR Project, the scope is defined in terms of: • TLSR Solution Procurement and Implementation • Tax Types • Systems Being Replaced, including the necessary interfaces to other systems • Work Efforts, to prepare the people and systems to use the new systems, including business process re-engineering

  13. Recap of Proposal Content Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  14. RFP Redesign • Notable Changes • Clarified our mission, goals, and objectives for the project • Requires system integrator to be the Prime Bidder, which can be a solution provider • Both the Tax and Business Licensing solution must be market-proven COTS solutions • Bidders propose their preferred implementation approach • SOW, Project Plan, and Joint Resource Plan will be developed in the Implementation Planning Study (IPS) workshops • Removed Functional Requirements

  15. Minimum Qualifications • The Bidder, the Third Party Solution Provider(s), and other Subcontractors are licensed to do business in the state of Washington or provide a commitment to become licensed in Washington State within thirty (30) calendar days of being selected as the Apparent Successful Bidder (ASB). • The proposed Business Licensing Solution is a commercially-available licensed software solution currently in use at a state agency, county, or city. • The proposed Tax Solution is a commercially-available licensed software solution currently in use at a government tax agency.

  16. Minimum Qualifications • If the Bidder engages Subcontractors, the Bidder must take full responsibility and accountability for the performance of all Subcontractors. • The Bidder must have a minimum of five (5) years experience as a system integrator – implementing software similar in size and scope to the system requirements as described throughout this RFP. • The integration of the TLSR Solution must provide the external user (taxpayer/business) with a consolidated view of the users account status and information.

  17. Minimum Qualifications • The Tax Solution must provide configurable features, business rules management, workflow, and document management. • The Business Licensing Solution must provide configurable features, business rules management, workflow, and document management.

  18. Minimum Qualifications • All Vendor staff assigned work on the project will sign the DOR Secrecy Clause Affidavit in front of a notary. See Attachment 9, Security Clause Affidavit. • All Vendor staff assigned work on the project are subject to a background check conducted by the Washington State Patrol, which requires assigned staff to provide their Social Security Number. Failure to meet one or more Minimum Qualifications will result in disqualification.

  19. Certification and Proposal Response Forms • Response Form 1, Proposal Checklist, intended to assist Bidders develop and submit a quality Proposal • No Modifications to Certification or Response Forms • Any changes will result in disqualification • Bidders may not reserve any rights to change the underlying certifications or assurances

  20. Certification and Proposal Response Forms • Not asking for the same information on multiple forms • Response Form 9, Other Subcontractor Experience and History Bidder Form • Not needed for Third Party Solution Providers (See Response Form 8: Third Party Solution Provider Bidder Experience and History Bidder Response Form) • Response Form 11, Bidder Profile Bidder Form • Bidders must include answers to the questions for all Third Party Solution Providers and other Subcontractors

  21. Cost Proposal • Bidders to provide a fixed fee price for the TLSR Project • Bidders should not submit a fixed fee based on a fixed time period, as DOR will only accept pricing Proposals based on a fixed fee for fixed scope basis • Fixed fee for fixed time Proposals and/or any other time-qualified Proposals will be considered non-responsive • Cost Proposals must be submitted using the spreadsheets provided in Response Form 15, Appendix B to Cost Proposal • Bidders need to return the spreadsheets in a non-copy protected format, and not as a PDF file or any other type of document

  22. Issues List • Bidders must complete and include Response Form 16, Issues List • If Bidder does not identify specific concerns with a particular term or condition in such Issues List, the term or condition will be deemed accepted by Bidder and DOR will not negotiate further changes to such accepted or non-commented-on terms or conditions • DOR reserves the right to discuss the Issues List submission with the Bidders starting in Stage 2 and any time thereafter, and to have the Bidders clarify, revise, and resubmit a revised Issues List

  23. Issues List • Bidders must identify issues, concerns, exceptions, or objections to any of the terms or conditions • An Issues List must be provided for the System Integrator Agreement, TLSR Project Agreement and Exhibits, TLSR License and Support Agreement, and TLSR Ordering Document and Exhibits • Bidder should work with the applicable Third Party Solution Provider(s) to complete the Issues List for the TLSR License and Support Agreement (one set per Third Party Solution Provider), and TLSR Ordering Document and Exhibits • Bidders will need to submit the Issues List on behalf of their Third Party Solution Providers and other Subcontractors

  24. Staged Evaluation Approach Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  25. 5-stage approach • Evaluation and scoring for each stage determines participation in future stages

  26. Stage 1

  27. Stage 2

  28. Stage 3 • Key personnel must participate • Demonstrations need to follow “Demonstration Materials” (Attachment 8, Demonstration Materials) • DOR will electronically capture the demonstration sessions and attach them to the contract

  29. Non-Generally Available (GA) Supported Requirements and Demonstration Plan and Schedule • Must be submitted three (3) Business Days prior to demonstration • If demonstrated by the GA solution, then no entry in the Demonstration Materials is required • DOR will meet with the Bidder’s demonstration team one (1) Business Day before the demonstration to review

  30. Reference Checks • Bidder customer on-site reference checks at DOR’s discretion, prior to the product demonstrations • Timeframe December 1 – December 18, 2014 • Bidder must facilitate an introduction of DOR’s reference check facilitator to the references • Bidder must facilitate the scheduling of and site visit and/or obtaining a guest log-in • DOR will check Bidder’s key personnel references

  31. Stage 4

  32. Implementation Planning Study Workshops • Develop and finalize key project documents: • TLSR Statement of Work; • TLSR Project Plan; • TLSR Joint Resource Plan; and • Other supporting schedules and attachments

  33. Stage 5

  34. Contract Negotiations • Negotiate contract and project document terms and conditions with Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder • Right to request improvements to price or any components of the Bidder’s Proposal • Negotiations cannot make substantial changes to scope of work or material requirements set out in the RFP

  35. Contract Award • DOR will require that Bidder sign contract as a final written offer • DOR reserves the right to award the contract to the Bidder whose proposal is deemed to be in the best interest of DOR and the State, hence, DOR may choose to not award to the highest-scoring or lowest-cost proposal • DOR will execute a contract with one Bidder once approved by authorities in the State

  36. Key Dates Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  37. Procurement Schedule See RFP Section 2, Procurement Schedule for the full list of activities and dates

  38. Procurement Schedule See RFP Section 2, Procurement Schedule for the full list of activities and dates

  39. 15 Minute Break Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  40. Questions and Answers Transforming Revenue’s Future through collaborative efforts, improved processes, and proven technology solutions.

  41. Vendor Q&A • Verbal responses to questions are unofficial • Official responses to written questions to be posted on WEBS as RFP addenda • When asking a question, please identify your name & company • WebEx participants, mute your phones unless asking a question • For questions that we do not get to today, submit via email to the RFP Coordinator at: DORTLSRProject@dor.wa.gov By Monday, September 29, 2014; 5:00 PM

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