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Departmental Training

Departmental Training. October 16, 2014. Overview of the Timetabling Process. Carleton University has two separate timetabling cycles: Summer and Fall Winter. The Timetabling Team validates and cleans the data entered by DTCs, builds the timetable and uploads it to Banner.

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Departmental Training

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  1. Departmental Training October 16, 2014

  2. Overview of the Timetabling Process Carleton University has two separate timetabling cycles: Summer and Fall Winter. The Timetabling Team validates and cleans the data entered by DTCs, builds the timetable and uploads it to Banner DTCs review the preliminary timetable and submit changes before the timetable is released to students in Carleton Central DTCs submit timetabling changes, when necessary Departmental Timetabling Coordinators (DTCs) enter course information and instructor assignments info into the DCU

  3. Overview of the Timetabling Process Summer 2015 Timetable:

  4. Overview of the Timetabling Process Fall 2015/Winter 2016 Timetable: • DCU opens: December 2nd, 2014 • DCU closed: February 2nd, 2015 • Timetable is available in Banner: May 2nd,2015 • Timetable is available in Carleton Central: May 25th, 2015

  5. Before the DCU is open for data entry • Obtain course information and instructor assignments from your Chair • Contact instructors regarding their availability to teach in the term • (Fall/Winter terms only!) Work on your course combinations (they are posted on the shared drive in early October).

  6. Submitting Change Requests (after the DCU is Closed) Once the DCU is closed, all changes to the timetable are to be submitted through two Banner forms: SZACHRQ and SZCHRU.

  7. SZACHRU Form SZACHRUis a new form designed to submit requests of the following types: • Requests to create a new section of a course • Requests to make changes to sections created in DCU (after the DCU is closed but before the timetable is uploaded to Banner)

  8. SZACHRU Form To create a new section of a course or to make a change to a section created in the DCU, enter the term, subject and section letter and perform “next block.” Enter the request details into the Department comments box and save. When the request is processed by the Timetabling team, you will receive an automatic email.

  9. SZACHRQ Form Once the timetable is uploaded to Banner, use the SZACHRQ form to submit a change request for a course section with a CRN.

  10. SCH_DZACHRQ_DEPT report SCH_DZACHRQ_DEPT report displays requests submitted through SZACHRU and SZACHRQ.

  11. How to Cancel a Course Section • Run the class list and inform the registered students about the courses cancellation prior to submitting the request. • Set the maximum enrolment to 0 to prevent further registration. • Submit a request through SZACHRQ

  12. What you may do in SSASECT • Change the course title (special topics ONLY) • Change credit and billing hours info (if no students have registered yet) • Change Gradability and Web Availability • Change grade mode (if no students have registered yet) • Change max enrollment so that it does not exceed the size of the current room • Change links • You may create a section of an unscheduled course in SSASECT on your own, without letting us know, however, please note that the section will not be in the DCU for the next timetabling cycle.

  13. What you may NOT do in SSASECT (submit a request instead) • Assign an instructor (even to an unscheduled course) • Make a course inactive (even if the course is unscheduled) • Create a new section of a course (if the course requires time and room). • Increase max enrollment so that it exceeds the size of the current room • Change the time or room of a course (even if the room is departmental) • Change credit and billing value, or grade mode if the course has registrants

  14. Prerequisites Prerequisites are stored at both the course and the section levels in Banner. When the timetable is built and uploaded to Banner, course sections will ”inherit” prerequisites stored at the course level.

  15. Prerequisites • Prerequisites are not part of DCU. • It is important that you review your prerequisites in Banner before the first upload(late December for Summer courses; early May for Fall/Winter courses) to make sure that the course sections inherit the right prerequisites. • To review prerequisites stored at the course level, run the new report SCH_COURSE_LEVEL_PREREQ.

  16. Prerequisites If you wish to modify prerequisites for a course, go to SCAPREQ. Enter the Subject, Course number and the term 201520 (for Summer 2015 courses), perform Next Block and click on the Course Prerequisites Restrictions tab. Click on the Maintenance button and select Copy Restriction; then make the changes and save. .

  17. Prerequisites After the first upload, any changes to prerequisites should be done at both levels (in SCAPREQ and SSAPREQ). At that point, changes made at the course level will not be passed to the section level and vice versa.

  18. Prerequisites Note that Level and Minimum grade fields are mandatory for Carleton courses. If a minimum grade is not entered, a student with a grade of WDN, DEF, ABS or F will be able to register in the course.

  19. Cross-Listed Courses • Cross-listed courses (a.k.a cross-referenced or same-as) are courses that are listed under two or more subject codes offered by one or more academic departments. They are taught at the same time in the same room by one instructor. • If you need to cross-list a number of courses when the DCU is closed, submit a request through the SZACHRQ form, including combined max enrollment and how these spaces will be allocated between the sections.

  20. Cross-Listed Courses Option A. There are restrictions on how many students can register in the individual course sections of the group. If so, the enrolment for each course section should be set in SSASECT to the number of spaces allocated to that section, with the totals for the various sections adding up to the maximum total for the group. Option A will require ongoing monitoring by the host department and possible adjustment of enrolment limits to match actual demand from students attempting to register in each course section.

  21. Cross-Listed Courses Option B. There are no restrictions on enrolment in the individual course sections. In this case, the enrolment for each course section should be set in SSASECT to the maximum for the group. Using Option B, the Host Department may decide to allow the spaces to go to the first 50 students registering in either LALS 3002 A or ANTH 3002 A. The Host Department then sets the enrolment for LALS 3002 A to 50 in SSASECT and directs the non-host department to set the enrolment for ANTH 3002 A to 50 in SSASECT.

  22. Special Topics Special topics courses have a generic title in the courses catalog, e.g. “Special topics in Economics.” A special topic title rolls over from the previous year in the DCU. You cannot change the generic title in the DCU, however once the timetable is uploaded to Banner you should enter the title in SSASECT for each section where the topic differs.  There is no need to inform the timetabling team about the change. As soon as the change is made in SSASECT it will be reflected in Carleton Central.

  23. Special Topics There is no need to inform the timetabling team about the change. As soon as the change is made in SSASECT it will be reflected in Carleton Central. If the title is not entered prior to the assignment of grades in Banner, only the generic ‘Special Topics' title will show on the transcript with the final grade. The specific title of the topic will only appear on the transcript if it is entered in Banner before the course is graded.

  24. Special Topics We have modified the SCH_INTERNAL_XLS report by adding the SSASECT_TITLE column. The CATALOG_TITLE column displays the catalog courses title; e.g. “Special Subjects in History” while the SSASECT_TITLE column displays the title from SSASECT. Please run the SCH_INTERNAL_XLS report and make sure that the special topic titles in the SSASECT_TITLE column are up to date.

  25. Scheduling reports: SCH_INTERNAL/ SCH_INTERNAL_XLS Class Schedule in PDF or Excel format

  26. Scheduling reports: SCH_CHECK • Detailed class schedule information displayed in PDF format for one or more terms. Displays reserved seating, restrictions and waitlist information.

  27. Scheduling reports: SCH_REG_TIMESLOT_CLASS • Use the reports when you need to find a timeslot to move a course section with registered students • The report goes through each student’s registration (including CUOL courses) and outputs the result in a grid (see below). Each cell contains the number of students registered in the timeslot.

  28. Scheduling reports: SCH_REG_TIMESLOT Use this report when you need to • find a time for students in a selected population (e.g. students that belong to a department) to have a meeting • schedule TA hours

  29. Scheduling reports: SCH_CRN_CHANGED Use the report to identify timetabling changes (e.g. room, time or instructor changes) that occurred in the selected period of time.

  30. Scheduling reports: SCH_SCHEDULE_CHECK The report displays timetabling errors (or potential errors) such as zero max enrollment, inappropriate credit or billing hours, cross-list max enrollment errors, gradable courses with no instructors, and possible missing links.

  31. SES Website and policies • SES Website: http://www.carleton.ca/ses/ • Timetabling documentation : http://carleton.ca/ses/timetabling/preparing-for-coordinated-timetable/departmental-timetabling-coordinators/ • Timetabling policies: http://www.carleton.ca/ses/timetabling/preparing-for-coordinated-timetable/ • Acceptable changes to Timetable: http://www.carleton.ca/ses/timetabling/revisions-to-scheduled-coordinated-timetable/

  32. DCU DCU is a web-based module that eases the collection of departmental scheduling information and ensures that departmental users are submitting information in a common, consistent and understandable format. Go to http://dcu.carleton.ca and login to DCU using you network login and password.

  33. DCU Emailtimetabling@carleton.caif • you have not been given access to all the departments under your administration • an active catalogue course is missing under Courses • a course that is no longer active in the catalogue is displayed under Courses • an active instructor is missing under Instructors • an instructor who is no longer active is listed under Instructors

  34. How to start • When you are ready to edit/enter course information for the 201520 timetabling cycle, run last Summer’s (201420) SCH_INTERNAL_XLS or SCH_INTERNAL report in Banner. • Mark the changes on a copy of the report

  35. DCU Support • Email: timetabling@carleton.ca • Julia Piatigorskaia: ext. 8877 • Phay Mui: ext. 8803 • Amy Resmer: ext. 3009 Documentation: http://carleton.ca/ses/timetabling/preparing-for-coordinated-timetable/departmental-timetabling-coordinators/

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