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OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM. The following power point training presentation must be viewed at unit training and/or under the supervision of an OSRT officer.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM The following power point training presentation must be viewed at unit training and/or under the supervision of an OSRT officer. Members viewing the presentation must sign an OSRT sign in sheet. The completed sign in sheet signed by an officer must be submitted to the OSRT planning (Training) Section to receive credit for the training.
  2. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM Medical Miranda Rights Revised 25Mar2014
  3. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM Reference: MRA 105.1 Para.E.2/1.3.f.xii Medical Awareness Training power point slide program prepared by Headquarters OSRT- 25Mar2014
  4. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM Problems occur when a person who has refused treatment and/or transport, later suffers harmful consequences after the medical personnel leaves.
  5. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM Some of the significant legal questions that arise are: Can it be determined what information the patient was given to make the decision to refuse treatment and/or transport? Did the patient have the capacity to make an informed decision? Did they fully understand the risks that they were taking by refusing treatment or transport? What options were given to the patient if they changed their mind?
  6. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM VFIS MEDICAL MIRANDA CARD A medical provider needs to consistently provide patients with their Rights prior, to allowing them to refuse treatment and/or transport. This process should place the medical provider in a more easily defendable legal position.
  7. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM “Blue” side of the card provides information on intended use. “Red” side of the card has the “Patient Refusal Rights and Information” that needs to read point-by-point to each patient refusing treatment and/or transport. Include a written reference on the OSRT form 14-2 (Comments section) and/or on the VFIS Patient Refusal form that the reading of the patient’s rights took place.
  9. OHIO SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM OSRT POLICY : We will follow the policy as set forth by VFIS Medical Miranda Patient’s Refusal Rights and Information. A member must have this briefing and be in possession of the VFIS Miranda Card and VFIS Refusal Form prior to rendering any kind or type of medical treatment.
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