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DAWN: A Novel Strategy for Detecting ASCII Worms in Networks

DAWN: A Novel Strategy for Detecting ASCII Worms in Networks. Parbati Kumar Manna Sanjay Ranka Shigang Chen Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida IEEE INFOCOM 08. Outline. Introduction ASCII Worm Detection Strategies Probabilistic Analysis

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DAWN: A Novel Strategy for Detecting ASCII Worms in Networks

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  1. DAWN: A Novel Strategy for Detecting ASCII Worms in Networks Parbati Kumar Manna Sanjay Ranka Shigang Chen Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida IEEE INFOCOM 08

  2. Outline • Introduction • ASCII Worm • Detection Strategies • Probabilistic Analysis • Implementation • Evaluation • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Almost any ASCII string translates into a syntactically correct sequence of instructions • The proportion of branch instructions for ASCII data is significantly higher than that of binary data • Prune the number of path to be inspected

  4. ASCII Worm • ASCII data: 0x20 ~ 0x7E • Maximal valid instruction sequence • LMVI: Length of Maximal Valid Instruction sequenece

  5. ASCII Worm • Intel opcodes in ASCII • Dual-operand register/memory manipulation • sub, xor, inc, imul • Single-operand register manipulation • inc, dec • Stack-manipulation • push, pop, popa • Jump • jo, jno, jb, jae, je, jne, jbe, ja, js, jns, jp, jnp, jnge, jnl, jng

  6. ASCII Worm • I/O operation • insb, insd, outsb, outsd • Miscellaneous • aaa, daa, das, bound, arpl • Operand and Segment override prefixes • cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss, a16, o16 • Move eax, ebx  push ebx pop eax

  7. ASCII Worm

  8. ASCII Worm • Both the decrypter and the encrypted payload should be ASCII • The size of the decrypter should be small • There should not be a significant size discrepancy between the encrypted payload and the cleartext

  9. Detection Strategies • Constraints of an ASCII Worm • Opcode Unavailability • Difficulty in Encryption • Control Flow Constraints • Self-mutation is a mandatory constraint • n bytes instructions  O(n) bytes decrypter

  10. Detection Strategies • Prevalence of Privileged Instructions • l, m, n, o  insb, insd, outsb, outsd • Illegal Memory Access • Uninitialized register • Wrong Segment selector • Explicit Memory Address

  11. Probabilistic Analysis • Assumptions: • The characters in the traffic are independently distributed • Bernoulli trial

  12. Probabilistic Analysis • Invalid instruction • Privileged instruction • Memory-accessing instructions

  13. Probabilistic Analysis • Notation: • p: the probability of invalid instruction • n: the total num of instructions • N: total num of invalid instructions (the num of valid instruction sequences) • Instruction stream (S1S2S3…SN) • Xi: the length of Si • Xmax: max{X1,X2,…,XN}

  14. Probabilistic Analysis • p.m.f of N: • p.m.f of Xi: • c.d.f of Xi:

  15. Probabilistic Analysis • For a instance of exactly N sequences

  16. Probabilistic Analysis • The c.d.f of Xmax

  17. Probabilistic Analysis • The p.m.f of Xmax

  18. Probabilistic Analysis • Verifying Model • Using Monte-Carlo Simulation

  19. Probabilistic Analysis • Threshold τ

  20. Implementation • Instruction Disassembly • Instruction Sequence Analysis

  21. Evaluation • Creation of the Test Data • Benign data: 100 cases, each containing nearly 4K printable ASCII characters

  22. Evaluation • Determining Appropriate Thresholds for the Test Data • Determining p • 0.227 • Determining n • 1540 • Determining the threshold τ • 40 (when α = 0.01)

  23. Evaluation • Experimental Results and Assessing the Effectiveness of the Detection Method

  24. Evaluation

  25. Conclusions • An ASCII worm must self-mutate to generate binary opcodes • This mutation requires a lots of memory-writing instructions • The size of a decrypter is relatively big for ASCII worm

  26. Conclusions • Benign ASCII data does not have such a long executable instruction sequence • The length of the maximal valid instruction sequence can be used to differentiate between benign and malicious data

  27. Determining p • Prob[I/O instruction] +Prob[wrong-Segment-override memory-accessing-instruction] = 18.5% + 4.2% = 22.7%

  28. Determining n • E[length of instruction] = E[length of prefix chain] +E[length of actual instruction] = 2.6 • n = Total num of input characters / E[instruction size] = 4000/2.6 = 1540

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