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BAC & Standard Drinks

BAC & Standard Drinks. What is BAC??. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC ) is the amount of alcohol in the blood . BAC is measured with a breathalyser or by analysing a sample of blood.

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BAC & Standard Drinks

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  1. BAC & Standard Drinks

  2. What is BAC?? • Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in the blood. BAC is measured with a breathalyser or by analysing a sample of blood. • A BAC of 0.05 means an adult has 0.05g of alcohol in every 100ml of their blood. As the liver metabolises alcohol, the BAC level drops unless more alcohol is taken. • The more a person drinks, the more their BAC increases. However, a person’s BAC cannot be predicted easily. Counting the number of standard drinks you consume can only give a rough guide to your BAC. Two people who drink the same amount might register quite different BACs because of the following differences.

  3. What affects BAC?? • Size - • A smallerperson will have a higher BAC than a larger person because the alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass • Food- • Someone with an emptystomach will reach a higher BAC faster than someone who has just eaten a meal. Food in the stomach slows down the rate at which alcohol passes into the bloodstream

  4. What affects BAC?? • Fitness- • People with a lowerpercentage of body fat tend to have higher BACs because of alcohol is not absorbed by fatty tissue, and the alcohol is concentrated in a smallerbody mass • Gender- • After drinking the same amount of alcohol a femalewill almost always have a higher BAC than a male. A Female has more fatty tissue and less water than a male body, and femalestend to be smaller than males. As a result, alcohol will have a greater effect on womenthan men.

  5. What affects BAC • Age- • One drink raises the blood alcohol level of an older adult 20% more than it does for a young adult. This is because metabolisms of older people are slower than that of younger people

  6. A standard drink?? • Is defined as a drink which contains 10g of alcohol • Calculating Blood Alcohol Content • the legal BAC for driving a car/motorbike is 0.05 • ‘L’ and ‘P’ plate drivers must have a zero level reading

  7. Regular Beer • 285ml • 4.9% alchol

  8. Wine • 100ml • 15% alcohol

  9. Spirit • 30ml • 40% alcohol

  10. Fortified Wine • 60ml • 20% alcohol

  11. Light Beer • 425ml • 2.7% alcohol

  12. Guidelines for low risk drinking • All drinkers should have at least two alcohol free days every week • Women should have no more than two standard drinks per day on a regular basis • Men should have no more than four standard drinks per day on a regular basis

  13. websites • http://www.creighton.edu/studentlife/officeoftheasstdeanofstudents/alcoholdrugeducation/alcoholbasics/whataffectsbaclevel/ • Wikipedia- BAC

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