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Santina Russo, Expose GmbH, September 2013

Enhancing the Drug Discovery Cycle Services in Protein Crystallography at the Swiss Light Source. BioValley Life Sciences Week 2013. Santina Russo, Expose GmbH, September 2013. From Crystal to Structure. detector. crystal. X-Rays SLS. Diffraction experiment at the SLS.

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Santina Russo, Expose GmbH, September 2013

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  1. Enhancing the Drug Discovery Cycle Services in Protein Crystallography at the Swiss Light Source BioValley Life SciencesWeek 2013 Santina Russo, Expose GmbH, September 2013

  2. From Crystal to Structure detector crystal X-Rays SLS Diffractionexperimentatthe SLS Protein crystalsfrompharmaceuticalcompanies Simulation oflensevia Fourriertransformation Ligand bindingmode informationfornextcycle Protein structures in atomicscale

  3. The Services • Data Collection Service • testing protein crystals • data collection • processing and analysis • support in planning of experiments • Structure Solution Service • structure solution by various methods • model building and refinement • support in interpretation of the results Since 2009 The serviceisdesignedforregularusersofthe SLS Billingoccursby time Since 2012

  4. Company Philosophy Our goal: provide the best service possible for our customers →Companyvs. synchrotron owned data collection services We try to fit as neatly as possible into the customers existing processes and workflow → no predefined service packages of milestones→ no standardized information flow→ no standardized sample containers → no standardized sample sheets

  5. Benefits for customers far • Customers oversees, eg. USA or Japan: • Get their crystals measured at a state of the art Synchrotron, independently of local Synchrotrons and their shutdown periods • without any travel expenses for their personnel- no travel time for their personnel- no personnel missing at home to solve structures data on HDoroptionallytransfereddirectly samplessentby plane datacollectedbyExpose transport back home

  6. Benefits for customers near Local customers, eg. Switzerland, Germany, France: Different situation: they would not suffer big travel expenses or time losses; BUT: sample shipment is fast also → time gain → process from sending crystals to seeing the structure takes only one day enabled by - fast transport of the samples - automated scripts for on-the-fly transfer of data - automated scripts for processing, structure solution and structure refinement

  7. Just-in-time production automaticprocessing, structuresolution, refinement automaticdatatransfer crystaltransport datacollection 06.00 12.00 18.00 0.00 06.00 oneday → in the morning the industry crystallographers browse though the new sets of compound structures → just-in-time production → Data collection service provides a time gain → Acceleration of the structure-based drug discovery cycle

  8. Advantages for the SLS Constant communication between us and the MX-group is useful for both sides We attract industry users from USA, Japan → PSI sells more shifts Gained money is partly put in beamline development→ results in benefit for the user community

  9. Thanks PSI Technology Transfer MX-group at the SLS Sonia Reber for management of dewarshipment Our customers near and far Santina Russo, Expose GmbH, September 2013

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