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Parthenon. Pheidias (490?-430?). East Pediment. Lord Elgin : Thomas Bruce, Earl of Elgin (1766-1841). “Elgin Marbles” acquired 1812, sold to British Museum 1817. 3 goddesses. Dionysos. Reconstruction of Center of East Pediment “Birth of Athena”.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parthenon

  2. Pheidias(490?-430?)

  3. East Pediment

  4. Lord Elgin:Thomas Bruce,Earl of Elgin(1766-1841)

  5. “Elgin Marbles”acquired 1812,sold to British Museum 1817.

  6. 3 goddesses

  7. Dionysos

  8. Reconstruction of Center of East Pediment“Birth of Athena”

  9. Jacques CarreyDrawings of West Pediment1674.

  10. Struggle between Athena & Poseidon for Attica

  11. Metopes: Triumph of Civilization (nomos) over Beasts/Barbarians (phusis) • East: Battle of Gods and Giants • North: Battle of Troy • West: Battle of Greeks and Amazons • South: Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs • 92 metopes: 61 survive in some form, 12 known from drawings.

  12. MetopesSouth side:Battle of Lapiths & Centaurs

  13. Friese:PanathenaicProcession

  14. Frieze: Panathenaic Procession – Greatness of Athens • 2 streams commence on West side, running on North and South sides, meeting and ending on East side with gods & maidens carrying peplos. • 192 horsemen, representing 192 dead at Battle of Marathon. • Of 158 meters of frieze, 128 meters survive, and 17 meters preserved in drawings.

  15. Athena Parthenos

  16. Nashville Parthenon1897+ Full-size

  17. Erechtheion (421-414, 409-406)

  18. “Karyatids”

  19. Temple of Athena Nike (427-424)

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