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Note : Excluding Bangkok, Nonthaburi,Samuthprakarn, SamuthSongkram, Angthong and Singburi

Internal Audit Unit Administration System Development Unit. Organization Chart . Agricultural Land Reform Office l Secretary-General . - Deputy Secretary-General - Inspector - Expert on Land Reform Law. Central Administration. Legal Affairs Bureau Director.

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Note : Excluding Bangkok, Nonthaburi,Samuthprakarn, SamuthSongkram, Angthong and Singburi

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  1. Internal Audit Unit • Administration System Development Unit Organization Chart Agricultural Land Reform Office lSecretary-General - Deputy Secretary-General - Inspector- Expert on Land Reform Law Central Administration Legal Affairs Bureau Director Central Administration Bureau Director Personnel Division Director Information Technology Center Director 1. General Administration Sub-Division 2. Structural System Development and Manpower Sub-Division 3. Recruitment and Placement Sub-Division 4. Moral Promotion and Disciplinary Sub-Division 5. Personnel Record and Merit Sub-Division 6. Welfare and Office Relations Sub-Division 7. Strategy and Technic for Human Resources Administration Sub-Division 1. General Administration Sub-Division 2. Laws and Regulation Sub-Bureau 3. Juristic Act and Contract Sub-Bureau 4. Prosecution Sub-Bureau 5. Negotiation and Dispute Settlement Sub-Bureau 6. Northern Land Use Permission Sub-Bureau 7. Northeastern Land use Permission Sub-Bureau 8. Central Land Use Permission Sub-Bureau 9. Southern Land Use Permission Sub-Bureau 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Inspection and Coordination Sub-Bureau 3. Public Relations Official Sub-Bureau4. Vehicle, Premises and Communication Sub-Bureau 5. Fine Art and Exhibition Sub-Bureau 6. Finance System Development Sub-Bureau 7.Budget Sub-Bureau 8. Finance Sub-Bureau 9. Accounting Sub-Bureau 10.Procurement Administration Sub-Bureau 11.Financial Document Inspection Sub-Bureau 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Administration and Information System Development Sub-Bureau 3. Computer System and Network Sub-Bureau 4. Geographic Information Sub-Bureau 5. Land Database and Digital Map Sub-Bureau 6. Remote Sensing Analysis Sub-Bureau Land Reform Operation Bureau Director Land Reform Fund Administration Bureau Director Mapping and Land Text Management Bureau Director Land Reform Areas Development Bureau Director สำนักจัดการแผนที่และสารบบที่ดิน ผอ.สำนักจัดการแผนที่และสารบบที่ดิน *Expert on Land ReformFund Administration *Expert on Community Enterprise Management in Land Reform Area 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Planning and Funding Development Sub-Bureau 3. Fund Financing and Accounting Sub-Bureau 4. Fund Account Auditing Sub-Bureau 5. Northern Fund Sub-Bureau 6. Northeastern Fund Sub-Bureau 7. Central Fund Sub-Bureau 8. Southern Fund Sub-Bureau 9. Debtors and Assets System Sub-Bureau *Expert on Infrastructure Development Plan in Land Reform Area 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Engineering Technical Sub-Bureau 3. Design for Area Development Sub-Bureau 4. Northern Area Development Sub-Bureau 5. Northeastern Area Development Sub-Bureau 6. Central Area Development Sub-Bureau 7. Southern Area Development Sub-Bureau 8. Machinery Center * Expert on Land Reform * Expert on Land Allocation * Expert on Increasing Efficiency of Land Use in Land Reform 1. General AdministrationSub-Bureau 2. Northern Region Public Land Management Sub-Bureau 3. Northeastern Region Public Land Management Sub-Bureau 4. Central Region Public Land Management 5. Southern Region Public Land Management Sub-Bureau 6. Private Land Management Sub-Bureau 7. Community Land Management Sub-Bureau 8. Royal Donated Land Management Center 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Cadastral Survey Sub-Bureau 3. Mapping Sub-Bureau 4. Aerial Photograph Sub-Bureau 5. Land Text Development Sub-Bureau 6. Satellite Image Sub-Bureau 7. Inspection of Cadastral Survey and Mapping Standard Sub-Bureau8. Technical Mapping StandardSub-Bureau Regional Administration Research and Planning Bureau Director Technology Transfer and Development Bureau Director 69 Provincial Land Reform Offices Director 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Human Resources Development Sub-Bureau 3. Farmer Development Sub-Bureau 4. Institute and Community Business Development Sub-Bureau 5. New Farmer and Youth Farmer Development Sub-Bureau 6. Development on Knowledge of Local Intellectuals and Leader Networks Sub-Bureau 7. Land Reform Learning Center8. Environmental Conservation and Revitalization Sub-Bureau 1. General Administration Sub-Bureau 2. Policy, Planning and Budgeting Sub-Bureau 3. Monitoring and Evaluation Sub-Bureau 4. Royal Initiative and Special Project Sub-Bureau 5. International Cooperation Sub-Bureau 6. Land Reform Research and Development Sub-Bureau 7. Agricultural Land Reform Executive Committee Sub-Bureau 8. Land Reform Area-based Technical Development Sub-Bureau 1. General Administration Section 2. Land Reform Operation and Farmer Development Section3. Accounting and Revenue Section 4. Legal Affairs Section 5. Mechanicand Mapping Section Note : Excluding Bangkok,Nonthaburi,Samuthprakarn, SamuthSongkram,Angthong and Singburi ส.ป.ก.สวผ.กคร. ตค.53

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