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Overview of PHENIX upgrades . Goals of PHENIX upgrades program PHENIX upgrades at a glance detector systems and status physics reach of combined system new detector systems not covered today The FVTX and NCC proposals Submitted BNL to seek construction funds starting FY08
Overview of PHENIX upgrades Goals of PHENIX upgrades program PHENIX upgrades at a glance detector systems and status physics reach of combined system new detector systems not covered today The FVTX and NCC proposals Submitted BNL to seek construction funds starting FY08 PHENIX internal review in December 2005
requires highest AA luminosity Physics Beyond the Reach of PHENIX Provide key measurements so far inaccessible at RHIC in three broad areas: • High T QCD (AA, pA, and pp): • Electromagnetic radiation (e+e- pair continuum) • Heavy flavor (c- and b-production) • Jet tomography (high pT PID, jet-jet and g-jet) • Quarkonium(J/, ’ , c and (1s),(2s),(3s)) • Spin structure of the nucleon: • Gluon spin structure DG/G (heavy flavor and g-jet correlations) • Quark spin structure Dq/q (W-production) • Low x phenomena • gluon saturation in nuclei (particle production at forward rapidity) All measurements base on existing capabilities enhance by detector upgrades Axel Drees
PHENIX Detector Upgrades at a Glance • Central arms: • Electron and Photon measurements • Electromagnetic calorimeter • Precision momentum determination • Hadron identification • Muon arms: • Muon • Identification • Momentum determination • Dalitz/conversion rejection(HBD) • Precision vertex tracking (VTX) PID (k,p,p) to 10 GeV (Aerogel/TOF) • High rate trigger (m trigger) • Precision vertex tracking (FVTX) • Electron and photon measurements • Muon arm acceptance (NCC) • Very forward (MPC) Axel Drees
MPC south Preparing for HBD installation in April/May 2006 TOF west MRPC construction Installation 2006 Areogel completed 2005 PHENIX Detector Upgrades at a Glance • Central arms: • Electron and Photon measurements • Electromagnetic calorimeter • Precision momentum determination • Hadron identification • Muon arms: • Muon • Identification • Momentum determination • Dalitz/conversion rejection(HBD) • Precision vertex tracking (VTX) PID (k,p,p) to 10 GeV (Aerogel/TOF) • High rate trigger (m trigger) • Precision vertex tracking (FVTX) • Electron and photon measurements • Muon arm acceptance (NCC) • Very forward (MPC) Axel Drees
Vertex Tracking (barrel and forward endcaps) Precision measurements of charm and bottom production Barrel (VTX) funded through RIKEN ($3M) and DOE ($4.6M), now in FY07 presidents budget Forward endcaps proposed to DOE (~$4.5M), reviewed today PHENIX Upgrades in Central Region • m trigger • W measurements in pp • ~$2M funded through NSF • Nose Cone Calorimeter • p0 and photon measurements • Proposed to DOE (~$4M), reviewed today • Hadron blind detector (HBD) • Reject Dalitz/Conversion electrons in electron pair measurement • Under construction funded through BNL, NSF, SBU, WI R3……...R2………..R1 HBD NCC VTX Axel Drees
PHENIX Upgrades Physics Capabilities X upgrade critical for success O upgrade significantly enhancements program PHENIX upgrades designed for optimum physics output with RHIC II luminosity Axel Drees
NCC NCC HBD MPC MPC VTX & FVTX Future PHENIX Acceptance for Hard Probes EMCAL 0 f coverage 2p EMCAL -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 rapidity (i) p0 and direct g with combination of all electromagnetic calorimeters (ii) heavy flavor with precision vertex tracking with silicon detectors combine (i)&(ii) for jet tomography with g-jet (iii) low mass dilepton measurments with HBD + PHENIX central arms Axel Drees
Integrated Design for PHENIX Vertex Spectrometer FVTX VTX NCC Axel Drees
Two Proposals Submitted to BNL for FY08 Construction Proposal readiness review by PHENIX DC/EC in December 2005 All recommendations addressed and incorporated to proposals Axel Drees
PHENIX Upgrades Schedule R&D Phase Construction Phase Ready for Data Axel Drees
Backup Slides Axel Drees
signal electron Cherenkov blobs e- partner positron needed for rejection e+ qpair opening angle ~ 1 m HBD full scale prototype Ongoing HBD and Muon Trigger Upgrade Projects • Installation of full scale prototype next month • Final detector under construction • Funded through BNL, NSF, SBU, WI • Weizmann Inst., Stony Brook Univ., BNL, Columbia Univ., Florida Inst. Tech., CNS-Tokyo, Univ. Mass, RIKEN BNL Res. Center (RBRC) R2 R3 R1 • Muon trigger upgrade • Funded through NSF ($1.9M) • Installation in 2008 • Univ. Illinois-UC, UC-Riverside, Iowa State Univ., Abilene Christian Univ., Univ. Colorado, Peking Univ., Columbia Univ., Kyoto Univ, RBRC, Georgia State Univ. Axel Drees
VTX barrel |h|<1.2 Pixel Detectors (50 mm x 425 mm) at R ~ 2.5 & 5 cm Strip Detectors (80 mm x 3 cm) at R ~ 10 & 14 cm PHENIX Vertex Tracker Barrel (VTX) • Joint RIKEN/DOE project • 72 collaborators from 14 institutions BNL, Florida State Univ., Iowa State Univ., KEK, Kyoto Univ., LANL, Niigata Univ., ORNL, RIKEN, RIKEN BNL Reas. Center, Stony Brook Univ., Univ. New Mexico, Ecole Poly Tech, Saclay • RIKEN contribution ($3M) • Hybrid pixel detectors (developed at CERN for ALICE) • under construction • DOE contribution ($4.6M) • Strip detectors, sensors developed at BNL with FNAL’s SVX4 readout chip • funding proposed in FY07 presidents budget • Readiness review in 2 months Prototype pixel ladder pilot Axel Drees