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Welcome to WinPond Training

Welcome to WinPond Training. History of WinPond. 2002 Missouri’s Pond Design program selected as model for WinPond by Engineering Business Area Advisory Group (EBAAG) Development began in July (Phase I) Alpha version released in December. History of WinPond. 2003 Alpha version tested

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Welcome to WinPond Training

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  1. Welcome to WinPond Training

  2. History of WinPond • 2002 • Missouri’s Pond Design program selected as model for WinPond by Engineering Business Area Advisory Group (EBAAG) • Development began in July (Phase I) • Alpha version released in December

  3. History of WinPond • 2003 • Alpha version tested • Beta version released in June • Beta version tested • Second beta version released in December

  4. History of WinPond • 2004 • Second beta version tested • Third beta version released in July • Break team formed and met in Fort Collins to begin testing on “final” version • Continued testing; communicated problems via web-based collaboration software and email.

  5. History of WinPond • 2005 • Testing continued • WinPond 2005, Version 1.0 released in September • 2006 • Mike Sears (from Missouri) was given task of correcting the problems found in Version 1.0 • Several cycles of development and testing occurred • WinPond 2006, Version 1.5 released in October, 2006

  6. User’s Guide for WinPond my.NRCS -> Field Tools tab -> Downloads Pond Design (WinPond) Or at http://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/ User Guides -> 210-7-6 WinPond 2006 There is also a link to the user’s guide and an FAQ page on Missouri’s web siteTechnical Resources -> Engineering Tools and Resources -> Engineering Software-> WinPond Design Program

  7. Starting WinPond Start -> All Programs -> Engineering Applications -> WinPond -> WinPond

  8. Main Program Window

  9. “File”

  10. “File” Project data is now all stored in 1 single file instead of 5 separate ones. The single file will have a PRJ extension (e.g., Project123.prj ) Old projects from DOS program?

  11. “Tools” This is basically “Change Defaults”from the DOS Program

  12. “Help”

  13. Tools -> Options

  14. Tools -> Options The settings entered here are stored in a file named WinPond.conf in the folder c:\Documents and Settings \user.name\Local Settings \Application Data\USDA, NRCS\WinPond\

  15. Tools -> Options (Aux. Spillway)

  16. Tools -> Options (Ground)

  17. Tools -> Options (Earthwork)

  18. Tools -> Options (Drawdown)

  19. Tools -> Options (Design)

  20. Exercise Load WinPond and enter your own option settings.

  21. Tab navigation Menu Screen Tabs InputData InfoLine WinPond window

  22. Creating a “default” template There are some data inputs (e.g., state, county, and designed by) that most user’s would like to come up as defaults whenever they begin a new project. This can be accomplished by creating a “default” project.

  23. Creating a “default” template The first step is to select “File -> New”

  24. Creating a “default” template The next step is to go through the screen tabs entering data for those fields that are fairly constant from design to design. Examples? State, county, designer; Rainfall frequencies for principal and aux. spillways; Front slope, back slope, top width;

  25. Creating a “default” template Elevation-storage data is normally data that will change from design to design. Data on this screen is therefore not a good candidate for a default template. To leave it blank and move to the next tab you will need to click on I am making a template project.

  26. Creating a “default” template Once you have entered all the data you want in your “default” project template, select “File -> Save As…” and save the project to default.prj in the default data path entered under Tools -> Options (for example, C:\Customer_Files_Toolkit )

  27. Exercise Create a “default” template.

  28. Start a new project Simply select “File -> New” Data from your default project should then be loaded.

  29. Tips on entering data Before you get started, keep these in mind: . ENTER key – preferred way to move between fields, rather than clicking with the mouse. . TAB key – can also use to move between fields but with no scrolling . Shift + TAB - moves cursor to the previous field . Delete or Backspace - use to delete characters in the input field

  30. Project tab

  31. Elevation-Storage tab

  32. Elevation-Storage Curve

  33. Hydrology tab

  34. Runoff Curve Number Determination

  35. Sediment tab Reduces the amount of storage available when the floodrouting is done Used to determine the minimum height for the inlet elevation

  36. Principal Spillway tab

  37. Conduit tab

  38. Floodrouting When done with the Conduit tab and you press the Principal Routing tab, the floodrouting for the principal spillway occurs. An alert window will appear if there are any problems.

  39. The auxiliary elevation can be changed, but only to a larger value. Principal Routing tab

  40. Aux Spillway tab If you want to define flow depth instead of bottom width, check this option.

  41. The top of fill elevation can be changed, but only to a larger value. Aux Routing tab

  42. Design Check tab [ Use New Pipe Length ] This will return you to Principal Routing screen to run through the calculations with the new pipe length.

  43. NOTE: To change H.I. or % ground slope, double-click on Elev. Or Dist. field NOTE: Negative distances are upstream of centerline Ground Profile/Cross Section tab

  44. Use scroll bar to move between cross sections. Up/down arrows can also be used. Ground Profile view

  45. Embankment Cross Section tab

  46. Embankment Cross Section tab

  47. Use scroll bar to move between cross sections. Up/down arrows can also be used. Embankment Cross Section view

  48. Ground/Embankment Intersection tab

  49. Reports tab

  50. This report can either be printed or saved to a text file. Report Viewer

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