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Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE (part III)

Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE (part III). T OPIK PEMBICARAAN. Teaching the Content. Teaching for Understanding. Teaching for Transfer. TEACHING FOR UNDERSTANDING.

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Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE (part III)

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  1. Scholarship of Teaching&SCL/LCE (part III)

  2. TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Teaching the Content Teaching for Understanding Teaching for Transfer


  4. The Difference Between Experts & NovicesLarge Knowledge base that is structured around foundation principles of the discipline M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  5. How Do You Describe Students WhoUNDERSTAND???

  6. Students who Understand Can1. Access information in different ways2. Explain in his/her own words 3. Apply information to new situation4. See relationships between sub-components of information5. Reconstruct details given partial description6. Infer effects when given causes M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, p.43 Jossey Bass, 2004

  7. UNDERSTANDImply a Grasp Of Relationships Among Bits Of Informations &Ability To Construct New Pieces Of Informations From What Is Known So Far M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  8. Helping Students Recognize Structure1. Concept Map2. Advance Organizer → Outline3. Verbal clues4. Text Structures5. Analogical reasoning M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  9. Chapter Map Title of Chapter Primary Headings Subheadings Secondary Subheadings Saundra Y. McGuire, Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!

  10. Helping Students Recognize Structure1. Concept Map2. Advance Organizer → Outline3. Verbal clues4. Text Structures5. Analogical reasoning M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  11. Chapter 3: The Structures of Metals ISSUES TO ADDRESS... • How do atoms assemble into solid structures? (for now, focus on metals) • How does the density of a material depend on its structure? • When do material properties vary with the sample (i.e., part) orientation?

  12. Helping Students Recognize Structure1. Concept Map2. Advance Organizer  Outline3. Verbal clues4. Text Structures5. Analogical reasoning M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  13. The Challange of Structural ThinkingIt is hard to deconstruct our own thinking → aware of the components that make up our decisions & understandingBring to a conscious level our own structural understanding M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jossey Bass, 2004

  14. Students Distracted by Gadget??? Shallow Learning & Dangerous

  15. TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Teaching the Content Teaching for Understanding Teaching for Transfer

  16. Near Transfer vs Far Transfer M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, p.101-106, Jossey Bass, 2004

  17. Suggestions that Support Transfer Be sure students learn the content to be transferredMake the initial learning situation more like the transfer situationVary the practice situationStudents know what is being transferredTeaching students when to transfer a rule M.D. Svinicki, Learning & Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom, p.101-106, Jossey Bass, 2004

  18. About Development as a Professional Educator M. Weimer, Inspired College Teaching, a Career Long Resource for Professional Growth, p. 2-21, Jossey Bass, 2004 Student feedback can improve teaching & learning Improvement is an opportunity not a dirty word Instructional growth is not always easy Improvement begins & end with faculty member Teaching excellence is a journey not a destination

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