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Humorous Vocabulary

Humorous Vocabulary. Activity 5.3 8 th grade LA Mrs. Shelley. Sarcasm: noun. Synonyms 1 . bitterness , ridicule. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark. Sarcasm. Sarcasm. Laughable: adjective such as to cause laughter; funny; amusing; ludicrous.

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Humorous Vocabulary

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  1. Humorous Vocabulary Activity 5.3 8th grade LA Mrs. Shelley

  2. Sarcasm:noun • Synonyms 1. bitterness, ridicule a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

  3. Sarcasm

  4. Sarcasm

  5. Laughable: adjectivesuch as to cause laughter; funny; amusing; ludicrous • Synonymshumorous, droll, comical, ridiculous; • Antonymssad, melancholy

  6. Witty- noun 1. possessing wit in speech or writing; amusingly clever in perception and expression: a witty writer. 2. characterized by wit: a witty remark. 3. British Dialect . intelligent; clever. Synonyms droll, funny, original, sparkling, brilliant Antonyms dull, stupid

  7. Ironic adjective using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning coincidental; unexpected

  8. Irreverentadjective not reverent; manifesting or characterized by irreverence; deficient in veneration or respect: an irreverent reply. (reverent means deeply respectful)

  9. Mockingverb1. to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. 2. to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively Synonyms deride; taunt, flout, gibe; chaff, tease. See ridicule. cheat, dupe, fool, mislead.

  10. Hystericaladjective1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hysteria. 2. uncontrollably emotional. 3. irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock. Synonyms hilarious, uproarious, laughable, ludicrous

  11. Cute 1. attractive, especially in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty: a cute child; a cute little apartment. 2. appealing and delightful; charming: What a cute toy! 3. affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious: The child has acquired some intolerably cute mannerisms.

  12. Mirthfuladjective1. joyous; jolly: a mirthful laugh. 2. providing mirth; amusing: a mirthful experience. Synonyms entertaining lighthearted enjoyable vivacious cheerful carefree

  13. Amusingadjective 1. pleasantly entertaining or diverting: an amusing speaker. 2. causing laughter or mirth; humorously entertaining: an amusing joke. Synonyms 1. charming, cheering, lively. 2. laughable, delightful, funny. That which is amusing is quietly humorous or funny in a gentle, good-humored way.

  14. Light-heartedadjective carefree; cheerful; a lighthearted laugh. Synonyms cheery, joyful, blithe, happy, glad, merry, jovial, jocund. Antonyms cheerless, melancholy, gloomy.

  15. Outburstnoun 1. a sudden and violent release or outpouring: an outburst of tears. 2. a sudden spell of activity, energy, etc.

  16. Guffawnoun 1. a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter. verb (used without object) 2. to laugh loudly and boisterously. Synonyms laughter shriek shout roar howl

  17. Giggleverb (used without object) 1. to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way, especially with short, repeated gasps and titters, as from juvenile or ill-concealed amusement or nervous embarrassment. noun 2. a silly, spasmodic laugh; titter. Synonyms Twittersnicker Chucklechortle

  18. Chuckleverb (used without object) 1. to laugh softly or amusedly, usually with satisfaction: They chuckled at the child's efforts to walk. 2. to laugh to oneself: to chuckle while reading.noun 3. a soft laugh, usually of satisfaction. Synonyms Snickerchortle Laugh smile

  19. Titterverb (used without object) 1. to laugh in a restrained, self-conscious, or affected way, as from nervousness or in ill-suppressed amusement. noun 2. a tittering laugh. Synonyms1. snicker, snigger, giggle.

  20. Snickerverb (used without object) 1. to laugh in a half-suppressed or disrespectful manner. verb (used with object) 2. to utter with a snicker. noun 3. a snickering laugh. Synonyms Chucklechortle giggle Smirksneer

  21. Groannoun 1. a deep, inarticulate sound uttered in derision, disapproval, desire, etc. verb (used without object) 2. to utter a deep, mournful sound expressive of pain or grief. 3. to suffer greatly or lamentably: groaning under an intolerable burden. Synonyms Objectionmurmur bemoan Objectwhine

  22. Smileverb (used without object) 1. to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth. 2. to regard with favor: Luck smiled on us that night. 3. to have a pleasant or agreeable appearance or aspect, as natural scenes, objects, etc.: The landscape smiled in the sunlight. Synonyms Smirklaugh Grinbeam

  23. Smirkverb (used without object) 1. to smile in an affected, smug, or offensively familiar way. noun 2. the facial expression of a person who smirks. Synonyms sneer leer grin beam

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