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Marketing & Outreach: Employment Network Strategies

Marketing & Outreach: Employment Network Strategies. Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy with the NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Kevin Nickerson and Mary Lynn ReVoir with the NDI Technical Assistance Team. 2013 Ticket/EN Series. Questions/Comments.

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Marketing & Outreach: Employment Network Strategies

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  1. Marketing & Outreach: Employment Network Strategies Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy with the NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Kevin Nickerson and Mary Lynn ReVoir with the NDI Technical Assistance Team 2013 Ticket/EN Series

  2. Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question we encourage you to submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right. Your question will either be addressed during the training, responded to in the Chat or Q&A Box, or followed up on after the training.

  3. Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) • DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (ENs) under Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program. • Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). • Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Networks will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.

  4. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI grantees and participants and partners from the public workforce system will have the following: • An understanding of General Marketing & Outreach strategies that will help grow your Workforce Employment Network (EN) • Information on how to access Ticket holders utilizing various resources • Exposure to specific examples of internal and external marketing products

  5. Ticket/EN Subject Matter Expert Kevin Nickerson E: knickerson@ndi-inc.org P: (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136

  6. Agenda • Review suggestions and ideas for internal marketing • Review suggestions and ideas for external marketing • Sprinkled throughout - Marketing Tidbits

  7. Marketing Overview • Internal Marketing is one key to success; within the Job Center ensure that customers and staff members understand the expanded service the Job Center now offers to customers on SSA disability benefits through the Workforce EN. • External Marketing is another key to success: this requires getting the word out to both Ticket holders and providers in your service area about your Workforce EN • Like any new business, it will take time to develop a reputation, and a process within your community, for referral to Workforce EN services 7

  8. Marketing Tidbit #1 • It is permissible for an approved EN to use the Ticket to Work program logo but not the SSA logo 8

  9. Internal Marketing

  10. EN Directory • Employment Networks can be listed on the Ticket to Work EN Directory, making it easy for Beneficiaries to find a Local, State, or National EN • Directory listing provides an opportunity to summarize your Workforce EN services and experience, as well as: • Service area you cover (through search feature) • Disability group(s) you serve • A link to your agency web-site • Primary contact and address for your agency • Be sure to check your listing for accuracy 10

  11. EN Directory website link www.yourtickettowork.com 11

  12. Beneficiary Referral CD • NOTE: Requires Security & Suitability clearance to access! • Information contained includes: • Name and address • Phone number • Last two numbers of SSN • Year of birth • Those who have had ANY earnings • Those who have had earnings in last 60 months • Those who have had earnings in last 18 months • Prior SVR history (if available) • Ticket holder’s representative payee and contact information 12

  13. Beneficiary Referral CD • Allows EN to market directly to Ticket Holders • Additional marketing strategies using beneficiary data include: • Direct mailing (can sort by recent work activity as noted in CD) to provide Marketing brochure, Job Fair announcements, invite to Ticket Orientation or Work Incentive training • Phone outreach effort • Invite to other related events that might generate interest in the return to work (i.e. Asset Development event) • NOTE: Information on Beneficiary CD comes in comma-delimited text format, you will need to sort accordingly, and import into excel spreadsheet 13

  14. Work Incentive Seminar Events (WISE) • For Workforce ENs that do NOT have internal SSA disability benefits expertise, WISE can help beneficiaries become informed about how work impacts benefits, and how Work Incentives can ease the transition back to work • Workforce ENs can provide information at this event regarding services their Job Center can offer to assist them in the return to work • Host a live or archived WISE offered by the Beneficiary Access Support Services contractor (BASS) • For Ticket Holders interested in moving forward with your Workforce EN, you can schedule individual follow-up appointments • Uses group orientation process to maximize staff time • For more information about WISE events, see: • http://www.chooseworkttw.net/ 14

  15. Internal Messaging:How do customers know your Job Center is an EN? • Do you have signage at your location you are an EN? • Do you include a tagline you are an EN? • Business cards • Brochures • Letterhead • Email signature • Printed materials • Service Applications • Job Center Workshops, i.e. Re-Employment workshop • Connect with marketing department to include EN tagline 15

  16. Marketing Materials • Develop basic marketing materials such as brochures or flyer’s that help spell out what your Job Center / EN offers to assist you in reaching Ticket holders • Leave marketing materials in various public offices as you reach out to market your program • Use email list-serves, locally, to send out marketing information for outreach events • The next slide shows a sample flyer used in the NYS DEI project, with specific language developed to elicit a reaction from beneficiaries 16

  17. Available Marketing Materials • BASS has materials online for download to ENs http://www.chooseworkttw.net/library/resources-materials.html • The DEI Ticket team has examples of materials to share: • Loop for lobby marquee • EN office signage 18

  18. Use Your Website and Social Media • Do you announce on your website you are an EN? • Can you devote a webpage to Ticket to Work? • Explanation what is Ticket to Work • Link to www.yourtickettowork.com • Directions for those who want discuss assigning their Ticket • Feature a success story on your website • Example of how a web-site can be used to provide information about your Ticket program: http://www.challengeworkforcesolutions.org/?action=ticket_to_work • Explore using other social media to market (Facebook, Twitter, etc) 19

  19. Tap into the Job Center’s Management Information System (MIS) • Job Centers have a distinct advantage in tracking potential Ticket holders through registration for services captured in MIS • If track voluntary disability disclosure, use this data to reach out and invite for assignment • Using this information, you can: • Query your MIS for customers who have disclosed a disability • Utilize eDataShare to determine which of these customers is Ticket eligible • Use this data to invite eligible Ticket holders to beneficiary outreach events 20

  20. Ticket/EN Subject Matter Expert Mary Lynn ReVoir P: (515) 975-2344 E: mlrevoir@ndi-inc.org

  21. External Marketing

  22. Use Media • Cable television community event station • Radio or TV talk show • Press releases • Piggyback with popular community event already in the media 23

  23. Develop Referral Sources • Reaching Ticket holders will require partnerships and collaboration with local referral sources, consider your network of connections • Consider community providers, and inform them of your ability to serve SSA beneficiaries through the Ticket program, as well as the services your Job Center offers • Reach out to other organizations that may be in touch with Ticket holders, such as: • Your Local SSA Field Office • Worker’s Compensation Rehabilitation Counselors • Lawyers that assist with Disability Claims • Internal referrals from your own agency • Department of Social Services • Medicaid Service Coordinators • Local Housing Authorities 24

  24. Market the “bigger picture” • Join forces with other ENs and local VR to market “Ticket to Work” - not just your Workforce EN - but the TtW program itself • Develop local Ticket to Work brochures or ads (partner with employer or other sponsor or VR and other ENs) • Host Ticket events for Beneficiaries to learn more about the Ticket program, i.e. WISE event from BASS could be hosted by a group of ENs / VR • The above steps will increase beneficiary awareness of the Ticket to Work program 25

  25. Beneficiary Outreach Events • Whether partnering with skilled benefits planners, or if in-house experts exist, ongoing outreach events that draw Ticket holders are necessary for EN growth • Outreach events should cover important information, such as: • What happens when beneficiaries return to work • Work Incentives that support the return to work • Options for maintaining, or obtaining health insurance • Job Center / EN services offered • Depending on your geographic region, successful ENs hold these events on a monthly basis 26

  26. Marketing Tidbit #2 • Walk the talk! • Set an example / create a welcoming environment: • Be sure your EN is physically accessible • Be sure your website is friendly to screen readers • Be sure to add 711 to your phone number postings • Be sure agency staff know about accommodations • Create desktop guide for staff to reference for accommodations, i.e. where to find a sign language interpreter or printed items in alternative format 27

  27. What establishments do Beneficiaries frequent? • Clinics • Pharmacies • Rehab Centers • Food Assistance agency • Housing agencies • Heating Assistance agency • Local Medicaid / Title 19 agency • Community Action offices • Public Transportation locations • Club houses • Drop-in Centers • Wellness / Support Centers 28

  28. Market to a Specific Audience • Veterans • Veterans Affairs office • VA clinic • VA VR office • Mature Worker (55-65) • Activity Centers • Wellness Centers • Meal sites • Employment programs • Youth • School youth transition programs • After school programs 29

  29. Market at events Beneficiaries may attend • Offer to present or attend a booth at an event such as one of the following: • State conference youth transition hosted by area • educational agency • State youth with disabilities leadership events • Employment 1st Conference, State Arc Convention • Peer Support Conference, Mental Health Empowerment • Conference • Local support groups (often through local hospital) • Veteran Resource Fairs • Human Rights Council events, City ADA council 30

  30. Unique Marketing Ideas • Offer a service at an event, i.e. mock interviews for job seekers and note “mock interviews are provided to job seekers on Social Security Disability and SSI benefits as a service of XYZ Employment Network” • Partner with state deaf services agency for an interpreter at the event and note “interpreter has been provided by XYZ Employment Network for beneficiaries receiving Social Security Disability and SSI benefits” • Offer a freebie at your booth, that attracts beneficiaries but costs you little or nothing, i.e. a raffle prize of lunch for four at your agency and staff provide the food 31

  31. SummaryNext StepsQ&A

  32. Summary • In today’s presentation we covered the following: • Suggested methods for Internal Marketing • Suggested methods for External Marketing • Other unique marketing strategies that have been employed by Workforce ENs

  33. Next Steps Join us for our June Ticket/EN TA Office Hours to share what you are doing in your area to Market and Outreach your Workforce EN to Ticket holders and hear about what other DRCs/DEI Pilots are doing! Ticket/Employment Network TA Office Hours with Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin Nickerson Tuesday, June 25th 2013 from 3pm to 4pm EDT To Join the Online Meeting (please join five minutes before it begins) To join the Web portion, Go to https://ndi-conf1.webex.com/ndi-conf1/j.php?ED=206274787&UID=1393279787&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

  34. Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question you can: A: Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or… B: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment.

  35. Contact Information Kevin Nickerson NDI Technical Assistance Team P: (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136 E: knickerson@ndi-inc.org Mary Lynn ReVoir NDI Technical Assistance Team P: (515) 975-2344 E: mlrevoir@ndi-inc.org

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