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Outlining Your Research Paper

Outlining Your Research Paper. Senior Projects – 2013-14. Pages 1-2: Introduction . 1). What is your research question?. How does a vegetarian or vegan diet affect nutrition?. Pages 1-2: Introduction . 2). How will you answer that question in a thesis ?.

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Outlining Your Research Paper

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  1. Outlining Your Research Paper

    Senior Projects – 2013-14
  2. Pages 1-2: Introduction 1). What is your research question? How does a vegetarian or vegan diet affect nutrition?
  3. Pages 1-2: Introduction 2). How will you answer that question in a thesis? Although being a vegetarian or vegan can have benefits, it is often difficult to get enough vitamin B12 - especially for vegans.
  4. Pages 1-2: Introduction 3). What originally interested you in this topic? Why is it important to you?
  5. Pages 1-2: Introduction 4). What did you know about this topic before you began your research?
  6. Pages 1-2: Introduction 5). What did you believeabout this topic before you began your research?
  7. Pages 3-5: Literature Review In this section, you’ll want to present the information other people have previously written or said about this topic. As long as protein is incorporated into the diet, the loss of certain nutrients (including vitamin B12) will be lessened. According to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, “vegetarian foods that contain protein include beans, nuts, nut butters, lentils, tofu and other soy products” (Ransohoff). This is a helpful fact to know, especially when eating a vegetarian or vegan diet that includes “vegetable based soups, vegan breads, specialized sandwiches” (Visitation).
  8. Pages 3-5: Literature Review To aid your organization, you’ll want to organize your information into subtopics. These could include: the steps involved in completing a process Once an iPhone app is ready to be published, the next step is figuring out how to make the app go viral.
  9. Pages 3-5: Literature Review different aspects of a profession (photography as an art vs. photography as a business)…
  10. Pages 3-5: Literature Review or controversial aspects of a topic. When choosing a board deck, there are many different aspects to consider when deciding which one is right for you… Typically, longboards are used for "downhill racing, slalom, or cruising/commuting" (longboardskateboard.org).  Many participants of the sport have more than one longboard for different uses. 
  11. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research 9). How did you choose the sources for your interviews?
  12. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research 10). What is the most interesting or useful information you discovered during your interviews? In yoga, breathing gives us strength. It is “the life-force, the vital energy which flows through and enlivens all our physical systems” (“Yoga”). This energy comes from within; it’s created from our physical body to help calm and focus the mind. Calmness in the mind helps create a stress-free environment, important for yoga practices.
  13. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research Direct Quotes: Kevin Stalker, an experienced large scale construction manager would confess, “The hardest part about my job at Kaiser Permanente or Nordstrom’s was the scheduling. I had to follow a strict agenda, which instructed me step-by-step what I needed to get done. The actual schedule for Kaiser lasted two years, so I had to make sure that I finished my job on each of the floors on time”.
  14. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research 13). How did you choose the location for your Visitation?
  15. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research 14). What useful or interesting information did you discover during your Visitation? One layout that never stops improving when it comes to the scenery is the Walnut Creek Model Railroad Society's, which contains "steep mountains, which almost look like cliffs" (Visitation) covered in vibrant natural-looking scenery.
  16. Pages 6-7: Your Original Research 15). Did your research confirm, support or challenge your expectations – both before you began the project and after completing your literature review? In my experience of this process on my layout, it was amazing to see everything transform from a blank canvas to a colorfully textured miniature world. And this step, however, may never be complete "because you will always find something you’ll want to add or change or fix up and improve" (Model Train Scenery).
  17. Pages 8-9: Reflection 16). What surprised, disappointed or pleased you during the course of your research?
  18. Pages 8-9: Reflection 17). How did the project provide you with opportunities for personal growth? Even though my confidence level is high I can’t quite call myself a “yoga master.” However, once I can fully master my breath, “then the mastery of mind is within reach” (Sanatan Society).
  19. Pages 8-9: Reflection 18). What should other researchers into this topic consider?
  20. Page 10: Works Cited All sources MUST be cited according to MLA guidelines
  21. Integration Choose ONE sub-topic of your Research Paper. For example, if your project is on surfing, you could choose: Equipment Lessons The ideal location Looks ideal to me.
  22. Integration REVIEW your materials. Find a quote or relevant passage from each of the following sources: Your research (books, Web sites, magazines, etc.) One of your two interviews The visitation
  23. Integration Write a reflection on those combined pieces of information: Many app developers believe that creating the app is the hardest part of the app developing process. Although in fact, their app can not reach its full potential unless it is well published. Advertising is key in all aspects of business. It can be used for promoting an upcoming iphone app, or it can be used to engage critics to help them promote the app. Even in Zynga, one of the world's largest app developer businesses, have jobs solely meant for advertising. "I'd like to especially thank Candice for being able to get in touch with the newspapers. Their article on our company really boosted our sales!" Overall, advertising is a key component in the development of an app. Without good advertising on your app, the app will never reach the popularity it was designed for.
  24. Integration Although being a vegetarian or vegan can have benefits, it is often difficult to get enough vitamin B12 - especially for vegans. The reason it is often difficult to get enough B12 in a meatless diet stems from the fact that “the only way you can get B12 is by eating meat” (Yamashiro). Because of this fact, it goes without saying that a vitamin B12 deficiency can definitely be detrimental to one’s health. One reason is because “Vitamin B12, like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism. It helps in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous system” (Evert). Choose a color for each of the four categories – include a legend. Write a paragraph (using butcher paper) discussing your topic and integrating the information. Make sure to color-code your information and to cite it properly.
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