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“ Building Horizontal Partnerships with Shared Ownership & Mutual Accountability” –

“ Building Horizontal Partnerships with Shared Ownership & Mutual Accountability” – Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Centre. Partners: KOICA -Government of the Republic of Korea Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)- Government of Bangladesh

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“ Building Horizontal Partnerships with Shared Ownership & Mutual Accountability” –

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  1. “Building Horizontal Partnerships with Shared Ownership & Mutual Accountability” – Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Centre Partners: KOICA -Government of the Republic of Korea Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)- Government of Bangladesh Presidency University-Bangladesh

  2. HLF4KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION SPACE Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Centre Background With the adoption of “Digital Bangladesh” as an unprecedented lever for economic emancipation as well as an enabler for poverty reduction & human development, Bangladesh embarked on a new ICT-based human development landscape through implementation of ICT Policy 2002. KOICA extended its already matured expertise in ICT to embracing Education sector as vehicle for ICT knowledge & skill transformation as part of National Development Strategy and assisted BANBEIS to transform it as an institution par excellence for creating computer literate government staff to enhance ICT use in every sphere of national life starting with its existing Educational Information Management System (EIMS) & Geographical Information System (GIS) school mapping involving secondary and higher secondary school teachers. 2/4

  3. HLF4KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION SPACE • Innovation • Ground-breaking matching of “Digital Bangladesh” agenda with Korea’s development cooperation agenda-“the provision for Basic Human Needs & Human Resources Development” focusing on neighboring countries in the Asia-Pacific region. • Anchoring ICT Policy 2002 in Education sector to embrace Korean foreign assistance to promote regional cooperation through KOICA to establish state-of-the-art ICT training centre to contribute in creating knowledge & skill-based human resources at both master trainer level & grass-roots level. • Establishment of five ICT labs in the renovated & remodeled BANBEIS computer division as the center of excellence under ‘Bangladesh-Korea ICT Training Center for Education (BKITCE) project' orchestrated the design of an appropriate IT infrastructure in the Government system. • SSC compatibility through promotion of national ownership over development policy, alignment with national development strategy, harmonization with country systems, managing for results & mutual accountability-all the principles of aid effectiveness were practiced by both the Government of Korea & Government of Bangladesh (GoB) by jointly taking responsibility for managing the project activities & monitoring the results • Objectives • Establishing ICT Training Center to promote ICT skills of secondary & higher secondary level school teachers to quickly spread IT education up-to grass root level. • Transforming the existing EIMS of BANBEIS into an State-of-the-Art network to link all offices of the Ministry of Education with Web based EIMS database & GIS school mapping for management decision making. • Enhancing quality of training & creating master trainer with Korean-design curriculum & Korean-led practicum. 3/4

  4. HLF4KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION SPACE • Results • Establishment of an state-of-the-art ICT training centre in the education sector to transfer Korean expertise in ICT training and courseware for institutional capacity development. • Enhancement of ICT knowledge for implementing e-governance in the country to establish ‘Digital Bangladesh’. • Demand driven training on e-application in daily official works; • Involvement of women in ICT management through training & participation; • Adaptation of a framework of joint leadership within regional cooperation that works best for Bangladesh. • Applicability • The success story promoted complementarities in this sector & encouraged both host government/institution & Donor to expand their horizontal association & undertake another project for the establishment of Upazila (Sub-district) ICT Training & Resource Centre for Education (UITRCE). The project is expected to facilitate ICT training of grass-root level education office staff in 128 Upazila by using the expertise of master trainers already developed in BANBEIS. 4/4

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