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Introduction to MIS

Introduction to MIS. Chapter 12 Systems Development. Strategy. Tactics. Operations. Systems Development. Enterprise information system. Decision support system. Prototyping. Transaction processing. Systems development life cycle. End user development. Outline.

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Introduction to MIS

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  1. Introduction to MIS Chapter 12 Systems Development

  2. Strategy Tactics Operations Systems Development Enterprise information system Decision support system Prototyping Transaction processing Systems development life cycle End user development

  3. Outline • Challenges in Building Information Systems • Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) • Alternatives to SDLC • Prototyping • Teamwork • Extreme Programming • End-User Development • Analyzing Systems • Process Analysis • Object-Oriented Design • Cases: Government Agencies • Appendix: Visual Basic

  4. Runaway Projects • Technical measures • 2 - 5 times over budget • 2 - 5 times behind schedule • Missing technical objectives • Design problems • Duplication of efforts • Incompatibilities • User/designer conflicts $ 1998 2001 2002

  5. Reasons for Success User Involvement Executive management support Clear requirements Proper planning Realistic expectations Reasons for Failure Lack of user input Incomplete requirements Changing requirements and specifications Lack of executive support Lack of technical skills Success & Failure Cafasso 1994

  6. Systems Development Life Cycle Feasibility & Planning Goals & plans Systems Analysis Business requirements Systems Design Technical Design Proposal Systems Implementation Problems & Improvements New System revisions revisions Existing System problems problems Systems Maintenance: Incremental changes

  7. Development Controls • Detailed work plan • Performance targets • Practices & procedures • User input & control Blue Print/Planning

  8. Design Tools Visual Table of Contents Customer Order Entry Enter Salesperson Data Enter/Change Customer Data Look up Item Numbers Enter Items Ordered Check Inventory Status Special Orders Customer Order Copy Review and Print Forms Shipping List Back Order List

  9. Data Flow Diagram Show process and flow of data. Process No Increasingly detailed levels of process. Structure Chart or VTOC Show modules and usage flow. Module structure No By program structure or usage steps. Entity Relationship Diagram Describe Data structures. Yes By entities or object inheritance. Comparison of Diagrams Purpose, Classification, Object Orientation, Decomposition

  10. SDLC Effort G. Davis and M. Olson, Management Information Systems 1985.

  11. Systems Implementation • Final testing • Involve users • Education and training • Flexibility • Recognize how the system will affect the business • Encourage users to change • Implementation plans Education and training Changing Business operations

  12. Implementation Options old new Direct cutover old Parallel new store 1 new Pilot new store 2 new store 3 new store 4 old new dept or component 1 dept or component 2 Phased dept or component 3 dept or component 4

  13. System Evaluation

  14. Advantages Control & targets Formality Financial controls User input Documentation Testing Ease of maintenance Disadvantages Increased costs Increased time Hard for DSS Requires definitions up front Rigid SDLC Advantages & Disadvantages

  15. Prototyping MIS Designer User Initial Interview Build Initial Prototype New Version Use Prototype Request changes Modify Prototype 1) User is satisfied 2) User and designer give up 3) Formal system is built from prototype 4) Need for application is removed 5) Process never ends Process repeats until:

  16. Advantages Get a working system earlier User has more input Designed to be modified Problems Need 4GL trained MIS staff Too many users Too many analysts Never finish "Loss" of management control Best uses Single user Reports Input screens Self-contained applications Prototyping Evaluation

  17. Object Orientation • Object Orientation • Properties • Methods • Inheritance • Polymorphism • Business Objects and Processes

  18. Name Address Phone Change Address Add New Customer Delete Customer Contact Account Representative Assign Account Rep Contact Account Representative Year Started Assign Account Rep Object Example Object Classes Object Customers Properties/ Attributes Methods/ Functions Individual Commercial Frequent

  19. SDLC v. Object Oriented

  20. Objects & Events Events Methods Objects Record Sale Update Inventory Notify Customer Service Transaction Log Accounts & Ledgers Inventory Customers Employees (commissions) Sale Accounts & Ledgers Suppliers Shipping/Receiving Inventory Order/JIT Notify Suppliers Schedule Payment Installation & Maintenance

  21. End-user Development • Advantages • Faster • Cheaper • Get what you want • Disadvantages/Problems • Lack of documentation • Individual/personal differences • Pre-packaged software limitations • Takes User time

  22. Many people use the system PC versus central computer Need documentation Individual user differences Need to train users Commercial software limits User time is expensive Mission critical application Additional testing Many modifications Need security & control Need to integrate Use corporate data Tie to existing software Connect to network Database Integrity Avoid duplicate data Changes to corporate data End-user DevelopmentWhen to Call for Help

  23. MIS Size: Many users Complexity: Different departments Long development time SDLC large project controls Cost of user time Critical Information Major changes to central data base Formal testing Expensive hardware Formal feasibility Compatibility Specialized knowledge End User One-time code Can purchase pre-packaged solutions Highly trained users How Can MIS Help? Easy access to data/database Advice and help Testing & quality control Training & tutorials Support/Help Center Who Should Develop Systems?

  24. Choosing Methodologies SDLC RAD Objects JAD Prototyping End User Control formal MIS standards joint user user Time frame long short any medium short short Users many few varies few one or two one MIS staff many few split few one or two none Trans./DSS Trans. both both DSS DSS DSS Interface minimal minimal Windows crucial crucial crucial Document. & Training vital limited in objects limited weak none Integrity & Security vital vital in objects limited weak weak Re-usability limited some vital limited weak none

  25. A Systems Approach to Process Analysis • Systems • Input, Process, Output • Divide and Conquer • Goals and Objectives • Control and Feedback • Diagramming Systems • Common Systems Problems Basic Systems Input Output Process

  26. System boundary: The Zoo Requests & Comments Suppliers Members Donors Visitors Money Animal Feed Invoices The Zoo Health Data Education Baby Animals Visitor Counts Other Zoos Registration Papers Educational Materials

  27. Subsystems: The Zoo Donor & Public Relations Animal Care Manage Human Resources Produce Management Reports Manage Facilities

  28. Goals and Feedback Process Input Output Goal Analyze Control Feedback

  29. Data Flow Diagram Objects External Entity External Entity Process Data Store (file) Data Flow Data Flow Feedback and Control Data Feedback and Control Data

  30. The Zoo: Level 0 zoo booster members public/ zoo visitors donors PR data receipts etc. other zoos & breeders money & requests public requests 4 animal care 1 donor and public relations receipts needs & budgets animal requests health research 2 produce mgt. reports specialist request animal status emp. schedule emp. reports maint. & building request 3 manage human resources hours, benefits, etc. specialist request maintenance schedule employees employee schedule 5 manage facilities pay data, requests Management reports Usage reports certification agencies management

  31. adopt an animal files The Zoo: Level 1 public/ zoo visitors money & comments donors zoo booster members receipts newsletter notices, etc. PR data receipts etc. money & requests money & suggestions 1.2 handle donor requests 1.1 produce PR & outreach programs 1.3 org. booster services & meetings donor requests booster requests needs & plans money, data, visitor statistics donor lists public requests 1.4 track needs and donor programs needs & plans 1.5 produce accounting & reports expenses & budget needs & budgets animal needs public requests accounting reports

  32. Systems: Data Dictionary • Processes • Animal Care Description • Donor & Public Relations . . . • Employee Relations . . . • Entities • Certification Agencies . . . • Donors . . . • Data • Accounting Reports . . . • Certification Reports . . .

  33. Data Dictionary

  34. System Problems Do not include data flows between external entities. Drop the line or make one of the entities internal. warranty registration Manufacturer Customer orders purchase orders Sell Products Invoices sales receipt A process cannot be a black hole--data must flow out of the process. Maybe it should be a file instead. A process cannot invent data. It must have a data flow coming in to it. Store reports weekly report Save Reports Modify Reports daily sales Inventory list

  35. Boundaries Zoo system boundary Visitors Distribute Educational Materials Create Educational Materials Problem Boundary Problem: Shortages of Educational Materials

  36. Common Systems Problems • Defective subsystems • Wrong Data • Errors in Data • Missing feedback and control • Not responding to environment Receive Orders Check Customer Credit Check Orders for Errors

  37. IdentifyingCause& Effect zoo booster members donors money & suggestions PR data receipts etc. newsletter, notices, etc. money & requests 1.3 Booster services & meetings 1.2 Handle donor requests needs & plans booster requests needs & plans public requests 1.4 Track needs & donor programs donor lists donor requests needs & budgets expenses & budget donor list & animal needs animal needs & plans adopt an animal files Problems Some animal budgets have excess $ Some animal budgets have no money

  38. Object-Oriented Design • Encapsulation • Object Hierarchies • Inheritance • Polymorphism Account Object name: Number Beginning Balance Name Ending Balance Client Current Balance Manager Interest Rate Date Opened Object attributes/properties: Open Acct Accept Deposits Close Acct Withdrawal Pay Interest Object functions/methods: Savings Interest Rate Monthly Fees Checking Lowest Balance in Month Bad Check Charges Authorized Signature Pay Interest Compute Charges Print Quarterly Statement Print Monthly Statement Send Bad Check Notice Pay Interest Budget Saver Money Market Volume Fixed Fee Senior Citizen CD Student

  39. Rolling Thunder Order Entry Process BikeSizes New order Order Entry Clerk Est. sizes Bicycle Retail data BikeTubes Retail Store Select Customer Choices Select Customer BikeParts Components Pricing

  40. Rolling Thunder Manufacturing Process Frame Assembler Painter Paint BikeTubes TubeMaterial Build QOH Install Bicycle Customer BikeParts Components QOH Install Customer Transaction Ship Installer

  41. Rolling Thunder Purchasing Process Purchase Order Purchase Items Components QOH Order Purchase Employee Payable Receive Manufacturer Transaction Manufacturer Dock employee

  42. Some Classes for Rolling Thunder Customer Bicycle Customer BikeTubes Customer 1 * 1 SerialNumber CustomerID ModelType PaintID FrameSize OrderDate StartDate ShipDate ShipEmployee FrameAssembler Painter Construction WaterBottle… CustomName LetterStyleID StoreID EmployeeID … SerialNumber TubeName TubeID Length CustomerID Phone FirstName LastName Address ZIPCode CityID BalanceDue * 1 Components 1 ComponentID ManufacturerID ProductNumber Road Category Length Height Width Weight Description ListPrice EstimatedCost QuantityOnHand BikeParts SerialNumber ComponentID SubstituteID Location Quantity … * * * Manufacturer ManufacturerID ManufacturerName ContactName Phone … 1

  43. Rolling Thunder Bicycle Class Diagram

  44. Cases: Government Agencies

  45. Cases: Federal Aviation AdministrationInternal Revenue Service www.faa.gov www.irs.gov What is the company’s current status? What is the Internet strategy? How does the company use information technology? What are the prospects for the industry?

  46. Programming Logic Computations Variables Internal functions Conditions Loops Input Output Appendix: Visual Basic Math functions Abs Absolute value Atn Arc Tangent Cos Cosine Exp Exponential Fix Returns integer portion Int Converts to integer Log Logarithm Rnd Random number Sgn Signum (-1, 0, 1) Sin Sine Sqr Square root Tan Tangent String functions StrComp Compare two strings LCase, UCase Convert to lowercase or uppercase Len Find length of a string Format Format a string InStr, Left, LTrim Mid, Right, RTrim, Trim Manipulate strings.

  47. VB: Conditions If (condition) Then statements if true Else statements if false End If Select Case Customer Case Customer = ‘Corporate’ Discount = 0.05 Case Customer = ‘Government’ Discount = 0.10 Case Else Discount = 0.01 End Select If (Sales > 1000) Then Bonus = 100 Else Bonus = 0 End If

  48. VB: Loops total = 0 For month = 1 To 12 total = total + SalesForMonth(month) Next month month = 1 sales = 0 Do Until (sales > 100000) sales = sales + SalesForMonth(month) month = month + 1 Loop

  49. VB: Input and Output Could use: InputBox, MsgBox, and Printer object. Generally just use data in the application. In this example, the form collects the data and displays the result.

  50. Sub Macro1() ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+U For Each c In Selection c.Value = PCase(c.Value) Next c End Sub VBA: Excel Example Function PCase(txt) ' Convert a text value to proper case Dim i As Integer txt = LCase(txt) Mid(txt, 1, 1) = UCase(Mid(txt, 1, 1)) i = 2 Do While (i > 0) And (i < Len(txt)) i = InStr(i, txt, " ") If (i > 0) And (i < Len(txt)) Then Mid(txt, i + 1, 1) = UCase(Mid(txt, i + 1, 1)) i = i + 1 End If Loop PCase = txt End Function

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