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A Tribute to a Very Special Man

A Tribute to a Very Special Man. Robert Ludwig … Bob … Mr. NYSAFLT … leader … friend. “Bob was an extraordinary human being in every regard.” - Janine Manley. A good life: an honored French teacher,

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A Tribute to a Very Special Man

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  1. A Tribute to a Very Special Man Robert Ludwig … Bob … Mr. NYSAFLT … leader … friend

  2. “Bob was an extraordinary human being in every regard.” - Janine Manley

  3. A good life: an honored French teacher, devoted professional who loved NYSAFLT,and a kind man. I will never forget the days of Bob and the Concord - Abbe Guillet

  4. He was a prince of a man to all who knew him. Kind, generous, devoted to NYSAFLT like no other.- Myrna Delson Karan

  5. Bob's tireless dedication to Languages Other then English as well as his efforts to unify the Capital Region's religious communities have inspired so many. I will always remember his powerful messages to make a more peaceful world. - Jill Dugan

  6. How very fortunate we all were to have known such a kind and gentle soul. His contributions and selflessness to NYSAFLT will always be remembered.- Doreen DeSain

  7. To a Man for All Seasons who did so much for NYSAFLT. My life has been enriched to have had him as a friend and colleague. - Marcella De Muth Gintowt

  8. He always believed LOTE was the fifth core area in education. Bob also taught me a lot about leadership. He was such a character. I always thought about him as Mr. NYSAFLT. He certainly left his mark on all of us. - Dawn Santiago-Marullo

  9. His unmatched humanity and love of foreign language were evident in his every action. - Gary and Maria Milgrom

  10. Good men like Bob who give so much of themselves to a profession are rare. - Paul Wood

  11. [He had an] endless ability to remember people and make NYSAFLT members feel so welcome and special because of that. Members would talk about that so often and feel like he could solve their problems and most often he would. - Mary Myers

  12. His leadership was something we always expected and we were not disappointed. He gave of himself all his life. His legacy will remain for a long, long time.- Adrienne Greenbaum

  13. I think NYSAFLT was his baby… … [always] making sure his organization educated generations of language teachers using up-to-date methods. He was our cheerleader. - Marie Guillet

  14. I always thought of Bob as the "encyclopedia of foreign language studies and education". I do know he was proud of being a co-founder of NYSCEA (NYS Council of Educational Associations). - Helene Combopiano

  15. He was always at NYSAFLT conferences; never missed. …his energy, kindness, and helpfulness. He was a gentle man. The imprint you left, Bob, is huge. We will always miss you. - Eliane McKee

  16. Bob's enthusiasm, kindness, and work ethic were an inspiration that will never fade from my memory. We were all thankful for his presence. - - Paul Wood

  17. We're richer to have had you and your efforts are very much appreciated. May the wind be at your back, and the road rise up to meet you.. God speed!- Mary Lou Leavitt

  18. I've heard his name mentioned, always fondly, by so many other teachers and people who truly admired all the work that he did. Their memories, and mine, are of a wonderful man and remarkable leader. Well done, Mr. Ludwig ...well done! - Debbie Carlson

  19. He was a strong force in New York State for changes in the teaching and learning of LOTE. He brought us through some sweeping reform. I am grateful to have had his leadership.- Joan Trivilino

  20. When I think back on my life and the people who helped to shape who I became, Bob is clearly on the "executive committee," and I am eternally grateful. - John Webb

  21. I never think of NYSAFLT without thinking of Bob Ludwig. His genuine concern for all of us and his advocacy for LOTE are/were unequaled. A truly good man who will be sorely missed. - Roseann Lorefice

  22. He was a true professional and I admired both his understanding of teaching and learning and his willingness to give freely of his time. His influence was extensive and everyone who had the good luck to work with him will remember him fondly. He will be missed! - Geraldine O'Neill

  23. Bob's warm smile and professional demeanor are the first two qualities that come to mind when I think of him. He touched a lot of lives, and always in a positive way. We have lost a good friend and exceptional colleague, but his legacy lives on. - Paul Sabatino

  24. He was a man who just never stopped, championing so many efforts on behalf of so many people ... most he probably didn't know personally. Thank you Mr. Ludwig for giving me the chance to serve NYSAFLT in a capacity that I will never forget. - Ken Hughes

  25. I remember being in an elevator in NYC with a man who worked for the hotel, and seeing Bob get off the elevator, he asked me, "Was that man Mr. Ludwig from Schenectady?" When I replied that it was, he said" He was my teacher 20 years ago and he was the best teacher that I ever had. I need to find him and tell him so." I hope that he did. - Beth Bossong

  26. I believe that without the extraordinary dedication of Robert J. Ludwig, NYSAFLT would not be the incredible organization that it is today. Every foreign language teacher that benefits from this organization and its influence owes a debt of gratitude to this selfless, generous man. - Lucia Wilson

  27. I thank Bob for the many lessons he has taught us: to always maintain our passion for foreign language teaching and learning; to always demand and live up to his exceedingly high standards within the profession, and to tirelessly mentor those who will come after us. Merci bien, cher ami--we will never forget you! - Virginia Levine

  28. Whether he was dealing with budget details, or going to the heart of the question after a long group discussion, Bob always managed to have a twinkle in his eye and often injected some humor to break the tension. He was a talented, remarkable man, a "get things done" kind of person, and an inspiration to all in the foreign language profession!    - Dr. Gladys Lipton

  29. In 1986, when his lovely wife, Dorothy, passed away, I spoke with Bob at a memorial service for her and after I tried to offer some comforting words, he turned to me and said: "Joe, now I'm going to devote even more time to our profession than I ever have before!“  This from a person who drove himself tirelessly 24 hours a day. And true to his word, in a few years he became President of ACTFL while still the Executive Director of NYSAFLT!!! - Joseph Tursi

  30. When we worked with Bob in NYSAFLT, we always knew that we were engaged with someone who embodied more than just foreign languages; he was toweringly dedicated to all that the very best of teachers aspire.  He was a force to be reckoned with.  We always knew that he respected what we were seeking to achieve, and we always learned valuable lessons, lessons that certainly inspired and guided me. - John Webb

  31. [We are] celebrating the life of a man, to whom I would say with Mario Benedetti: "Estás hecho de buena madera". - George Castellanos

  32. Benefactor, mentor, teacher…a great legacy. –Beth Bossong A man who will remain near and dear to our hearts and who will forever be… “Mr. NYSAFLT”

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