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Russian is cool !

Russian is cool !.

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Russian is cool !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Russian is cool !

  2. Some foreigners know neither Russians, nor Russia at all. When we were in Germany last time we asked our friends to write their opinions if they would like to study Russian and practice it speaking to us and chatting with other Russians, but most of them gave us neutral and negative points of view about it. It hurt us, as we learn two languages English and German in Opalikhovskaya Gymnasium and we always try to master them during our meetings. Then we had an idea to make an advertisment of the Russian language, showing all our love to it in interesting photos, maps, facts about famous people and others. Opinions of Russia.

  3. “My parents tell me that Russian is one of most difficult foreign languages to learn. It is not much fun…” “… I do not want to study Russian, because I don’t know Russia at all. It isn’t spoken in other countries…” “…I’d like to learn it, but unfortunately We have not got any course in our school…” “… Most students learn languages such as Italian, French and others. Russian isn’t modern. If I took part in exchange programmes to Russia every year, may be I’d start to learn it…”

  4. Diagrams of letters.

  5. Russian spoken countries.

  6. Characteristic of Russian

  7. Russian is one of the most widespread language in the world spoken by over 280 million people. 2007 YEAR WAS DECLARED THE YEAR OF THE Russian language. It is vey important for all Russians.

  8. Every year a contest“Russian bear” is held not only in Russia, but also in the foreign countries. It is an international contest. 300 students from 40 countries take part in it. Only pupils can participate in such a contest. It is very important for foreign learners to master the Russian language. Country Participates 1 Казахстан 52923 2 Украина 11320 3 Латвия 2500 4 Молдавия 1702 5 Литва 677 6 Киргизия 383 7 Узбекистан 175 8 Индия 104 9 Япония 95 10 ОАЭ 92

  9. Every year we invite our veterans to our gymnasium. As we are very proud of our victory on the 9th of May. We make presentations, show concerts, they tell us the war stories not to forget it. Of course our friends from Germany try to come to us on such a day. We always change the interesting information, go to different excursions. They are interested in Russia very much. We tell them about us, about our history, about our first Russian famous people. They are………..

  10. Yuri Gagarin was the first to orbit the Earth.Nikita Mikhalkov is the only Russian film maker to get an Oscar for his work.Boris Pasternak was the only Russian writer to get the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  11. We are also proud of such people:Alexander Rybak is a singer from Norway, but he is Russian, and he was a winner in Eurovision song contest last year.Not many people know that some famous foreign people are half Russian, for example MillaJovovich. She was born in Kiev, then she came to America to become the outstanding actress.

  12. History of Russian’s creation. As you know, on the 14th of May is a birth of the Russian writing. Mephodiy and Kirill, the famous Greek priests, are the founders of it. We thank them for it, as we speak the very Russian language that they had written.

  13. Listen to beautiful Russian songs, such as “Katjusha”. Take part in exchange programmes and pracrtice it. Watch Russian films and cartoons. And just wish it…………… If you want to know Russian effectively you should:

  14. After having watched our presentations, more German pupils and teachers began to learn Russian. Last year our German guest Erek, a Hystory teacher, was in Russia. So he liked our advertisment of Russian so much, that he wanted to start learning the Russian Language at once. Nowdays he has been learning it for one year and he has already a success in it. Here is a letter to our teacher in Russian. Let’s look at it.

  15. Привет из Гемхофена! Дорогая Ира, дорогой Юри. Большой спасибо за дорогой привет. У нас всё хорошо, потому что на конец каникулы начинали и стресс готово. Моя мать и свой друг Рыдигер и моя сестра Зузи были в гостях и мы праздновали Рождество вместе. Мы обедали в ресторанте и текоторые из нас были в церкове. Потом с детьми играли песни на виолонселах и на гитаре и мы пели вместе. Сегодня утром моя мать и Рыдигер поехали домой, но Зузи пребывает ещё некоторые дни. Юля была у нас за одна неделя, но к сожаленю она должна была уехать 2 дня назад. Но как вас делают? У вас каникулы? И когда приходит Дед Мороз? Ира, эта Книга за песниочень хорошо: на занятия в университете у нас было празднтк, где мы пели эти песни. Это было здорово! Я желаю вам всего хорошего на новый год! Передайте большой привет к Тане, Олегу, бабушке и дедушке! Анжелика и Эрек.

  16. As you see all work that we have made is necessary for those who wants to learn Russian. We hope more and more new learners will appear next year, and we’ll help to practice it, of course. The presentation was done by Kuleshova Ekaterina and Lebedeva Ekaterina. Our English teacher is KrasavinaEleonoraVlavimirovna.

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