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Proactive Education for Diversity College. Heather Cohen Candice Fisher Maura Murphy Samuel Morris Dr. Audrey Jaeger, Faculty Advisor North Carolina State University. What is Facebook?. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg Publicly launched February 4th, 2004
Proactive Education for Diversity College • Heather Cohen • Candice Fisher • Maura Murphy • Samuel Morris • Dr. Audrey Jaeger, Faculty Advisor • North Carolina State University
What is Facebook? • Founded by Mark Zuckerberg • Publicly launched February 4th, 2004 • “Facebook is an online directory that connects people through social networks at school” (http://www.facebook.com/about.php). • “Ninth most visited [site] on the internet according to Neilson/NetRatings” (Hass, 2006). • “Top [internet] site for 18 to 24 year olds” (Green, 2005).
Why do students network online? • Online networks allow for a more controlled self-presentation when interacting with other students online. • Online interactions often lead to increased student confidence. • Online communication is easier. • Online communication is more exciting. • Students like the anonymity of online networks like Facebook. Because Facebook profiles are only available to members of the university community, students can expose existing identities as well as explore new identities without fear of being discovered by family members. • For example, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual (LGB) students can explore their sexual identity anonymously while on Facebook. This allows students to seek out other members of the LGB community which in turn assists in the immersion stage of identity development for LGB students.
Online misconceptions • Online communication is less risky. • Online networks lead to lower student inhibitions regarding disbursement of personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, and other contact information. From an early age, students have access to instant messaging and social networking technology. This leads them to assume that their online interactions are safe. • Online communication is private. • Students often do not realize that information posted on facebook and the internet is considered public domain.
Why educate about Facebook? • Students increasingly turn to Facebook as a tool to interact and network. • For example, at Duke University, 92% of the students in the class of 2009 had made profiles on Facebook prior to arriving on campus in the fall. This allowed these students to meet current students as well as additional incoming students. • At Diversity College, nearly 80% of our students are active users of Facebook. As this trend continues to increase, it is important that we take a proactive approach to online safety. • According to Neilson/NetRatings, Facebook is the one of the top 10 visited sites on the internet, and amongst 18 - 24 year olds, facebook is the most popular site on the internet. • Almost 75% of all students who use Facebook sign on at least once a day. • Facebook is present at over 2000 college campuses.
How do we teach our students? • Our committee suggests a 20-minute online tutorial during orientation as the means of teaching incoming students about the benefits and consequences of using Facebook. • Following the tutorial, students will be required to take a 20-question exam about online security and Facebook. In order to pass the exam, students must correctly answer 16 of the 20 questions. If students do not pass the exam, they will be permitted to retake the exam until they achieve a passing score. • In order to receive their Diversity login and password, students must pass the exam.
The Tutorial • The following slides are just sample parts of the tutorial. • Our committee focused this tutorial on current campus climate issues regarding online privacy and safety for students. Our goal with this tutorial is to provide students some valuable information regarding their online privacy and safety while they are here at Diversity University. • Our committee will continue to refine the tutorial as we receive suggestions from the faculty, staff, and students. • We suggest a comprehensive review every two years in order to adapt to any new technologies and online opportunities for students.
The Tutorial • Welcome to Diversity College! We’re glad that you have decided to make Diversity College your home for your collegiate studies. • Before you receive your Diversity user name and password, you will need to complete this tutorial on online responsibility. At the end of the tutorial, you will take a 20-question exam. In order to successfully complete this tutorial, you need to answer 80% of the questions (16 questions) correctly. • Upon successful completion, your orientation counselor will provide your login information for the campus network.
The Tutorial - Online Security • Your password is one of the most important parts to successful online security. After your first successful login to the Diversity network, you will be prompted to change your password. • For increased password security, please use both letters and numbers when choosing your password. • To keep your password secure, we suggest you change it every six-weeks. • Finally, do not write your password down. If you cannot remember your password, we suggest you create a password-protected file to store all your passwords.
The Tutorial - Network Policy • Please show respect to all users of the Diversity network. • Anyone who uses the Diversity network for illegal or questionable activity, is subject to the appropriate legal proceedings for their offense. • Illegal or questionable activity includes, but is not limited to, identity theft (stealing passwords or portraying yourself as another Diversity College student), illegal downloading of music, and online sharing of coursework in an effort to violate the Honor Code. • If illegal or questionable activity is suspected, Information Technology reserves the right to follow up by whatever means necessary.
The Tutorial - What to do next? • We encourage you to make a profile on Facebook.com. • If used properly, Facebook can be an effective way to meet people at Diversity College and other schools. Nearly 80% of Diversity students are active users of Facebook. • Facebook lingo: • To friend someone - To request that someone acknowledge you are friends. • To poke someone - To let someone know that you saw their profile and were interested in meeting them. • Wall - A place for friends to leave comments about you. • Be careful what you post on your Facebook profile!
The Tutorial - Online Safety • Security Suggestions: • Do not include any physical contact information. This includes phone numbers and room numbers. • If you want to list contact information, only use electronic contact information. This can include e-mail addresses or instant messenger names. • Modify your privacy settings. After you make your profile, take a moment to browse the web pages regarding the privacy of your Facebook profile. By default everyone at Diversity College can see your profile. Privacy settings make your profile visible only to the people you have chosen. These settings are modified using the “My Privacy” link on the left navigation bar. • If you do not know someone, do not accept their friend request. • Above all, be safe. We want you to enjoy your time here at Diversity College as much as possible. • In case of emergency, please contact public safety.
The Tutorial - Online Safety • Remember, people aren’t always who they seem to be online! • Your online interactions could be with anyone
The Tutorial - Disclaimers • By default, your Facebook information is available to all members of the Diversity College community. This includes faculty and staff in addition to students. You will be held accountable for all actions and pictures portrayed on Facebook profiles as well as other internet sites. • Potential employers often look at Facebook profiles. One question you should ask yourself when creating your profile and posting pictures is “Would I want my boss to see me doing this?” • By posting addresses and phone numbers, you open yourself to many potential problems. Don’t become a victim of identity theft, stalking, or vandalism! • We want you to enjoy your time at Diversity College, but above all, we want you to be safe!
Sample questions • Who can view your Facebook profile with the default privacy setting? • A. Faculty • B. Staff • C. Students • D. All of the Above • You will be held accountable for any actions that are displayed on your Facebook profile • Yes • No
Sample questions • How often should you change your password? • 6 weeks • 6 months • 2 years • Never • What type of contact information should you include on Facebook? • Cell Phone Number • Room Number • None of the Above
Sample questions • How do you change privacy settings? • Using the My Privacy link on the left navigation bar • Privacy settings are non-changeable
Recommendations • We recommend that students should have a chance to comment on the effectiveness of the tutorial via a follow-up survey to be distributed to all new students during the second month of school. • We also recommend that incoming faculty/staff members be trained regarding consequences and benefits of Facebook. This training should take place during the faculty/staff orientation.
Potential consequences for faculty/staff • Students may use Facebook to share information about course assignments. One of the parts of a Facebook profile includes an area to list courses in which students are enrolled. This allows students to find students who are either currently enrolled in the class or have previously taken the course. • Faculty/Staff have to be prepared to follow through on any illegal or questionable activities they see students do, online or in person.
Potential benefits for faculty/staff • Facebook serves as a great way to communicate with students. Since most students log in at least once a day, you can more easily connect with students. • Because of the frequency of student log in, Facebook offers a great opportunity to advertise upcoming events to students. • Facebook and other online communities easily lend themselves to a educational aspect as well. Certain universities have already implemented programs where students are trained as online peer educators. These students use online networks like Facebook as an opportunity to help teach students. • Facebook is a phenomenal tool for community building. Resident Advisors creating an online group for their residents is just one example of community building.
Learning outcomes • Through our research our committee learned four main points: • Facebook is not going to leave the campus community anytime soon, so it is important that we embrace it while taking into account the many consequences and benefits of this new technology. • Educating students about online safety is very important because of the increasing importance placed on online networking. • In addition to implications for students, there are implications for faculty/staff regarding Facebook. • Online networks like Facebook can be used as effective communication and educational tools.
Questions or Suggestions? • Please take this time to ask us any questions about the incoming student technology tutorial. Additionally, we welcome any suggestions to make this tutorial as successful and informative as possible.
Resources • About facebook. (n.d.). Retrived February 16, 2006, from http://www.facebook.com/about.php • Caplan, S. E. (2003). Preference for online social interaction: A theory of problematic internet use and psychosocial well- being. Communication Research, 30(6), 625-648. • Capriccioso, R. (2006, February 14). Facebook face off. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved February 16, from http://www.insidehighered.com • Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., & Guido-DiBrito, F. (1998). Student development in college. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. • Green, E. W. (2005, November 14). The web of social networking. U. S. News & World Report, 139(18), 58.
Resources • Hass, N. (2006, January 8). In your facebook.com. New York Times, Education Life Supplement, pp. 30-31. • Kim, R. J. (2005, October 25). Out on facebook. Advocate, 949, 44. • Lashinsky, A. (2005, November 28). Facebook stares down success. Fortune, 152(11), 40. • Liu, M. (2005, August 31). Writing on the wall: Freshmen ‘friend’ early on facebook. The Chronicle. Retrieved February 16, 2006, from http://www.dukechronicle.com • Read, B. (2006, January 20). Information technology. Chronicle of Higher Education, pp. A38-A41.