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A reconfigurable system featuring dynamically extensible embedded microprocessor, FPGA, and customizable I/O

A reconfigurable system featuring dynamically extensible embedded microprocessor, FPGA, and customizable I/O. Borgatti, M. Lertora, F. Foret, B. Cali, L. STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza,Italy IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, March 2003, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, pp.521-529

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A reconfigurable system featuring dynamically extensible embedded microprocessor, FPGA, and customizable I/O

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  1. A reconfigurable system featuring dynamically extensible embedded microprocessor, FPGA, and customizable I/O Borgatti, M. Lertora, F. Foret, B. Cali, L. STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza,Italy IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, March 2003, Volume: 38, Issue: 3, pp.521-529 Presenter: Ching-Chi Hu

  2. Abstract • A system chip targeting image and voice processing and recognition application domains is implemented as a representative of the potential of using programmable logic in system design. It features an embedded reconfigurable processor built by joining a configurable and extensible processor core and an SRAM-based embedded field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Application-specific bus-mapped coprocessors and flexible input/output peripherals and interfaces can also be added and dynamically modified by reconfiguring the embedded FPGA.

  3. Abstract (Cont.) • The architecture of the system is discussed as well as the design flows for pre- and post-silicon design and customization. The silicon area required by the system is 20 mm2 in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology. The embedded FPGA accounts for about 40% of the system area .

  4. Motive • The economics of system integration pushes logic suppliers toward ever more complex system-chip devices • Increasing design complexity and its associated risks, increase of non-recurrent engineering expenses, and shorter time-to-market and product life are causing manufacturers to look for faster turnaround and lower risk solutions for design and technology

  5. Embedded programmable logic in ASICs • On the logic design side, the ASIC introduces many design challenges because performance in terms of density, speed, and power consumption is significantly less aggressive than in cell-based design • the use of configurable logic must be limited to what really needs to be programmable for design efficient • the integration of programmable hardware in SOC introduces changes in the design flow. • Different implementations can also be repeated to produce different configurations for the same chip.

  6. Embedded programmable logic in ASICs (cont.) • the signoff of the system must be done for each configuration, since for every configuration the logic implemented in the e-FPGA must operate correctly and possible timing violations need to be avoided • an automated task to solve • the logic synthesis and optimization must be performed separately twice, for the hardwired logic and for the configuration logic, respectively.

  7. Embedded programmable logic in ASICs (cont.)

  8. System architecture • 32 bit Extensible Microprocessor • Five-stage pipeline • 8 KB direct-mapped data/instruction caches • 16/24 bit instruction format • 64 bit processor interface (PIF) • 48 KB SRAM • Embedded FPGA • Extension of the processor datapath supporting a set of additional special-purpose instructions • Bus-mapped coprocessor • Flexible I/O

  9. System architecture (cont.)

  10. Microprocessor to FPGA interface • The design uses a single context embedded FPGA to extend the instruction set of a commercial microprocessor architecture which allows adding user-defined instructions • the number of user-defined instructions available at a given time is limited by the e-FPGA logic capacity and instruction logic complexity • the size of the set of additional instructions exceeds the logic capacity of the e-FPGA, it must be split • The flexibility advantage of this architecture implies a speed penalty for the part of logic mapped inside the e-FPGA

  11. Microprocessor to FPGA interface (cont.)

  12. Microprocessor to FPGA interface (cont.) • The synchronization mechanism for two different opcode types

  13. Block Description of the e-FPGA

  14. Application example • A face recognition system

  15. Application example (cont.)

  16. System to RTL design flow • soft hardware (reconfigurable logic) to be mapped on the e-FPGA • HDL RTL code of instruction extensions • bus-mapped coprocessors • special-purpose I/O peripherals • conventional fixed hardware (hardwired logic) • Microprocessor RTL code • AHB/APB bus • peripherals; • embedded software (C code) • application software • low-level drivers for the hardware platform

  17. System to RTL design flow (cont.)

  18. RTL to Layout design flow

  19. System implementation • Technology: 0.18μm CMOS 6-ML • SRAM: Main 48KB (64-bit wide) • Memory: I$:8KB D$:8KB (64-bit wide) Buffers: 4x256B (8-bit wide) • Chip size: 5.5x5.5 mm2 (pad limited) • Core size: 20 mm2 • E-FPGA size: 8.2 mm2 (15K useable equivalent ASIC gates) • Customizable I/O: 24 general-purpose input/output and 8 general-purpose bidirs • Power supply: 2.7-3.6V (external), 1.8V (core, internally generated/regulated)

  20. Conclusion • a novel system architecture based on a reconfigurable microprocessor has been presented and its implementation using embedded FPGA technology • The future work is investigated the impact of dynamic hardware configuration on energy efficiency of the computing system

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