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Web Portal on Atmospheric Environment ATMOS

Web Portal on Atmospheric Environment ATMOS. E.P.Gordov, A. De Rudder*, K. Fedra**, V.N. Lykosov***, A.Z. Fazliev**** Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training and Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

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Web Portal on Atmospheric Environment ATMOS

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  1. Web Portal on Atmospheric Environment ATMOS E.P.Gordov, A. De Rudder*, K. Fedra**, V.N. Lykosov***, A.Z. Fazliev**** Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training and Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia *British Atmospheric Data Center, Chilton, UK, ** Environment Software and Services, Humpoldkirchen, Austria, *** Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Moscow, Russia, **** Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia,

  2. OUTLINE • Background • Project description • Portal description • Conclusions

  3. Background Rising concern on regional consequences of the Global Change together with internal logistics of global climate variation modeling stimulates research activity aimed to development a comprehensive regional models with proper feedbacks. One can consider it as a major scientific challenge of the community nowadays. Proper organization of relevant regional information to be used in modeling efforts as well as proper linking data, models and environmentally important model outputs is one of concerns for the community as well. However, there still is a gap between the community needs and currently available opportunities.

  4. Objectives The main scientific objectives of the project are: • To design a concept and architecture for a scientific thematic WWW site for atmospheric sciences; • To prepare and to integrate into such a thematic scientific portal the following information resources: • Extensive databases containing results of atmospheric and related measurements performed by researchers from institutes in Siberia; • Simulation models and related analytical tools; • A multidisciplinary information system which will also include tutorial components oriented to students and the general public; • A detailed description and geographic information systems (GIS) of Lake Baikal and West Siberia Lowland;

  5. Research Teams

  6. Conception of WWW Scientific Site WWW scientific site is information-computational system which is implemented in a form of a module software on the base of Internet technologies: • Dialogue system (navigation and initialisation of applications) • Mathematical models (thematic applications) • Databases (data and metadata structuring, replications, …) • Thematic services (books, terminological dictionary, bibliography and Internet-links, thematic software archive, user guide and so on) -Visualisation (tabular and graphical, GIS, multiplication)

  7. Portal structure Atmospheric Chemistry Atmosphericaerosol Atmosphericspectroscopy Atmosphericradiation Atmospheric Dynamics Solar-Terrestrial interrelations West Siberia Lowland Lake Baikal Air quality assessment and management ICS Monograph ICS Monograph ICS ICS Monograph CS Monograph IS IS IS Monograph IS IS - information system, ICS – information –computational system

  8. ATMOS starting page

  9. Gelio-Geophysical Measuring Data in Siberia http://solter.atmos.iao.ru

  10. Gelio-Geophysical Measuring Data in Siberia http://solter.atmos.iao.ru

  11. Atmospheric Chemistry http://atchem.atmos.iao.ru

  12. Dynamics of the ozone concentration Phase portrait of the Chapman cycle

  13. Atmospheric spectroscopy http://saga.atmos.iao.ru CO2 absorption coefficient in 4,3 mkm domain Atmospheric Radiation http://atrad.atmos.iao.ru

  14. Atmospheric Dynamicshttp://climate.atmos.iao.ru GCM INM RAS, Parallel version, grid: 2° (lat.) x 2,5 ° (long.), to calculate 3 model months 20 nodes cluster needs in 24 hours.

  15. Topical web sites Atmosphere and Environmental Impact Assessment • 1. Air Quality Assessment and Management • (http://www.ess.co.at/AIR-EIA) • Lake Baikal • West Siberia • Lowland

  16. ATMOS starting page

  17. Basic site " Atmosphere and Environmental Impact Assessment " AIR-EIA: air pollution and environmental impact assessment: the multimedia information source • AIR-EIA is designed to provide improved access to state-of-the-art multimedia information resources on Air Pollution aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment. • Air Quality Assessment and Management: a multi-media information resource available on the web on atmosphere and environment (http://www.ess.co.at/AIR-EIA) being currently developed by ESS with partners as a project of INFO 2000 Programme (AIR-EIA).

  18. Air quality models

  19. Climate: bioclimatic zones

  20. Conclusions and possible cooperative activities • The portal ATMOS is quite effective example of modern Information Technologies and Environmental Sciences integration. • It might work as a backbone for a planned Northern Eurasia IRS!

  21. To understand dynamic of regional natural and climatic system and perform regional environment assessment on the base of environmental monitoring and a set of developed models an information-computational infrastructure is required. It will facilitate initiation of integrated regional study of contemporary anthropogenic, natural and climatic changes in the region under question Development of Web portal ATMOS and its localization in different Siberia regions might give an element for informational-computational infrastructure of integrated regional study of Siberia environment.

  22. Partial support of this work under INTAS grant 00189, SB RAS Interdisciplinary Project No 138 and RFBR Project № 04-07-90219 is acknowledged. • Thank you!

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