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Overview and objectives for a 3-year strategic plan to enhance basic education quality, curriculum, teaching, literacy, and monitoring. Improved performance and outcomes in schools.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-13 & 2010 MTEF BUDGET REVIEW VOTE 14: BASIC EDUCATION Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 16 March 2010
Presentation Outline PART A: High level overview of the Department’s 2010/11 – 2012/13 Strategic Plan PART B: Detailed presentation on Strategic Objectives and Targets PART C: 2010 MTEF Budget Review
PART A: High level overview of the Department’s 2010/11 – 2012/13 Strategic Plan
Basic Education’s Aim & Vision AIM: The aim of the Department is to develop, maintain and support a South African school education system for the 21st century MINISTER’S VISION: That all learners in South African schools have access to quality teaching and learning
Education – the Apex priority:what we will do • In response to the President’s call for action and to do things differently, the Department of Basic Education has put together a 3-year strategic plan to lay the basis for the basic education sector plan “Schooling 2025”. • Strategic outputs which are central for improved quality of basic education are: • Improved National Senior Certificate Examinations Performance. • High quality of teaching and learning through appropriate teacher development initiatives. • Improved Literacy and Numeracy at schools. • Early Childhood Development
How we will work differently • Outcomes-based planning – setting of measurable outputs based on key strategic outcomes • Focus on entire sector & not 10 different strategic plans • New system of performance management based on performance agreement between President & Minister – cascaded through the sector
How we will work differently (cont’d) Purposeful institutional mechanisms to promote outcomes-focussed planning and performance management: Performance management based sector-wide delivery agreement (Schooling 2025); and Basic Education Delivery Forum Concrete mechanisms for working with and through provinces – reflected in new structures Active focus on implementation through support, M&E and accountability
PART B: Detailed presentation on Strategic Objectives and Targets
Key objectives, activities and targets Improved Curriculum Implementation based on curriculum review recommendations, Integrated strategy on learner assessment, releasing curriculum and assessment policy statements New Integrated Plan for Teacher Development including recommendations of Teacher Development Summit and QLTC Distribution of Workbooks for Grades R to 9 learners and teacher manuals to improve learner achievement Enhanced education management development capacity within the system to improve school functionality. Enhanced pro-poor packages to eradicate previous inequalities in school funding, school infrastructure, learner well-being, Grade R, Inclusive education , learner retention, support by district offices, Adult basic education and monitoring, research and communication
Key objectives, activities and targets • Establishing a long-term sector action plan, “Schooling 2025”. • Better assessment & reporting on the state of basic education to all key stakeholders and the public to promote accountability - NEEDU will play a vital role. • Promoting e-Education strategy to effectively deploy technology toward improving the quality of learning and teaching in schools
Programmes in the ENE • Administration • Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • Teachers and education Human Resources Development and Management • Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and evaluation • Social Responsibility
Programme 1: Administration Ensure long range planning for the basic education sector. Promote international relations in education by pursuing the African agenda and strengthening the South-South, the North-South and the multilateral engagements, including the coordination and integration of UNESCO activities. Provide legislative and legal services to the basic education sector. Monitoring, evaluating and supporting provincial education departments (PEDs) on the implementation of policies and legislation. Strengthen education-wide communication system by communicating, informing and interacting with key stakeholders and the public on policies, programmes and interventions within the basic education sector.
Programme 2: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring • Expand access to quality ECD for poor communities and greater focus on Grade R. • Improve the quality of teaching and learning in Grades R – 12. • Provide workbooks and textbooks for Grades R – 12. • Improve access and the quality of education to learners with barriers to learning. • Expand the provision of basic literacy for adults. • Provide appropriate and quality LTSM. • Monitor and evaluate the delivery of basic literacy programmes • Improve capacity to research and update curriculum implementation and to streamline curriculum. • Support curriculum delivery and implementation through the use of ICT
Programme 3: Teacher and Education Human Resources Development and Management • Develop and implement a National HR Planning Framework. • Promote effective educator professional development • Manage the demand, supply, utilization and retention of school-based educators. • Develop and maintain norms and standards for educators and district support staff. • Develop revised Teacher Performance Appraisal System and monitor its implementation. • Implement performance-based contracts for principals, deputy principals and office-based educators. • Strengthen and formalize the training of education managers through better education management training initiatives.
Teacher and Education Human Resources Development and Management (cont.) • Create a positive framework and maintain favourable conditions of service for educators. • Ensure effective professional leadership at district level of the system. • Increase the number and quality of new teachers in the system, • Provide support to practising teachers and curriculum leaders to improve professional practices and effective curriculum delivery
Programme 4: Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring & Evaluation • Better and improved reporting on the state of basic education. • Implement and report on the implementation of the Education Information Policy. • Develop and maintain an integrated education Management Information System based on individual learner records. • Develop systems and procedures to support education policy implementation. • Plan and monitor the equitable distribution of education funding .
Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring & Evaluation (cont.) • Develop , implement and monitor a strategy for improved and adequate facilities and infrastructure at schools • Promote and support optimal budgeting processes and monitoring the utilisation of resources in the system. • Develop and implement the new integrated strategy on learner assessment, including the establishment of a credible summative external assessment system and standardised systemic assessment. • Improve the quality assurance summative school-based assessment. • Promote accountability for overall quality in the basic education sector.
Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring & Evaluation (cont.) • Promote and undertake the monitoring and evaluation and reporting on the schooling system. • Promote research coordination.
Programme 5: Social Responsibility • Mobilisation of key stakeholders through a social contract to improve the quality of basic education to promote a sense of shared responsibility across society. • Implement School Safety Measures in the system. • Improve the quality of arts, culture and music education and training in schools • Faciltate the implementation of Physical Education in schools • Promote mass participation in school sport through local and international inspiration projects.
Social Responsibility (continued) • Increase knowledge and awareness of healthy lifestyles. • Contribute to enhanced teaching and learning through school feeding programmes and sustainable food production initiatives in the system. • Ensure that gender related barriers in the schooling system are reduced. • Improve the quality teaching and learning in rural and farm schools through rural development initiatives, including collaboration with other stakeholders.
Operational Plans 2010/11 Operational Plans submitted to Parliament with the Strategic Plan, show performance indicators, time-frames, activities and budgets to give effect to all the plans for the coming financial year, 2010/11.
Establishment of the Department of Basic Education (DoBE) and distribution of the budget • The Department was established when the Department of Education was split in the Government restructuring process in 2009 • The DoE functions allocated to DoBE include: • Adult Basic Literacy and Numeracy through the Kha Ri Gude campaign • School Education
The budget for the Department consists of funds based on the split of the Department of Education • The splitting of funds from the Department of Education was done on an agreed framework in line with the allocation of functions as well as the distribution of the staff complement • (See next slide on extract from Distribution Framework) • The Department may experience budget constraints during the 2010/11 financial year onwards since no additional funds were allocated for the establishment of the Department
Budget Distribution Framework: Education • Budget was split according to a proposed framework between three DGs and approved by the two Ministers • Compensation of employees was distributed according to agreed ratios for each directorate • Earmarked Funds were allocated based on function • Commitments such as audit fees, rental machines, computer services, bank charges, etc. were determined for both departments and allocated to the respective directorates • Funds for operational costs and projects were dealt with as follows: • MTEF amounts for all components were split in agreed ratios between the two Departments • Operational costs of Directorates/components were allocated based on specific requirements • Available balance was reserved for projects
Allocation per Programme for 2010/11 compared to 2009/10 • Unitary fee for the new building (R84 million) • Allocation for Workbooks (R750 million) and implementation of Technical Schools Recapitalization Conditional Grant (R80 million) • Increase of NSNP mainly to implement feeding in Quintile 2 Secondary Schools (R1.269 billion)
Allocation per Economic Classification for 2010/11 compared to 2009/10 • Both decreases due to once-off expenditure for the implementation of the National Senior Certificate • Unitary fee for the new building • Allocation for workbooks • Efficiency savings over the MTEF and increase in ICS not fully funded • Conditional grants: Technical Schools Recapitalisation and NSNP • Decrease due to equipment upgrading for setting of national examination papers and EMIS
Allocation Summary for 2010/11 compared to 2009/10 • Implementation of Technical Schools Recapitalization Conditional Grant (R80 million) and increase of NSNP mainly to implement feeding in Quintile 2 Secondary Schools (R1.269 billion) • Allocation for Workbooks (R750 million)
Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2010 MTEF
Detail of earmarked allocations/transfers (R’000) over the 2010 MTEF
Conclusion Anticipate budget constraints but will seek to optimise quality of spending The establishment of a dedicated Basic Education Department coupled with a new approach to delivery marks a decisive shift away from “business as usual”
Conclusion (cont’d) Confident that Sector-wide outcomes-based planning; sector-wide performance management & accountability; strong focus on implementation monitoring & support; strong focus on working with & through provinces will help to deliver results