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THE PENNACOOK TRIBE. BY: Devante, Brittany, Caroline, and Dalton. The Pennacook. . 1. The Pennacook tribe lived by the Merrimack river valley of the southern and central New Hemisphere. 2. The Pennacook tribe speaks close to a western Abenaki. The Culture.

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  1. THE PENNACOOK TRIBE BY: Devante, Brittany, Caroline, and Dalton

  2. The Pennacook . 1. The Pennacook tribe lived by the Merrimack river valley of the southern and central New Hemisphere. 2. The Pennacook tribe speaks close to a western Abenaki.

  3. The Culture • In language and lifestyle, the Pennacook are really identical to the Abenaki in southern Maine. For this reason, some groups consider the Pennacook to be the southernmost group of the Abenaki, but in 1620 the Pennacook were a large, independent confederacy which tended to view their Abenaki relatives to the north as enemies. This distinction continued for the first sixty years after the arrival of the English in New England, but by the start of the 18th century, encroachment and war with the Massachusetts colonists had made the Pennacook and Abenaki one and the same.

  4. FOOD • THE Pennacook tribe ate moose,deer, rabbit, and turkey.

  5. Population • The population of the Pennacook is about, 12,000 people and 30 villages. • In 1675, the Pennacook population had fallen to 1,200 people by the end of the war two years later, the Pennacook had been halved again.

  6. Sub-Tribes The Pennacook tribe has the fallowing sub-tribes: Accominta, Agawam, Morattigan,(Monchiggan), Nashua, (Nashaway), and Natticook.

  7. Name • The Pennacook tribe had different names like Merrimac, Opanango, Owaragee, and Nechegansett.

  8. History • The Pennacook tribe helped the wampanoag survive by showing them how to plant. Then however, with Pennacook lands half empty from epiemic and memories of micmac raids still fresh, he decided to accept the english

  9. Some More History • The Pennacook were located inland from the coast and had little direct contact with Europeans before 1620.

  10. History Ctd • There were some consequences,however, such as the unknown epidemic witch struck the northeast sometime between 1564 and 1570 followed by typhus in 1586.

  11. Picto • This is a pic of the pennacook indian.

  12. Pict ctd • this is a pic of the Pennacook food.

  13. Pic ctd • This is a pic of a rabbit.

  14. Sorces • www. Dickshovel.com

  15. Map • This is a pic of the map.

  16. Special Thanks • Special thanks to Devante who did the power point. Briitany who did research along with Dalton and Caroline who did the report.

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