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Introduction to DBMS Parser: Relational Algebra vs SQL

Learn about the DBMS parser and the differences between relational algebra and SQL. Explore topics such as schema vs instance, querying multiple tables, self joins, NULL values, and foreign keys. Gain a solid understanding of SQL queries and how they translate to relational algebra.

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Introduction to DBMS Parser: Relational Algebra vs SQL

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  1. Lecture 2 • The DBMS Parser • Relational Algebra vs. SQL • Schema vs. Instance • SQL • Brushup • Querying 2 Tables • New Join Syntaxes: Syntactic Sugar • Querying 3 tables • Self Joins • NULL and 3-valued Logic • Foreign Keys and Dangling Pointers/Dirty Data • A new Join: Left, Right and Full Outer Join • Using OJs to Clean Data • Declaring Foreign Keys in SQL

  2. Learning Objectives • LO2.1 Given (1) an English query, or (2) an SQL query, involving the join of up to three tables and a where clause, and perhaps a self-join, write the equivalent query in the other form. • LO2.2 Write an SQL query involving NULLs • LO2.3 Write the SQL queries necessary to replace dangling pointers with NULLs.

  3. Prerequisites • The prerequisites for this course are CS 161 and 250. • This week's class will expect you to know the definitions of these terms from CS250: intersection, union, difference of sets. • Please review these concepts from the text that you used for CS250 or its equivalent. • The text that we use at PSU is [James Hein, Discrete Structures, Logic and Compatibility, 3nd Edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2009].

  4. Review, Preview • We are working with structured data, modeled with the relational model. • Databasics Anonymous 7-step method: • Organizing structured data into an ER Diagram, Ch. 2 • Transforming an ER diagram into a Schema of Tables, Ch. 3 • Eliminating anomalies from those tables (normalization), Ch. 21 • Structuring those tables efficiently (physical design), Ch. 22 • Managing those tables using the intergalactic standard language (SQL), Ch. 5 • The DBMS manages the tables internally using Relational Algebra, Ch. 4 • Protecting those tables during concurrent use (ACID properties), Ch. 16 • Accessing those tables through a web-based interface (some scripting language) • This week we continue step 5. Done Next

  5. Web Form Applic. Front end SQL interface (R)DBMS Architecture SQL Security Parser Catalog Relational Algebra(RA) Optimizer Executable Plan (RA+Algorithms) Concurrency Plan Executor Files, Indexes & Access Methods Crash Recovery Database, Indexes

  6. The Parser • We’ve issued some SQL queries. Let’s look more closely at what happens to them inside the DBMS. • If you’ve taken CS311*, you know that a parser transforms a human-readable program statement into an abstract syntax tree • In RDBMSs, the operands in the tree are operators from relational algebra (RA), which we discuss next. • As a preview, we will display the parser’s output for our first SQL query. *Not a prerequisite

  7. 1 2 3 Example Parser Output SELECT occup FROM indivcl WHERE amount > 1000; Input: SQL Parser occup Output: Tree of RA Operators amount > 1000 indivcl

  8. Relational Algebra vs. SQL • Here is a taxonomy of what the RA operators do in terms of the SQL statements they imitate: SQLRA SELECT(called PROJECT) WHERE (called SELECT) • I told you that SQL was a messy language. This is the second reason. • RA was invented first, then the inventors of SQL butchered it by totally misusing its terminology.

  9. Parser Discussion • Notice that the parser outputs the RA operators in an order that gives meaning, or semantics, to how the SQL is to be understood. • If you want to know what a SQL statement means, you first execute the FROM statement, then the WHERE statement, then the SELECT statement. • Notice in the architecture diagram that this is NOT necessarily how the query is executed – the query is executed after the optimizer chooses a fast execution strategy. • For example, it may be much faster to first retrieve just the values in the SELECT clause, then identify those satisying the WHERE clause. • Also recall that the parser does other work, like check that the tables exist and the user has permissions.

  10. Relational Algebra • The parser is the only point at which SQL is transformed into RA. • We’ll continue learning SQL, then when finished we’ll learn RA, imitating the way a DBMS works. • Keep in mind that a DBMS will transform each of the SQL queries we study into a tree of RA operators, and that each of these operators operates on tables, not relatons.

  11. Back to SQL: Schema vs. Instance* SELECT occup FROM indivcl WHERE amount > 1000; • What information do you need to determine if this is a valid query? • What information do you need to compute the result of this query? • Moral: Validity depends on the schema, result depends on the instance.

  12. Brushup* • Which committees have received donations in March of greater than $500? Give both the answer and the SQL query.

  13. 1 2 3 Double-check!* • Is your SQL correct? The best way to double check is to walk through the semantic meaning of your SQL query, namely execute the statements in the semantic order I gave you, illustrated below, and see if you come up with the right answer. SELECT commid FROM indivcl WHERE amount>500 AND month=3; • After executing the FROM clause, you have what? • After executing the WHERE clause, you have what? • After execiting the SELECT clause, you have what?

  14. Querying Two Tables* • What are the names of committees that received donations < $250? • Here I just want the answer, but next we will think carefully about how you got the answer, so remember how you came up with it.

  15. Querying Two Tables in SQL: FROM* • Our goal here is to discover the SQL for this query. We've discussed the fact that SQL may not correspond to how the query is executed. • Recall that the semantics of SQL require that we consider first the FROM, then the WHERE, then the SELECT clauses. • What should be in the FROM clause? • What else?

  16. Querying Two Tables in SQL: WHERE* • The WHERE clause should accomplish two things that you did in your search for the answer to the query: • Finding • Finding And the resulting WHERE clause is then WHERE 1. 2.

  17. Querying Two Tables in SQL • The SELECT clause is the same in this case, so the resulting query is: SELECT commname FROM commcl [AS] c, indivcl [AS] i WHERE amount < 250 AND i.commid = c.commid; • This is SQL’s JOIN statement. • amount and commname do not need range variables, because there is no ambiguity.

  18. Table names as range variables • If you dislike range variables you can use table names instead (except in the case of self-joins, which we will see below), but it is typically cumbersome. Thus this is legal SQL. SELECT commname FROM commcl, indivcl WHERE amount < 250 AND indivcl.commid = commcl.commid;

  19. Practice* • Display the candidate name and committee name for each committee associated with a [Republican or Democratic] candidate. • Describe this query in nontechnical* English SELECT commname FROM commcl c, indivcl i WHERE month = 3 AND amount > 250 AND i.commid = c.commid; *nontechnical means common English, e.g., answers do not contain jargon like “commid”, “commname” or “month”

  20. New Join Syntaxes: Syntactic Sugar* • The join syntax we are using is Codd’s original SEQUEL (the first name of SQL) syntax. • But WHERE clauses can be confusing since they commingle join terms (i.commid = c.commid) and restrictions (amount>1000). • SQL3 (1999) defined alternative syntaxes that simplify matters, the condition join and the column name join • You are welcome to use either of these forms if you prefer them to the simpler form. They are just syntactic sugar.

  21. Examples of New Join Syntaxes • Original, comma-separated join: SELECT commname FROM commcl c, indivcl i WHERE month = 3 AND amount > 250 AND c.commid = i.commid; • Condition join: SELECT commname FROM commcl c JOIN indivcl i ON c.commid = i.commid WHERE month = 3 AND amount > 250; • Column name join SELECT commname FROM commcl JOIN indivcl USING (commid) WHERE month = 3 AND amount > 250;

  22. LO2.1 Querying Three Tables* • Display the occupations of donors who gave donations > 250 to [REP, DEM] candidates. • Or

  23. LO2.1 Self Joins* • List the occupations of donors who have different occupations and gave the same amount in January. • What is the purpose of the i1.occup < i2.occup term?

  24. NULL and 3-valued logic* • In the entire FEC database 623 out of 3832, or 16% of the candidates, reported no principal committee, and 6722 out of 10289, or 65% of the committees, do not have an associated candidate. • These are recorded as NULL in the PostgreSQL database. • SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE attribute IS NULL; will retrieve them; try it. • The condition assoccand = 'P80002801' returns 3 (!) possible values: true (for committees associated with McCain), false (for committees associated with another candidate), and unknown, for committees that are not associated with a candidate. • This 3-valued logic holds for <>, < and > also.

  25. LO2.2: Practice with NULL Values* • candid's of presidential candidates are those that begin with P. • Write this query in SQL: What are the names of committees in Portland (zip code beginning 97) whose associated candidates are not presidential candidates?

  26. Foreign Keys and Dangling Pointers* • See below for part of the entire FEC database. • Soon we will study foreign keys in SQL, like "princomm references commid" illustrated below. We will need to know which candidates have listed nonexistent principal committees. • We are looking for the analogue of dangling pointers so we can clean up the database. In DBMSs this is called dirty data. • How can we find these dangling pointers/dirty data? cand comm candid candname party … princomm … commid commname treasname street1 …

  27. A New Join: Outer Join* SELECT [attributes] FROM T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T2 ON (t1 = t2) WHERE [ where condition] • This syntax retrieves matching rows from T1,T2 as usual plus each unmatched row from T1 with a NULL value from T2. • Of course this includes rows in T1 with a NULL value • Practice: Display all dangling pointers/dirty data in the foreign key "princomm references commid" • Remember, there should be 14 of them. cand comm candid candname party … princomm … commid commname treasname street1 …

  28. Right and Full Outer Joins* • Right outer join is like left outer join except unmatched rows are taken from the right instead of the left. • Full outer join takes unmatched rows from both sides. • Practice: Use a right outer join to display all dangling pointers/dirty data in the foreign key "assoccand references candid" comm cand commid commname street1 party … assoccand candid candname party street1 … princomm

  29. Using OJs to Clean Data • Outer join queries can identify dangling pointers. • A DBA can then use this data to manually clean the dirty data • The simplest remedy is to set the dangling pointers to NULL • Hee is an example of this from DDL.sql: SELECT candid INTO temp FROM cand LEFT OUTER JOIN comm ON (princomm = commid) WHERE commid IS NULL; UPDATE cand set princomm = NULL FROM temp t WHERE cand.candid = t.candid; DROP TABLE temp;

  30. LO2.3: Use an OJ to Clean Data* • Write the code necessary to clean dirty pointers for the FK “assoccand references candid"

  31. Foreign Keys (FKs) in SQL • Here is the FK declaration from DDL.sql: ALTER TABLE cand ADD CONSTRAINT cand_fkey FOREIGN KEY (princomm) REFERENCES comm(commid)… • A FK declaration in SQL means • The referent (e.g., comm(commid)**) must be unique* • Every value of the FK must either be null or appear in the referent, e.g., every nonnull value in the princomm column must appear in the comm(commid) column. *An attribute is unique (SQL's term for a key) if it is declared a primary key or is declared with the keyword UNIQUE in the DDL. **If you just say comm, instead of comm(commid), it is assumed the reference is to the primary key. The FK declaration

  32. Trouble in FK Paradise • Ideally, when you declare princomm to be an FK, every princomm value will point to a valid comm(commid) value. But trouble can occur. • The first kind of trouble, which we have seen, is that dirty data (dangling pointers) can reside in the database. • If you try to issue an ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY… statement, the DBMS will reject it, describing the first dangling pointer. • So the proper behavior is to first clean the data, as we have done.

  33. Trouble in FK Paradise, Ctd. • The second kind of trouble is dynamic. • A referred-to committee can be deleted or its commid may be updated. • To handle this case, you must specify in the FK declaration how you want the DBMS to deal with the trouble. Here is the syntax and its semantics – see the documentation for details: ON ( DELETE | UPDATE ) [ NO ACTION | CASCADE | SET [DEFAULT | NULL] | RESTRICT] ) • NO ACTION: Disallow the delete/update (default) • CASCADE: Propagate the delete/update to this table • SET : change offending value to default (specified in attribute declaration) or to NULL. • RESTRICT: similar to NO ACTION

  34. What to choose? • Why did I make the "ON (DELETE|UPDATE)" choices I did in the DDL? • The choices are artificial because no one is dynamically updating the FEC database. But let's pretend, to get some experience. • (princomm) REFERENCES comm(commid): • ON UPDATE CASCADE: If a committee's ID is changed, a reference to it should be changed. • ON DELETE SET NULL: If the referenced committee is deleted, the candidate has no principal committee. • In indiv, (commid) REFERENCES comm(commid) • ON DELETE CASCADE: If a committee is deleted, donations to it should be deleted.

  35. Purpose of an FK Constraint* • An FK constraint, like any other constraint, serves several purposes • It guarantees to users that the database's data is clean (does not violate the constraint), e.g., anyone can dereference a princomm pointer and find a valid committee key or NULL. • If anyone tries to insert dirty data, the constraint handles the situation, as we have seen. • It provides information to the query optimizer that enables it to choose more efficient methods of query processing, as we will discuss later. • It documents to users the structure of the database. • It centralizes, in the database instead of in application code, a company's business rules.

  36. So What's to Lose with FK Constraints? • After that last slide you might think that you should declare a constraint for every foreign key. • Nothing could be further from the truth, for two reasons. • There may be circumstances, as in the FEC case, where dangling pointers are useful. • An FK constraint can be a big performance hit. • Every time you insert a row, the DBMS must check that its FK referent exists in the target table. This may be a wild goose chase, and in any event it can be expen$ive; it can slow down your database significantly.

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