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National Disaster System & Laws in Pakistan By Nadeem Ahmed Abro NDMA, 12 th Oct’ 2011

National Disaster System & Laws in Pakistan By Nadeem Ahmed Abro NDMA, 12 th Oct’ 2011. My Country. History Administrative Division 170 Million people Religion 97% Muslims, (77 % Sunni, 20% Shi'a ), Others 3% Parliamentary Democracy Economy US$1200 Per capita Income

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National Disaster System & Laws in Pakistan By Nadeem Ahmed Abro NDMA, 12 th Oct’ 2011

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  1. National Disaster System & Laws in Pakistan By Nadeem Ahmed Abro NDMA, 12th Oct’ 2011

  2. My Country • History • Administrative Division • 170 Million people • Religion • 97% Muslims, (77 % Sunni, 20% Shi'a), Others 3% • Parliamentary Democracy • Economy • US$1200 Per capita Income • GDP Size is approximately over US$165 Billion


  4. Pakistan’s Disaster Context Diverse topographical features 4

  5. Pakistan’s Disaster Context • Climatic variations from tropical to temperate with rainfall as little as less than 1˝ to over 150˝ a year 5

  6. Pakistan’s Disaster Context • Uneven population density 6

  7. Pakistan’s Disaster Context • Unplanned development in hazard prone areas 7

  8. Pakistan’s Disaster Context • Poverty feeds into vulnerability 8

  9. Pakistan’s Disaster Context • Pressure on national resources 9

  10. Hazards and Disaster 10

  11. Hazards in Pakistan Natural • Droughts • Earthquakes • Floods • Tsunami • Avalanches • Landslides • Cyclones/Storms • Glacial Lake Outbursts Human Induced • Transport Accidents • Oil Spills • Urban Fires • Internal Displacements • Industrial Accidents 11


  13. Genesis of System • Calamity Act 1958 existed in Pakistan which was mainly concerned with reactive emergency response • Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) • Relief Commissioner • Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) • World Conference on Disaster Reduction (18 - 22 Jan 05, Japan) adopted Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015 • HFA recognized “Disaster Risk Management” as an important element for achieving internationally agreed goals • Pakistan, along with 168 other nations, is a signatory to the HFA 13

  14. Genesis of System • EQ 2005 - Incapacities of existing system came to fore • Reactive approach - Relief oriented • Lack of coordination and centralized control • Law not all encompassing • National Disaster Management Ordinance, promulgated in Dec 2006, which was later on passed by the Parliament as National Disaster Management Act-2010. • The NDMA is in the process of formulating the Disaster Management Rules under the NDM Act, 2010. 14

  15. Institutionalize Structure NDMC PDMCs NDMA (NEOC) PDMAs (PEOC) NIDM NDRF Stake Holders DDMAs 15

  16. Stake Holders 16

  17. New System - Features • Paradigm shift (reactive to proactive approach) • One window operation • Centralized planning and decentralized execution • Disaster management - devolved subject • Directly responsible to political leadership • Ownership • Dedicated resources • Powerful law • Deals all four spectrums of disaster management 17

  18. Disaster Management Spectrum Recovery & Rehabilitation DM Spectrum Response Reconstruction Mitigation & Preparedness 18

  19. Functions and Responsibilities 19

  20. To act as the implementing, coordinating and monitoring body for disaster management (Article 9 of NDM Act 2010) NDMA’s Mandate 20

  21. NDMA’s Mandate - Disaster Management Managing the complete disaster spectrum, including Preparedness; Response; Recovery and Rehabilitation; and Reconstruction (Article 2.c of NDM Act 2010)

  22. Functions - NDMA • Act as the implementing, coordinating and monitoring body for disaster management • Implement, coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National policy • Lay down guidelines for preparing disaster management plans by different Ministries or Departments and the Provincial Authorities • Provide necessary technical assistance to Provinces for preparing their disaster management plans 22

  23. Functions - NDMA • Coordination with the United Nations agencies, international organizations and governments of foreign countries • Establish institutions for research, training, and developmental programmes in the field of disaster management • Extend such support to other countries affected by major disaster as it may deem appropriate 23

  24. Organization Structure Chairman Staff Officer Strategic Plan Unit Member Operations Member Support & Services Member Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction-1 Response Coordination and Information Management Disaster Risk Reduction-2 Recovery & Re-habitation IT Sectoral Specialists Logistic Admin & Procurement Project Units National Operation Center Finance 24

  25. DM Organization Structure NDMC NDMA (NEOC) JSHQ Line Ministries/ Division GHQ Media NHQ UN/ Donors Humanitarian AHQ PDMA/ FDMA SDMA/GBDMA ICT DMC Corps (CDMC) Local Representatives DDMA Implementation Partners Div (DDMC) Line Deptts 25

  26. Institutional Arrangements • Enactment of National Disaster Management Act 2010 which provide for following institutional arrangements • Disaster Management Commissions at National (NDMC) and Provincial/regional levels (PDMC) • Disaster Management Authorities at National (NDMA), Provincial/regional (PDMA) and District (DDMA) level • National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) • National Disaster Management Fund (NDMF) • National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) 26

  27. Institutional Arrangements • National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDMRF) • Developed through an extensive consultative process involving all stakeholders and approved by NDMC on 5 March, 2007 • Framework identified following NINE PRIORITY areas for national capacity development • Institution and legal arrangements for DRM • Hazard and vulnerability assessment • Training, education and awareness • Disaster risk management planning 27

  28. Institutional Arrangements • Community and local level programming • Multi hazard early warning system • Mainstreaming DRR into development • Emergency response system • Capacity development for post disaster recovery 28

  29. Why DRR Important for Pakistan 5 Years • Pakistan a disaster prone country – compounded by frequency and nature of disaster • Erosion of Economic Growth and Social Capital • Unsustainable Development – Pakistan a developing country with emphasis on infrastructure development • Difficult to achieve Poverty Reduction Goals • Since then: • 2 Cyclones • 2 Floods • 2 Earthquakes • 2 Land Slides • 1 Complex Emergency 29

  30. Why DRR Important for Pakistan Source: Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) – Annual Disasters Statistical Review 2006, Brussels, May 2007

  31. Why DRR Important for Pakistan 1956 -2006 Source: Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) – Annual Disasters StatisticalReview 2006

  32. Progress Under New System of DM National Risk Assessment • National hazard and risk assessment • Being carried out - Will serve as key baseline document for DRR planning at the national/provincial/local level • Assessment expected to be completed by end 2012 • Pilot project of Hazard, Livelihood and Vulnerability (HLV) baseline assessment completed in 10 districts • EQ risk assessments completed in Muzaffarabad, Mansehra, Murree, Quetta & Chitral. Exercise aimed at integrating EQ vulnerability reduction into development plans and schemes • Risk assessment of Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding (GLOF) completed in Gilgit district of Gilgit-Baltistan 32

  33. Progress Under New System of DM Training, Education & Awareness • Specialized training courses organized on Flood/ EQ/Drought/Coastal Hazards Mitigation, DRR Mainstreaming and Disaster Risk Communication • Trainings for professionals for EQ resistant housing conducted • Following knowledge products/ training manuals developed and disseminated • Guidelines for earthquake safer construction • Seismic retrofitting manual for buildings • Seismic hazard assessment • Disaster reporting manual 33

  34. Progress Under New System of DM Training, Education & Awareness • Earthquake mitigation manual • Drought mitigation manual • Flood mitigation manual • Cyclone mitigation manual • DRR mainstreaming manual • Disaster risk management manual • School safety material on DRM 34

  35. Progress Under New System of DM Promoting Disaster Risk Management Planning • Five Provincial/State, National Disaster Response Plan and thirty District DRM plans prepared • Contingency plans developed: • Monsoon • Winter • Marine • Industrial and Chemical disasters • Cyclone • Draft Tsunami Contingency Plan ready for consultations 35

  36. Progress Under New System of DM Community & Local Level DRR Programming • Provision of technical human resource to all PDMAs and DRM Coordinators to 29 most vulnerable DDMAs • Key CBDRM activities include • DRM network for disaster response formulated in 11 districts • Tsunami evacuation drills in costal areas of Balochistan and Sindh provinces • Draft action plan for school safety for Sindh and Balochistan developed • Union council level DRM for pilot union councils developed 36

  37. Progress Under DRM Multi-hazard Early warning System • Disease Early Warning System (DEWS) established in 48 districts • Tsunami early warning system established and tide gauges installed; Training for seismic data collection and tide gauge maintenance also imparted • Drought early warning system and mitigation projects implemented in Tharparkar District • Indigenous knowledge based early warning indicators for drought developed 37

  38. Progress Under DRM Mainstreaming DRR into Development • The initiative is currently on-going in following ten ministries: • Planning Commission of Pakistan • Ministry of Housing and Works • Ministry of Water and Power • Ministry of Industries and Production • Ministry of Defense • Ministry of Communication • Ministry of Environment (Devolved) • Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Devolved) • Ministry of Education (Devolved) • Ministry of Health (Devolved) 38

  39. Progress Under DRM Mainstreaming DRR into Development • A chapter on DRR by the Planning Commission of Pakistan. The proposed chapter will be made part of the five years development plan after consensus by provincial authorities • Under this component, guidelines on DRR for preparation of development project proposals (Infrastructure, Social and Production Sectors) have been prepared & circulated • Seismic concerns have been mainstreamed into the curricula of Civil Engineering Diploma 39

  40. Progress Under DRM Emergency Response System • US&R Team • Three teams formed (CDA, City District Government Karachi and Pak Army) • Two are planned to be raised (Chitral and GB) • Programme for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER), Phase III has been started • 26 District Disaster Resource Centers (DDRCs) have been established in most vulnerable districts • DRM training being imparted to doctors and paramedical staff 40

  41. Progress Under DRM Capacity Development for Post Disaster Recovery • Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) of NDMA currently providing technical backstopping to all involved in post-flood early recovery activities • SPU’s Sectoral experts have produced the following documents • Pak Flood and Early Recovery Response Plan 2010 • Sectoral strategies on Agriculture, Community Restoration, WASH, Shelter, Education, Health and Information Management and Monitoring • Early Recovery Strategic Framework and Gap Analysis • Re-construction related outputs 41

  42. Bilateral/Regional Initiative • SAARC • Natural Disaster Rapid Response Mechanism being devised • South Asian Disaster knowledge network (web based portal) • China • Joint Pak-China Flood Management Mechanism • Cooperation in Disaster Management • Australia • Expansion of CBDRM programme • Support to NIDM 42

  43. Bilateral/Regional Initiative • Tripartite (Pakistan-Afghanistan-Turkey) cooperation in disaster management • Cooperation with ADPC on DRM • UNISDR regional initiative on one million safer school • Expansion of CBDRM programme through World Bank • Capacity building programme through JICA • Cooperation with IFRC on mainstreaming IDRL guidelines through Rules under NDM Act, 2010. 43

  44. Disaster Response • Floods 2007 - Sindh and Balochistan • Flash Floods 2008 - NWFP • Earthquake 2008 - Balochistan (Ziarat) • Food Crisis 2008 • Land Slide 2010 - Attabad (Hunza, GB) • Avalanches 2010 - Kohistan • Kyrgyzstan Operation (Pak Students) - June 2010 • Tropical Cyclone (Phat) 2010 - Balochistan and Sindh • Air Blue Crash July 2010 • Floods 2010 • Floods 2011 (in progress) 44

  45. www.ndma.gov.pk dddrrii@ndma.gov.pk +92-3005012304

  46. Thank You


  48. Hazards in Pakistan Predictable • Floods • Droughts • Tsunami • Cyclones/Storms Un-Predictable • Earthquakes • Avalanches • Landslides • Glacial Lake Outbursts • Accidents of all types 49

  49. Analysis of Natural Disasters in Pakistan (1987-2006)

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