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Chapter 4 – Pressure and Sound Measurement

Chapter 4 – Pressure and Sound Measurement. Pressure: A force F perpendicular to an area A, the pressure. P— 压力; F— 垂直作用力 ; S— 受力面积. Unit of Pressure:Pa(N/m 2 ) Used in Engineering: atm,at,mmH 2 O,mmHg,mbar . 1 atm=1.013×10 5 Pa ( 标准大气压 ) =760mmHg =1.033×10 4 mmH 2 O

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Chapter 4 – Pressure and Sound Measurement

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  1. Chapter 4 – Pressure and Sound Measurement Pressure: A force F perpendicular to an area A, the pressure P—压力; F—垂直作用力 ; S—受力面积 Unit of Pressure:Pa(N/m2) Used in Engineering: atm,at,mmH2O,mmHg,mbar 1 atm=1.013×105Pa (标准大气压) =760mmHg =1.033×104mmH2O =1.013×103mbar cary_wang@sohu.com

  2. cary_wang@sohu.com

  3. Pressure Terms Atmospheric pressure: the atmosphere surrounding the earth exerts a force on the unit earth surface, that is the pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere. It varies with weather condition, the height above sea level , latitude. Perfect Vacuum or pure vacuum ,which contains no molecules, forms the primary standard for absolute zero pressure. cary_wang@sohu.com

  4. cary_wang@sohu.com

  5. Absolute pressure(绝对压力)Pabs: used for the pressure measured relative to zero pressure. Gauge pressure(表压力)Pg: the pressure measured relative to the atmospheric pressure. The differential pressure between the absolute pressure and the atmospheric pressure. Positive pressure(正压): the gauge pressure when the absolute pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure. cary_wang@sohu.com

  6. Negative pressure(负压): the gauge pressure when the absolute pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure. Vacuum(真空度): the absolute pressure lower than atmosphere. cary_wang@sohu.com

  7. Gauge pressure(表压力)Pg: Where is the reference pressure. Absolute pressure is a positive number. And Gauge pressure can be positive or negative. 一般压力检测表所指的压力是表压力或真空度 cary_wang@sohu.com

  8. Static systems and dynamic systems There are two types of fluid systems; static systems and dynamic systems. A static system is one in which the fluid is at rest and a dynamic system is on in which the fluid is moving. cary_wang@sohu.com

  9. Static Pressure The pressure measured in a static system is static pressure. cary_wang@sohu.com

  10. Static Pressure The absolute pressure at a depth H in a liquid is defined as: Pabs = P + (ρ x g x H) Where: Pabs is the absolute pressure at depth H. P is the external pressure at the top of the liquid. For most open systems this will be atmospheric pressure. ρ is the density of the fluid. g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sec2)). H is the depth at which the pressure is desired. cary_wang@sohu.com

  11. DYNAMIC PRESSURE SYSTEMS In a dynamic system, pressure typically is defined using three different terms. The first pressure we can measure is static pressure. This pressure is the same as the static pressure that is measured in a static system. Static pressure is independent of the fluid movement or flow. As with a static system the static pressure acts equally in all directions. cary_wang@sohu.com

  12. DYNAMIC PRESSURE SYSTEMS The second type of pressure is what is referred to as the dynamic pressure. This pressure term is associated with the velocity or the flow of the fluid. The third pressure is total pressure and is simply the static pressure plus the dynamic pressure. cary_wang@sohu.com

  13. cary_wang@sohu.com

  14. Static and Dynamic Pressure Dynamic Pressure = Total Pressure - Static Pressure cary_wang@sohu.com

  15. cary_wang@sohu.com

  16. Pressure Measurement Methods 1.Manometers(液体式压力计) • U-tube manometer • The cistern manometer(槽式压力计) • The inclined tube manometer 2.Elastic Pressure transducerDiaphragms(薄膜,弹性式压力计) • Diaphragms(薄膜,弹性式压力计) • Reluctance diaphragm gauge(磁阻式) • Capacitance diaphragm gauge • Bourdon tubes cary_wang@sohu.com

  17. 3、 Force-balance • Dead-weight tester(活塞式压力计) • Spring (弹性力平衡方法 ) • 4、Electrical pressure gauge • Strain gauge • Piezoelectric • piezoresistance • Resonant cary_wang@sohu.com

  18. Resonant Uses the changes in resonant frequency in a sensing mechanism to measure stress, or changes in gas density, caused by applied pressure. cary_wang@sohu.com

  19. Manometers The basic manometer consists of a U-tube containing a liquid.A pressure difference between the gases above the liquid in the two limbs produces a difference h in vertical heights of the liquid in the two limbs. If one of the limbs is open to the atmosphere then the pressure difference is the gauge pressure. P2 P1 cary_wang@sohu.com

  20. Water, alcohol and mercury are commonly used manometric liquids. U-tube manometers are simple and cheap and can be used for pressure differences in the range 20 Pa to 140KPa. The accuracy is typically about 1%. • Temperature affect---------liquid expansion cary_wang@sohu.com

  21. Thus the pressure when measured by a U-tube manometer at a temperature , when the manometer liquid density at 0°C is known, is given by: cary_wang@sohu.com

  22. Manometer Corrections Manometers can be very accurate and are frequently used as a calibration reference. It can therefore be important that you correct for changes in the parameters which lead to pressure--namely the fluid density and acceleration due to gravity. According to Merriam (who makes the mercury manometer in the lab), the correction for these effects is where the o subscripts denote standard values (sea level at 0ºC) and the t’s refer to the actual values. The standard values are go = 980.665 cm/s2 ro = 13.5951 g/cm3 (mercury) cary_wang@sohu.com

  23. The density of mercury varies with temperature like The local acceleration due to gravity varies with latitude, altitude, and most interestingly, with the surrounding altitude. Sea level acceleration, gx, varies with latitude x (in degrees) like Above sea level, where H is elevation in feet and H’ is the average elevation of the general terrain within a radius of 100 miles cary_wang@sohu.com

  24. P2 P1 A1 d h H A2 Cistern manometer(贮液槽式液体压力计) An industrial form of the U-tube manometer is cistern manometer. It has one of the limbs with a much greater cross-sectional area than the other.A difference in pressure between the two limbs causes a difference in liquid level with liquid flowing from one limb to the other. cary_wang@sohu.com

  25. This form of manometer thus only require the level of liquid in one limb to be measured from a fixed point. cary_wang@sohu.com

  26. The inclined tube manometer The inclined tube manometer is a U-tube manometer with one limb having a larger cross-section than the other and the narrower limb being inclined at some angle  to the horizontal. It is generally used for the measurement of small pressure differences and gives greater accuracy than the conventional U-tube manometer. cary_wang@sohu.com

  27. P2 P1 d x H h Initial zero level with no pressure difference  Since A2 is much greater than A1, the equation approximates to: cary_wang@sohu.com

  28. cary_wang@sohu.com

  29. Example (p574_ 6.2) cary_wang@sohu.com

  30. Elastic element (弹性元件) (平薄膜) (单圈弹簧管) (波纹管) cary_wang@sohu.com (波纹膜) (膜盒)

  31. Diaphragms With diaphragm pressure gauges, a difference in pressure between two sides of a diaphragm results in it blowing out to one side or the other. If the fluid for which the pressure is required is admitted to one side of the diaphragm and the other side is open to the atmosphere, the diaphragm gauge gives the gauge pressure. If fluids at different pressures are admitted to the two sides of the diaphragm, the gauge gives the pressure difference. cary_wang@sohu.com

  32. a, b : Bourdon tubes c, d : Diaphragms e: Bellow cary_wang@sohu.com

  33. 1.Bourdon tubes cary_wang@sohu.com

  34. The bourdon tube may be in the form of a “C”, a flat spiral, a helical spiral. In all forms, an increase in the pressure in the tube causes the tube to straighten out to an extent which depends on the pressure. This displacement may be monitored in a variety of ways, for example, to directly move a pointer across a scale, to move a slider of a potentiometer, to move the core of an LVDT. cary_wang@sohu.com

  35. Bourdon 弹簧管压力计 图9-4 弹簧管压力计结构 1-弹簧管;2-连杆;3-扇形齿轮;4-底座; 5-中心齿轮;6-游丝;7-表盘;8-指针; 9-接头;10-横断面;11-灵敏度调整槽 cary_wang@sohu.com

  36. 通过调整螺钉可以改变拉杆与扇形齿轮的接合点位置,从而改变放大比,调整仪表的量程。通过调整螺钉可以改变拉杆与扇形齿轮的接合点位置,从而改变放大比,调整仪表的量程。 转动轴上装有游丝,用以消除两个齿轮啮合的间隙,减小仪表的变差。 直接改变指针套在转动轴上的角度,就可以调整仪表的机械零点。 cary_wang@sohu.com

  37. 弹簧管压力计结构简单,使用方便,价格低廉,测压范围宽,应用十分广泛。弹簧管压力计结构简单,使用方便,价格低廉,测压范围宽,应用十分广泛。 测压范围为104~109Pa; 精确度一般为±0.5~2%(最高可达±0.1%)。 cary_wang@sohu.com

  38. 弹性元件常用的材料有铜合金、弹性合金、不锈钢等,各适用于不同的测压范围和被测介质。近来半导体硅材料得到了更多的应用。 各种弹性元件组成了多种型式的弹性压力计,它们通过各种传动放大机构直接指示被测压力值。这类直读式测压仪表有弹簧管压力计、波纹管差压计、膜盒式压力计等。 cary_wang@sohu.com

  39. 2 Reluctance diaphragm gauge(磁阻式弹性压力计) The displacement of the central part of the diaphragm increases the reluctance of the coil on one side of the diaphragm and decreases it on the other. With the two coils connected in opposite arms of an a.c. bridge, the out of balance voltage is related to the pressure difference causing the diaphragm displacement cary_wang@sohu.com

  40. cary_wang@sohu.com

  41. Potentiometric Pressure Transducer cary_wang@sohu.com

  42. Elastic Diaphragms Must be able to withstand the load and the fluid type Must be as flexible as sensitivity requires Volume displacement should be minimal to achieve high frequency response Natural frequency of diaphragm should be high 5) Output should be linear? cary_wang@sohu.com

  43. Flat vs Corrugated Flat responds faster, but with perhaps with lower sensitivity cary_wang@sohu.com

  44. Strain Gauge Type (应变式压力传感器) cary_wang@sohu.com

  45. Diaphragms (strain gage) cary_wang@sohu.com

  46. Capacitance pressure transducers were originally developed for use in low vacuum research. This capacitance change results from the movement of a diaphragm element. The diaphragm is usually metal or metal-coated quartz and is exposed to the process pressure on one side and to the reference pressure on the other. Depending on the type of pressure, the capacitive transducer can be either an absolute, gauge, or differential pressure transducer. cary_wang@sohu.com

  47. The capacitor can also form part of the tuning circuit of a frequency modulated oscillator and so give an electrical output related to the pressure difference across the diaphragm. cary_wang@sohu.com

  48. 式中,E为弹性膜片的弹性模量;u为材料的泊松比式中,E为弹性膜片的弹性模量;u为材料的泊松比 cary_wang@sohu.com

  49. Piezoelectric Crystal (压电式压力传感器) 压电式压力传感器体积小,结构简单,工作可靠; 测量范围宽,可测100MPa以下的压力; 测量精度较高;频率响应高,可达30kHz,是动态压力检测中常用的传感器。 但由于压电元件存在电荷泄漏,故不适宜测量缓慢变化的压力和静态压力。 cary_wang@sohu.com

  50. Dead-Weight Tester Schematic Force balance gauge Calibration of the pressure gauges in the region of 20Pa to 2000kPa is generally by means of the Dead-weight tester. Pressure is produced by winding in a piston. The pressure is determined by adding weights to the platform so that it remains at a constant height. cary_wang@sohu.com

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