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Promoting Health in Young Adolescents EMD 335 | Newberry College

Promoting Health in Young Adolescents EMD 335 | Newberry College. Promoting Health in Young Adolescents. Describe why it is important to address adolescent health and wellness. Outline ideas to improve adolescent health and wellness from research and real-life examples.

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Promoting Health in Young Adolescents EMD 335 | Newberry College

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  1. Promoting Health in Young AdolescentsEMD 335 | Newberry College

  2. Promoting Health in Young Adolescents • Describe why it is important to address adolescent health and wellness. • Outline ideas to improve adolescent health and wellness from research and real-life examples.

  3. Health and wellness are supported in curricula, school-wide programs, and related policies. TWBA (2012)pp. 169-180

  4. Health-promoting schools are essential to the academic and personal success of young adolescents. This places a fundamental status to the placement of health in exploratory, related arts, or family and consumer life skills education. - TWBA (2005), p. 154

  5. Reasons to promote wellness • Poor health practices drain resources. • Behavioral, physical, and emotional problems interfere with learning. • Youthful choices affect health.

  6. Health problems are generally holistic. Solutions must be as well. Addressing one symptom and ignoring all the others or the problem itself has almost no chance of creating change.

  7. What can we do? • Collaborate with community organizations. • Weave positive health practices and messages into the curriculum. • Create a healthy school environment. (Assess your school – see Wisconsin DPI instrument on TWBA 2005, pp. 159-160.) • Research and develop a coordinated school health system. • Teach/practice negotiation, coping, decision-making, and refusal skills. • Advocate for student health needs with parents and in the community.

  8. Take a read… • ASCD – “The Link between School wide Food Practices and Student Weight” • ASCD – “Schoolwide Environmental Interventions to Improve Healthy Eating Habits” • Thomas Lickona – “Character-Based Sexuality Education: Bringing Parents into the Picture” • NMSA – “Advice for Parents” (regarding adolescent health and wellness) • Laura Warner – “A Place for Healthy Risk-Taking”

  9. Activity #5 Choose and read one article. List three big ideas that speak to you from the article. Be sure to explain your reasoning for each.

  10. Teachers are often students’ only models of health and wellness

  11. TWBA Video Clips Health & Wellness • “Morning Exercise” • “Nutrition Break” • “Physical Fitness” • “Multiage Grouping” • “Safe Environment”

  12. Activity #6 List and describe three ways your school can focus on and help improve student (and teacher) health and wellness.

  13. The school actively involves families in the education of their children. TWBA (2012)pp. 181-198

  14. TWBA Video Clips Family Involvement • “Student-led Conferences” • “Student Agenda Books” • “Community Liaison”

  15. Activity #7 TWBA outlines six types of family involvement. List the types and, for each one, describe what you already implement and/or would like to implement at your school.

  16. The school includes community and business partners. TWBA (2012)pp. 199-210

  17. TWBA Video Clips Community & Business • “Art-based Partnerships” • “Piano Lab” • “HS Tutors” • “Community Liaison”

  18. Activity #8 Read about this characteristic in TWBA, then watch at least two of the associated videos. How can your school maximize community and business partnerships?

  19. What’s next?

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