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  1. http://dope-review.com/upviral-review/ UPVIRALREVIEWis a Cloud-based Software allow you to run effective, profitable viral marketing campaigns with Zero technical experience or special knowledge needed. It’s a complete, dynamic web-based solution that handles every aspect of viral marketing. From point A to point Z. Now it’s easier than ever to build highly profitable marketing campaigns that leverage your visitors! UPVIRALREVIEWis so easy, that anyone can launch a professional and effective campaign from any computer, tablet or mobile device… in as little as five minutes! In case you haven’t noticed, things have changed when it comes to online marketing these days. The internet’s major players have been tapping into viral marketing in order to build their lists, generate leads, boost brand awareness and of course, increase their sales… and with little or no paid ads. You’ve probably seen viral marketing happening right on your own Facebook or Twitter feeds, especially for major brands like AirBnb and even Uber. That’s because it works! (It’s what turned Dropbox into a $10 billion + company). And now, you can easily tap into the power of viral marketing as well… with UpViral! You too can take the power of word-of-mouth advertising to new, exciting levels. Because with UpViral, anyone can benefit from the power of viral marketing, not just the big guys! So if you’re serious about increasing your traffic and your profits, and with little or no additional advertising, here’s the answer! Simply put, there is no other app on the market that does what UpViral does… at any price! It’s all about leveraging word of mouth in a very (VERY) clever way. The team behind UPVIRALREVIEWmade it their mission to create the ultimate viral marketing platform… and looking at their customers’ results it’s safe to say they’ve succeeded! Using UpViral it’s easier than ever to: Run Viral Giveaway Campaigns – Get your visitors to deliver more visitors by incentivizing them with a goodie or a prize! Run UPVIRALREVIEWContests – use a cool contest to promote your site, service or product via Facebook and Twitter in minutes! Generate Tons of Viral Traffic to Your Launch

  2. UPVIRALREVIEWlaunching a new product or service you’re going to love this! Get massive leads – with little or no advertising! And much more! What Makes UpViral So Powerful? It all boils down to what happens behind the scenes with the referral invite link. This link provides accountability and a system for your visitors. The system guides them to the point of delivering results for you. By automatically emailing reminders, setting goals and providing incentives/rewards, your visitors stay on track and deliver. They get rewarded, you get new leads/customers and everyone’s happy! UPVIRALREVIEWis incredibly easy to use and plugs right into your existing sites and pages, you really won’t believe how easy it is get your first campaign up and running. There is simply no better way to take your traffic generation and marketing to the next level. If you’re serious about increasing your traffic and your profits, then seriously, pay close attention because they’re about to dramatically increase the price of UpViral! Fortunately for you they’re doing a special offer before the price jumps, giving you one last chance to get access at the lowest price possible! Plus, they’re giving away the biggest bonus package they’ve ever done (and ever will). No other app on the market comes close to what UPVIRALREVIEWdoes… at any price! Do yourself a favor. Go check it out now! As you can see I’m not kidding here. UpViral is unlike anything else you’ve seen. Why? Because it’s not depending on any single platform or technical “trick” that could just vanish. By turning your users into referral partners you create a viral loop where each new lead can turn into 2 and so on and so forth. UPVIRALREVIEWis a great tool that I’d strongly recommend to anyone with a product or service to sell! It gets big results, and just works. Be quick though... They’re increasing the price soon so this is your last chance to get in while it’s cheap. UpViral covers all the bases and takes all the guesswork out of viral/referral marketing. With UpViral, you get all the capabilities, metrics and analysis tools that you and your staff will ever need to successfully execute any type of viral campaign – in virtually any market or niche. Easy Setup/Administration For Contest Promotions

  3. UPVIRALREVIEWManage All of Your Campaigns Via One Easy-to-use Dashboard Fully Customizable Email Automation UpViral has A/B Split-testing. Split-test multiple lead-magnet pages to determine best opt-in rates. Split-test multiple thank-you pages to determine best sharing rates and Split-test multiple emails to determine best click/open rates Easy Integration With Existing Sites, Tools, and All Major Autoresponders UPVIRALREVIEWUse points-based system (example: reward visitors based on number of referrals). Generates unique referral invite links. Full control over type and number of points given per action (visits, leads or shares). Offer extra incentives for sharing (regardless of other actions)Powerful, Fully Customizable Social Sharing Features UpViral Provide automatic goal-based rewards (example: reward visitors for sharing on FB). Provide multiple rewards based on points accumulated or goals met. Provide download-able files, links, even instant discount coupons as incentives/rewards. All points, rewards and incentives are fully-automated per desired settings – (No admin required!) Powerful Automated Security, Metrics and Analytical Tools Mobile Optimized. Fully-responsive display – 100% mobile-optimized! Supports all smartphones and tablets – Android, iOS and Windows! Tons of people immediately locked in the special deal. Fortunately there’s still a chance to get in. Since I got various questions as well, I figured to send out a quick Q&A to you. Q: Is UPVIRALREVIEWa “social contest” app? A: Yes it does social contests, and much more! Running contests is just one way that you can use it. You can also tap into it to run viral giveaway promotions for example. This allows, for example, your visitors to earn a reward by getting a set number of friends to signup with you. In a nutshell, UPVIRALREVIEWcan best be summarized as a versatile viral/referral marketing platform, that you can use for all kinds of campaigns and promotions!

  4. UPVIRALREVIEWwork in any niche or market? A: Yes, they’ve designed UpViral from the ground up to work in virtually every niche/market out there. See in any niche, there are products/services that people want/need (that’s why people buy). With UpViral, you’re basically ‘selling’ something as well, and your visitors pay you with ‘social capital’. Just offer them something of value that they want – and they’ll be willing to share for it. It really is that simple, everyone benefits! Q: How can I make more sales/money with UPVIRALREVIEW? A: There are so many ways, it’s mind-boggling. For example, you can run a viral giveaway or contest you could easily build up your email list with. Which you can then use to promote other products and services to your subscribers. Or, you can send them straight to an offer page with the viral share screen displaying as a pop-up, offering an incentive or even a discount for referring your product to their friends. There are many other options, limited by only your imagination. Q: Can I use my own domain names? A: Absolutely! You can put your lead page and use the invite links via your own domain, they still host everything on the backend. This is super simple to set up. You can even have a separate domain for each campaign (with unlimited campaigns!) Q: Does UPVIRALREVIEWsupport multiple languages? A: Yes, you can use your native language or any preferred language on any screen that your audience sees. Q: Can I integrate this into my own website? A: Yes, you can! UpViral can be integrated in virtually every tool out there – as long as it has a way to add an email opt-in box. UPVIRALREVIEWplugs right into that box by copy-pasting a simple piece of code (once again, really easy to set up). Q: Is training included? A: Yes, there is! Inside the dashboard you’ll find easy to follow videos that will explain everything step-by-step (although you probably won’t need them much – it’s that easy). And if you get access during this special offer, you’ll even get access to Wilco’s private Viral Hacks Masterclass. That’s a 6-week program that will show you all the ins and outs of viral marketing (how to make sure to get the best results possible). The masterclass is normally being sold as a separate high-ticket product, but it’s yours for free if you get in before the timer runs out.

  5. UPVIRALREVIEWget in before the price jumps you’ll keep paying the low price for as long as you’re a member, obviously! I hope this short review helped you get any lingering questions answered regarding UpViral. Make sure to lock in your account + free bonuses. You can try it risk-free for a full 30 days! Hey there, You’ve noticed, didn’t you? Getting quality traffic to your sites has been getting more of a challenge lately. (I’m guessing you’re finding yourself paying more and more for traffic from Facebook / Google as well) If that’s the case, then let’s assume you’re open to finding other ways to build solid streams of free, continuous traffic… Right?! Well, UPVIRALREVIEWis your lucky day! A good friend of mine (Wilco) spent the last couple of years mastering a brilliant traffic strategy that delivers free, endless traffic and he just released a free video course on it! on’t worry, there’s nothing to buy or anything like that. It’s just solid, useful information. You’ll see a cool case study, along with a powerful traffic strategy that he uses to generate continuous, exponentially-growing traffic. Make no mistake, this concept is a game-changer! So do this… stop what you’re doing right now. Check out the video and case study… Watch the video now! I promise, you will be glad you did! Until next time! Just checking in, hoping you had a chance to take a look at that UPVIRALREVIEWthat I emailed you about a couple of days ago. If you haven’t yet, just trust me on this… Stop what you’re doing right now and take a few minutes to watch it. Wilco’s pulls the lid off a proven strategy that will put your traffic generation and list-building practically on autopilot! Last time he shared this info, one of his followers netted 114,485 email subscribers within the first 30 days of trying… all by using the proven strategy (that’s he’s now sharing for free). It’s so simple, yet oddly enough, most people don’t even know about it. You may not know it yet, but viral marketing is indeed the next UPVIRALREVIEW. Everyone from Fortune 500 companies down to the corner hot dog stand are successfully implementing it to boost sales. Anyone can do it, but it needs to be done right! Wilco just released a new video that delves even deeper, and his simple-yet-brilliant strategies are going to revolutionize how you do marketing.

  6. UPVIRALREVIEWknow those are bold statements. But watch his 2nd video below and see for yourself! If you haven’t watched #1 yet, you can watch it here. Find out more about why his ingenious viral marketing concept that just plain works… again and again! I think you’ll agree, the concept is simple, straightforward and best of all… easy for anyone to do! Just imagine the massive traffic you can get by implementing a proven strategy that doesn’t depend on advertising! Well, here it is! So take UPVIRALREVIEWa moment and watch the videos now… you can thank me later! Have a great day! Over the last couple of days, I’ve mailed you about Wilco de Kreij’s free video course (that he really shouldn’t have shared for free :o) to show you the “art of viral marketing”. (Really, REALLy good stuff – I hope you had a chance to watch them!) He *just* released another free video taking the concept into even greater depth. In this video you’ll see exactly (on his screen) how he drove well over 300,000 unique visitors to a simple 2-paged site Even if you haven’t watched the other videos… … do yourself a favor and watch this case study. Check out the latest video NOW! Mark my words, UPVIRALREVIEWgive these short videos the time they deserve. Because if you implement just a small fraction of what Wilco teaches you in them, it will transform your business! Be sure to watch the latest video all the way to the end for a special announcement! Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss it! Over the last few days I’ve been telling you all about UpViral, which is a new way to drive free traffic and leads in a way that’s never been possible before. Let me be clear.. this is NOT your usual “product” or anything like that. It’s beyond anything I’ve seen so far. The amount of features and possibilities they’ve added to this platform while keeping it super easy to use… … all I can say is.. RESPECT. (Can you see I’m in love already? Haha). Today I want to give some actionable ideas on how I’m going to use UPVIRALREVIEWusing one of my favorite features.

  7. In case you haven’t seen the UPVIRALREVIEWdemo yet, please check that out first So in this email I’m going to skip the “basics” of creating viral contests & giveaways… that should be obvious after watching the UpViral demo. What you might not know is that you can plug UPVIRALREVIEWinto your existing email list. That’s right! You can send out an email to your existing email list (e.g. on Aweber, Mailchimp, GetResponse, etcetc)…and every single person can immediately join your contest and giveaway…and share their own unique invite link with just one click! (UpViral then keeps track of how many people each of your subscribers refer back to you).In other words this basically turns your existing email subscriber lists in an army of people/affiliates desperately to promote your site! Every single subscriber will automatically get their own unique invite link. Just think about this for a second because this really is a game-changer. Some examples of how I’m going to use it I’ll be sending out broadcast emails to my full list in which I’ll give away certain freebies (e.g. ebooksetc) IF UPVIRALREVIEWget 3 of their friends to sign up to my email list as well. Only if they actually get 3 friends to subscribe, they’ll unlock their reward. I’ll be doing contests in my broadcast emails where my readers can immediately share their invite link on every social network (in one click), giving them a higher chance of winning. I’ll be plugging this into my automated email sequence. In case someone doesn’t buy a certain product, I’ll automatically give them the option to get a $10 discount coupon. You guessed right, all they need to do to claim the discount… is get X of their friends to sign up to my email list as well (who’ll then go through the same sequence and will share it with their friends as well). These are just a few examples of how I’ll be using UpViral… using just one of the features of this amazing platform. Have a look here to see what else you can do with it. Seriously, do yourself a favor and check UPVIRALREVIEWout right now. They’re about to dramatically increase the price of UpViral, and I know you’re going to regret it if you need to pay the full price later on!

  8. UPVIRALREVIEWalways ask myself when I see a new app or platform… and boy does UpViral work! Seriously, the results people are seeing with UPVIRALREVIEWare nothing short of incredible. You can check out some case studies yourself here. About halfway on that page you’ll see various case studies One that resulted in 310,931 visitors (which started with only 385 visitor Another one that resulted in 69,072 visitors (and 16,653 qualified email subscribers) but that’s only a small peek of what UpViral has done. Want me to continue? Well, sure! Matthew has used UpViral to collect 114,485 leads in less than 30 days. Troy has collected more than 208,000 subscribers using UpViral. Michael has build a responsive 30,000+ list in less than six months. Travis has collected well over 15,000 leads with UpViral. and the list goes on and on. Check out more results here. As you can see I’m not kidding here. UPVIRALREVIEWis unlike anything else you’ve seen. Why? Because it’s not depending on any single platform or technical “trick” that could just vanish. Take a moment to check out the demo here and I guarantee you’ll be surprised. Be quick though… they’re increasing the price soon – so this is your last chance to get in while it’s cheap. Over the last few days I sent you multiple e-mails letting you know about a tool that is an absolute game-changer. I know many of you want him to extend the offer, but this really is a one time deal that will close down at midnight (ET/NY). After that there will never be another chance to A) lock-in your account this cheap and B) get FREE access to his 6-week Masterclass (along with the other special bonuses). So… this is it. At midnight this offer will be gone. Forever. A few weeks prior to going live with UpViral, I set up a campaign to promote a simple Twitter tool I had developed. In order to get access, all UPVIRALREVIEWhad to do was invite five friends to sign up too. I used a small spend with Facebook ads to send ± 400 visitors to the offer page, resulting in over 70,000 visitors and 7,000 leads in just a few weeks (and counting). Because these people are actively sharing the offer, and their friends are doing the same thing, the number of signups keeps increasing.

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