The Yuan Dynasty By: Jose Soto and Bryson Mansell
In 1260 Kublai Khan went to the throne. In 1271, he established the Yuan Dynasty with Yuandadu which is currently Beijing. Kublai Khan made the dynasty for military purposes. Kublai Khan became their leader and led his army to capture several territories. History
The Yuan had good economic development and was the best in the fields of science and literature but the economy was based on agriculture. Achievements
The ancient Mongols were a nomadic civilization. They could easily take back an unoccupied city from an enemy, which is a good defense for them. The Mongols
The Forbidden City was an ancient establishment that was located in the Yuan Dynasty but the emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered to move the establishment to the capital of Beijing and insisted that the Yuan Dynasty should be burnt down. Once the emperor’s son came up to the throne, he moved back the establishment to the Yuan Dynasty. The Forbidden City
In the end, despite their great economy and great agriculture, they suffered serious natural disasters and a bad grading system. In 1367, the rebel army captured the Yuan Capital, ending their great run. Conclusion