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Europe Direct A general information service for the European Union created in 2005

Europe Direct A general information service for the European Union created in 2005 (Commission européenne-DG Communication) including : a web site: http://ec.europa.eu/europedirect/index_fr.htm a freephone service : 0 800 6 7 8 9 10 11

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Europe Direct A general information service for the European Union created in 2005

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  1. Europe Direct A general information service for the European Union created in 2005 (Commission européenne-DG Communication) including : a web site: http://ec.europa.eu/europedirect/index_fr.htm a freephone service : 0 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 450 regional relays divided into 25 EM (27 en 2008) The european documentation and lecturing centres Team Europe EUROPE DIRECT information relays act as an interface between the EU and its citizens at a local level. Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  2. Examples of events organised by the Europe Direct relays Documentation distribution of EU publications ► ◄ website newsletters, information junkets Animations Youth events ► Forums on Europe open to the general public Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  3. Examples of events organised by the Europe Direct relays European projects Paraphrased notes ► Partner search Information and orientation project developers Information meetings in conjuntion with management authorities Informing the general public of EU financed projects shows ◄ eg : 30 years of regional policy media information participation in « comité pilotage communication 2007-2013 » Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  4. Examples of events organised by the Europe Direct relays Meetings/debates Information/training days Debates/meetings on european questions ► Visits to european institutions ▼ Feed-back , Media coverage Forum feedback Opinion polling Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  5. Networking Objectives ot the network To develop mutual knowledge of the functioning of each relay To improve the running of the service Exchange of good practices Pooling of resources Outils du réseau  help desk and intranet (part of which is « visible » on Europa)  exchange programmes  annual meetings  basic training (new relays) and specialised training  national network controlled by EU representatives  co-operation with other networks Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  6. Exchange programme encourages the members of EUROPE DIRECT Information network to share their experience and best practice and engage in joint activities, projects and training Case study Europe Direct Pyrénées Languedoc Roussillon In september 2007, the organisation of an exchange programme on the theme of « improving regional diffusion of EU projects » Experiences, tools, procedure difficulties encountered ► communication for the project organisers ► communication for the general public ► ED relays and communication strategy 2007-2013 ► tools for better communication (multimedia, NTIC …) Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  7. National network organised by French EU representation In plenary meetings : to get to know each other better fine tune network activities, to discuss the communication priorities for the E.U. and the events to be carried out by the relays. In work groups : allows the topic to be fully discussed and easily distributed throughout the network Case study Europe Direct Pyrénées Languedoc Roussillon Conducting of the workgroup « feed-back » Sharing previous project experience and useful tools. Utilisation of the tools as a model to keep abreast of opinions in the EU (opinion poll file, manifestation file, multimedia file) Workgroup participation « communication of european funds » Identification practices, tools, pooling of contacts, meetings with the managers of the programs Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

  8. A few comments on the working of the network…  networking is essential in the ED relays to guarantee the european dimension  develops knowledge of other members of the Union, their viewpoint, different methods, exchanges and pooling tools  furthermore, the national and regional networks allow the sharing of communal specificities and work with other entities  must remain on a human level to allow for meetings around thematic or geographical groups  language and communication problems are often underestimaded  networking must not be a constraint and increase everyone’s workload (do not multiply the databases) Claire Sarda Vergès www.europedirectplr.fr

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