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FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Paul Bourget Directorate of Research and Development Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-1849 paul.g.bourget@usace.army.mil. Floodplain Management Defined.

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  1. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND THEU.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Paul Bourget Directorate of Research and Development Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (202) 761-1849 paul.g.bourget@usace.army.mil

  2. Floodplain Management Defined “Floodplain management is a decision making process the goal of which is to achieve wise use of the nation’s floodplains. ‘Wise use’ is any activity or set of activities that is compatible with the risk to natural resources (natural and beneficial functions to floodplains) and human resources (life and property).” (Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force)

  3. Causes of Floods Estuarine interactions between stream-flow & tidal conditions Combined rain & ice-melt Coastal storm surges Dam failures Snow & ice-melt Ice jams Landslides Rain Earthquakes Estuarine and Coastal Floods Riverine Floods Channel Factors Basin factors (stable) Basin factors (variable) Drainage network factors Estuary shape Offshore gradient of water depth Coastline configuration Flood-Intensifying Factors

  4. The Range of Options to Mitigate Inland Flooding Barriers, barrages & dams River channel improvements Dikes, levees, embankments Flood protection & drainage projects Flood abatement Flood-proofing Flood forecasting & warning Disaster preparedness, planning Response (Incl. evacuation) Public awareness raising Land use & planning control Acquisition of flood land & Property relocation Flood insurance Social security measures (e.g., compensation) Flood risk reduction measures Structural adaptions Flood exposure reduction measures (modify human behavior and use) Non-structural adaptions Flood vulnerability reduction measures (Source: D.J. Parker)

  5. The Corps’ Technology Contribution Possesses the capability to provide international assistance through training, the transfer of key technologies and direct support. Key areas relate to: • Remote Sensing and GIS: • Watershed delineation • Landuse characterization • Topographic and resource mapping • Hydraulic Engineering and Modeling: • River flow modeling • Flood inundation forecasting • Environmental enhancements for streams and rivers • Stream bank restoration and stabilization • Environmental and Water Quality Management: • Water quality assessments and pollutant loading analyses • Water quality monitoring • Watershed modeling • Invasive plant management • Water Resources Development: • Hydropower assessment, planning and design

  6. Sample Corps International Initiatives • GIS training for Moldova • NATO-sponsored assessment of the Upper Tisza Basin (Eastern Europe) • Proposed basin-wide study for the Niger River • Proposed development of a water control model for Lithuania • Proposed basin-wide study for the Nile River • Proposed development of an inundation model and workshop for the Save and Limpopo Rivers

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