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Chapter 7 Muscles of the head and face.

Chapter 7 Muscles of the head and face. Muscles of mastication. Mastication = process of chewing “take your ‘TIME’ chewing your food. T = temporal Lifts / closes the jaw I = internal pterygoid Lifts the mandible M = masseter Lifts the mandible (strongest chewing muscle)

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Chapter 7 Muscles of the head and face.

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  1. Chapter 7Muscles of the head and face.

  2. Muscles of mastication • Mastication = process of chewing • “take your ‘TIME’ chewing your food. • T = temporal • Lifts / closes the jaw • I = internal pterygoid • Lifts the mandible • M = masseter • Lifts the mandible (strongest chewing muscle) • E = external pterygoid • Opens jaw / protrusion / lateral shifting

  3. Temporal and masseter muscles

  4. Internal / external pterygoid muscles

  5. Muscles of facial expression • Your smile is the ‘BOMZ’ • B = buccinator • Helps ‘pucker’ cheeks (blowing air) • O = orbicularis oris • Close or pucker lips • M = mentalis • Wrinkles chin / protrudes lower lip • Z = zygomatic major • Lifts corners of lips (smile)

  6. Muscles of facial expression Zygomatic major → ← Orbicularis oris Masseter → ← Mentalis

  7. Muscles of the tongue • Genioglossus • Protrudes and retracts the tongue • Hyoglossus • Depresses the tongue • Styloglossus • Raises the tip of the tongue • Palatoglossus • Elevates the posterior of the tongue

  8. Muscles of the tongue

  9. Muscles of the floor of the mouth • Digastric • Assists in opening the mouth • Mylohyoid • Assists in lifting the tongue • Stylohyoid • Stabilizes the hyoid bone • Geniohyoid • Pulls the tongue towards the front of the mouth

  10. Conclusion • Please remember, these are the ‘major’ muscles of the head and neck. • Please review and study ‘TIME’ and ‘BOMZ’ for testing purposes. • Be aware of how the other muscles function in the oral cavity and their locations. • Any questions?????

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