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Aosta Valley

Italia, Valle d’Aosta Liceo Classico di Aosta Marco Maggi , Ph.D Teacher of History and Philosophy. Aosta Valley. 2012.23.09 Sun . 15:48. Aosta Valley Historical Landmarks. 1032 AD Erected county under Savoy dynasty. 25 BC Roman conquest under Augustus. 1948 AD

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Aosta Valley

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  1. Italia, Valle d’AostaLiceoClassicodiAostaMarco Maggi, Ph.DTeacher of History and Philosophy

  2. Aosta Valley 2012.23.09 Sun. 15:48

  3. Aosta ValleyHistoricalLandmarks 1032 AD Erectedcounty under Savoydynasty 25 BC Roman conquest under Augustus 1948 AD Declaredautonomousregion of the Italian Republic under specialstatutes

  4. Italy’s History CurriculumPrincipal Aims • “Toknow the principalevents and long-termtransformations of the European and ItalianHistoryfromancienttimesto the present, in the frame of the global history of the world” • “Touseproperly the language and the interpretative categories of history” • “Tobeabletoread and evaluatedifferenthistoricalsources” • “Tobeaware of historyas a significantdimensionfor the understanding of the present, throughcriticaldiscussion and comparison of a variety of perspectives and interpretations” Source: Indicazioni nazionali, 2010 (http://www.nuovilicei.indire.it)

  5. Italy’s History CurriculumPromoting HistoricalUnderstanding • “Tounderstandsimilarity/continuity and difference/discontinuityelementsamongdifferentcivilizations” • “Toknow the ItalianConstitutional System in comparisonwithothercharters” • “To compare EuropeanHistorywithextra-Europeancivilizations” Source: Indicazioni nazionali, 2010 (http://www.nuovilicei.indire.it)

  6. TeachingHistory inAosta Valley • Bilingual (Italian/French) teaching • Doubledegree system (EsaBacprogram): European and World History curriculum from a transnational (Italian/French) perspective (www.vizavi-edu.it)

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