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OUTCOMES. Receive a general overview of Curriculum 2.0 Hear how your child will learn the new Thinking and Academic Success Skills Hear about math upgrades in Curriculum 2.0 Learn more about Standards Based Grading & Reporting (new Report Cards).

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  1. OUTCOMES Receive a general overview of Curriculum 2.0 Hear how your child will learn the new Thinking and Academic Success Skills Hear about math upgrades in Curriculum 2.0 Learn more about Standards Based Grading & Reporting (new Report Cards)

  2. CONSENSOGRAMPLEASE PLACE THE DOT (FOUND IN YOUR FOLDER) ON THE CONSENSOGRAM INDICATING YOUR LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CURRICULUM 2.0. Also, in your folder you will find several notecards. Please use these to write down any questions you have during the presentation. We will collect and address them throughout the meeting.

  3. “We need to prepare students for their future, not ourpast.” Ian Jukes Schools in our Past



  6. WHY CHANGE THE CURRICULUM? Many students have excelled in reading and math since 2001. We noticed that students who had the most success in advanced reading and math had certain characteristics as students – • Successful students are critical thinkers. • Successful students are creative. • Successful students know how to learn.

  7. What is MCPS Curriculum 2.0? • New Internationally-driven standards in math, reading, and writing. • Renewed focus on teaching the whole child. • Integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity for a lifetime of learning.

  8. What is better in Curriculum 2.0?

  9. Why internationally-driven standards? OECD Average U.S.A. Slide Credit: EdTrust.org Data Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), PISA 2006 Results, http://www.oecd.org/

  10. Differences Among Assessments Most U.S. standardized tests are designed to assess whether students learned what they were taught in school, focusing on recall and recognition of facts. Assessments in high-achieving nations increasingly emphasize learning designed to assess if students can apply what they’ve learned to new problems and situations, focusing on inquiry and explanations of ideas.

  11. (U.S. Assessment) National Assessment of Educational Progress 8th- and 12th-Grade Science 1. What two gases make up most of the Earth's atmosphere? A) Hydrogen and oxygen B) Hydrogen and nitrogen C) Oxygen and carbon dioxide D) Oxygen and nitrogen 2. Is a hamburger an example of stored energy? Explain why, or why not.____________________________________________________________________________

  12. (International Assessment) A PISA Task: Science FLIES Read the following information and answer the questions which follow. A farmer was working with dairy cattle at an agricultural experiment station. The population of flies in the barn where the cattle lived was so large that the animals' health was affected. So the farmer sprayed the barn and the cattle with a solution of insecticide A. The insecticide killed nearly all the flies. Some time later, however, the number of flies was again large. The farmer again sprayed with the insecticide. The result was similar to that of the first spraying. Most, but not all, of the flies were killed. Again, within a short time the population of flies increased, and they were again sprayed with the insecticide. This sequence of events was repeated five times: then it became apparent that insecticide A was becoming less and less effective in killing the flies. The farmer noted that one large batch of the insecticide solution had been made and used in all the sprayings. Therefore he suggested the possibility that the insecticide solution decomposed with age. Source: Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1998, p. 75. The farmer's suggestion is that the insecticide decomposed with age. Briefly explain how this suggestion could be tested. The farmer's suggestion is that the insecticide decomposed with age. Give two alternative explanations as to why "insecticide A was becoming less and less effective ..."

  13. How the Demand for Skills Has ChangedEconomy-wide measures of routine and nonroutine task input (U.S.) Mean task input as percentiles of the 1960 task distribution The dilemma of schools: The skills that are easiest to teach and test are also the ones that are easiest to digitize, automate, and outsource (Frank Levy and Richard Murnane, 2005)

  14. Renewed focus on teaching the whole The Thinking and Academic Success Skills are the common thread that integrate content areas. • Content areas still maintain their separate goals and objectives. • Students learn more when making connections across content areas – natural areas for connections are provided. Art Math Music Health Information Literacy Reading Science Social Studies Writing

  15. Thinking and Academic Success Skills (TASS) Each grade level will focus on 2 TASS for each quarter. Students will be evaluated on each TASS across all content areas. Report cards will indicate student progress on each TASS as Demonstrating, Progressing or Not Yet Evident.

  16. What is Analysis? Breaking a whole into parts that may not be immediately obvious and examining the parts so that the structure of the whole is understood.

  17. What will Analysis look like in a 3rd grade classroom? Science: Find the relationship between a surface and the motion of an object. Math: Describe patterns on a multiplication table to understand multiplication facts with 0 and 1. Writing: Understand how different verb tenses change writing.

  18. What is Collaboration? Working together to achieve a shared goal or carry out a plan of action.

  19. What will Collaboration look like in a 1st grade classroom? Reading: Participating in a discussion with a guided reading group. Math: Working together to determine how to measure given objects in non-standard units. Science: Working with a group to design and carry out a plan to demonstrate how humans impact plants in the environment.

  20. HOW DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELF? • Do you consider yourself a reader? • Do you consider yourself a “math person?”

  21. Building a Stronger Foundation What Makes The Curriculum 2.0 Foundation Stronger?

  22. Develop students who love math and see it as sensible and useful to solving problems and making sense of the world. • All students will reach proficiency in math – Understanding, Computing, Applying, Reasoning, and Engaging (UCARE). Goals of the MCPS Mathematics Program

  23. What is going deeper in math? Mathematical Proficiency Engaging Understanding Seeing math as sensible, useful, and doable Comprehending Concepts, Operations, & Relations Reasoning Computing Using logic to explain a solution Carrying out procedures Applying Formulating and solving mathematical problems

  24. Building a stronger foundation Mathematical Proficiency Engaging Understanding Seeing math as sensible, useful, and doable Comprehending Concepts, Operations, & Relations Reasoning Computing Using logic to explain a solution Carrying out procedures Applying Formulating and solving mathematical problems

  25. MathematicAL Proficiency: Learning A Concept in Depth • 1½ ÷ ½ = • ½ • ¾ • 3 • 1 • Write this problem • as a question • using words and not • symbols. COMPUTING How many halves are in one and one half? UNDERSTANDING REASONING

  26. MathematicAL Proficiency: Learning A Concept in Depth • 1½ ÷ ½ = 3 • Describe a situation • requiring use of this • concept. • You have a yard and • a half of ribbon to • make bows. Each • bow requires ½ yard. • How many bows can • you make? APPLYING REASONING

  27. Understanding the Relationship Between Multiplication and Division How would you solve or interpret this division problem?

  28. Why does the algorithm work? How many fourths are in ? of what number is ?

  29. MathematicAL Proficiency: Learning A Concept in Depth • Complete the number sentence with <, >, or = • 360 • 114 113 < COMPUTING > Same Problems, but requiring Understanding, Computing, Application, and Reasoning

  30. What does going deeper mean? “I understand not only how and when to use an algorithm; I know why the algorithm is the most efficient way to solve a problem – and I can explain why!”

  31. GRADING & REPORTING • Standards-based grading involves measuring students' proficiency on well-defined standards. • Standards-based grading reports tell us how students are performing on a set of clearly defined learning outcomes. 

  32. EXAMPLE CONTENT: GRADE 3 – MATH MEASUREMENT TOPIC: OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING PROFICIENCY STATEMENT: A student has demonstrated proficiency by: (Understanding) Representing and interpreting multiplication and division problems. Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division; (Computing) Fluently multiplying and dividing within 100; (Applying) Using multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems. Applying properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Applying strategies to solve two-step word problems using the four operations; (Reasoning) Explaining patterns in an addition or multiplication table. Explaining and justifying a solution to a problem or extending from something known to something not yet known; (Engaging) Seeing mathematics as sensible, useful, and doable-if you work at it-and being willing to do the work.

  33. How will students be assessed?

  34. http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/2.0/ • Definitions and examples of Thinking and Academic Success Skills • Parent Guides for the content in each grade level – K-2 (what will my student learn?); National PTA Parent guides - http://www.pta.org/5307.htm • Video examples of integration • Video on Math changes • Share your feedback with MCPS • Detailed curriculum framework (philosophy, research, content area learning objectives) Where can I learn more?

  35. Questions To Ask Your Child’s Teacher • Is my child reading at grade level? Can you show me books that are the right level for my child? • How is my child doing in math? How can I help my child at home? • How will you determine my child’s grade? • How much time should my child be spending on homework? • Aside from report cards, what are the best ways to keep up to date on my child’s progress?

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