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LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan

LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan. A. Enrollment Trends and Student Characteristics. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan. B. Student Preparation. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan. C. Student Success. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan.

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LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan A. Enrollment Trends and Student Characteristics

  2. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan B. Student Preparation

  3. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan C. Student Success

  4. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan D. Instructional Staffing and Fiscal Measures

  5. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan E. Human Resource

  6. Figure E10: Presidential Turnover

  7. Answers

  8. LACCD Strategic Plan Internal Scan F. Economic Impact

  9. Figure F1: Key Findings from Recent (2008) LACCD Economic Impact Study • Students enjoy an attractive 24% annual return on their investment of time and money. • For every $1 students invest in the Los Angeles Community College District (“the LACCD” or “the District”), they receive a cumulative $7.60 in higher future income over the course of their working careers. • Taxpayers see a real money return of 10% on their annual investments in the District. • The State of California benefits from improved health and reduced welfare, unemployment, and crime, saving the public some $38.5 million per year each year that students are in the workforce. • The Los Angeles County economy receives roughly $9.1 billion in regional income each year due to the LACCD and its past and present students. This figure amounts to roughly 1.8% of the area’s total annual income.

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