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Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADS-B ADS-B Outputs Message Elements Overview

Presentation Overview. ADS-B Rulemaking CommentsDefine Rule Making Purpose

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Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADS-B ADS-B Outputs Message Elements Overview

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    1. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) ADS-B “Outputs” Message Elements Overview

    2. Presentation Overview ADS-B Rulemaking Comments Define Rule Making Purpose & Format Aircraft Operators Vs. NAS Airspace Aircraft ADS-B Equipage Cost Impact Rulemaking Schedule What is ADS-B Outputs Today ? Standardization of Aircraft ADS-B “Outputs” Air-to-Ground Interoperability Advisory Circular 120-86 “Aircraft Surveillance Systems & Applications” Discussion & Wrap-up

    3. General Discussion Background There are many possible solutions to address ADS-B Rulemaking ATO/AFS are the lead organization in the development of the ADS-B rulemaking activities AIR-130 is the lead organization in the development of aircraft design approval guidance in support of the rulemaking activities Summary: The purpose of this presentation is to stimulate discussion for the development of a rulemaking strategy with the focus on airborne avionics design approval guidance

    4. Describe ADS-B Rule Making Purpose General Rule applies to certain airspace classes Increased safety Increased Capacity Specific Operational Benefits NAS Modernization Specific: Describe the increased safety, capacity and other specific operational benefits that aircraft operators would obtain by equipping with ADS-B Is the intent of the ADS-B rule to transfer costs from the radar based NAS to aircraft owners for existing operations ? How will ADS-B equipage improve NAS efficiency ?

    5. Aircraft Operators Vs. NAS Airspace NAS Aircraft Operators ( Gross Approximation) 9500 Transport Category 7000 Regional Jets 200,000 General Aviation 2,000 Military Aircraft TBD Helicopters Airspace Classes (A-G) are described on the following slide Airspace classes impacted by ADS-B rulemaking will need to be defined

    7. Aircraft ADS-B Equipage Cost Impact Aircraft affected by ADS-B rule making mandate Define number of aircraft Define cost of ADS-B equipment Define cost to obtain Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or purchase Service Bulletin Define work hour cost to install ADS-B equipment

    9. ADS-B Outputs Block Diagram”

    10. Failure Effect Classification for Navigation & Surveillance in the NAS Top Level Failure effect for loss of aircraft separation is catastrophic Assume independence between navigation & surveillance Navigation “Major” failure effect classification Surveillance “Major” failure effect classification Assume loss of all aircraft navigation & surveillance is catastrophic 25.1309 does not allow for a single point failure to cause a catastrophic failure effect Common mode failures between navigation and surveillance must be mitigated

    11. Surveillance & Navigation Architectural Mitigations Present NAS Operations Ground based radar for surveillance On board aircraft navigation systems Some dependencies between aircraft transponder reporting and ground based surveillance are operationally mitigated Controller checks altitude transponder output with pilot voice readout each time an aircraft enters controlled airspace Possible future NAS operations Continue to take credit for ground based radar -or- Design aircraft avionics systems for navigation and surveillance without common mode failures WAAS, STP, Transponder ADS-B outputs independent from navigation sensors Own-ship monitors to detect common mode errors

    12. ADS-B “Outputs” Basic Own-ship Position (P) GPS (TSO) Own-ship Position (B) Existing sensor equipment STP Define minimum set of ADS-B output parameters UAT data link TSO / MOPS 1090MHz transponder TSO / MOPS Operational Assumptions Assume Radar Coverage is equivalent to current NAS environment Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) Misleading information “Minor” failure classification Loss of function “No-effect” failure classification Consistent with European Enhanced Surveillance Program

    13. ADS-B “Outputs” Intermediate Own-ship Position (P) WAAS (TSO) Own-ship Position (B) Existing sensor equipment with backup required for GA STP New TSO UAT data link TSO / MOPS 1090MHz transponder TSO / MOPS Operational Assumptions Assume extremely limited radar coverage in the en-route environment Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) Misleading information “Major” failure classification with independence from aircraft navigation systems Loss of function “Major” failure classification

    14. ADS-B “Outputs” Advanced Own-ship Position (P) WAAS (TSO) Own-ship Position (B) Existing sensor equipment with backup required for GA STP New TSO UAT data link TSO / MOPS 1090MHz transponder TSO / MOPS Operational Assumptions Assume extremely limited radar coverage in the en-route and terminal area Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) Misleading information “Major” failure classification with independence from aircraft navigation systems Loss of function “Major” failure classification

    15. ADS-B “Outputs” Message Elements Example List of ADS-B “outputs” parameters that could be referenced in the rule which are based on the European EHS Rule Mandate Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach number Vertical Rate Roll angle Track Angle Rate True Track Angle Groundspeed Selected Altitude ADS-B outputs are currently defined in ADS-B Final Requirements Program (FRP) for Surveillance and Broadcast Services Version 1.0

    16. TSO Candidate List for ADS-B “Outputs” Provide TSO list and installation instructions for the ADS-B “outputs” function TSO-C166A “Transponder outputs for 1090 MHz data link” TSO-C154A “UAT data link” TSO-C145A “WAAS own-ship position” TSO-C129A “Basic GPS own-ship position” TSO-C144 “Airborne Global Position Antennae TSO-Various “Backup own-ship position & antennae” TSO-TBD “Surveillance Transmit Processing (STP)” TSO-TBD are in progress and are not published

    17. Standardization of Aircraft ADS-B Outputs Definition(s)

    18. Air-to-Ground Interoperability ADS-B “output” message set parameters Safety, performance and interoperability should be harmonized with both domestic and international regulatory authorities

    19. Aircraft & Ground ADS-B Multiple Sensor Issues Air-to-Air ADS-B “outputs” signal processing Need to validate the assumption that the aircraft will require multi mode receivers for United States National Airspace Operations

    20. AC 120-86 Surveillance AC FAA Advisory Circular 120-86 “Aircraft Surveillance systems and Applications” published September, 2005 Developed and coordinated with RTCA SC-186 & International Civil Aviation Authorities Provides guidance for: Aircraft Surveillance Applications Ground Surveillance Applications ADS-B data link systems Traffic Information Service – Broadcast (TIS-B) Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) and ASA integration Mode S Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance downlink systems Flight Operations And Continuing Airworthiness Approval Guidance.

    21. Surveillance AC Revision Summary FAA Advisory Circular 120-86 “Aircraft Surveillance systems and Applications” Requires various updates including ADS-B “outputs”: Installation guidance & TSO reference for ADS-B own-ship position sensor sources Installation guidance for RTCA SC-186 Surveillance Transmit Processing (STP) Transponder requirements and installation guidance

    22. Rulemaking Summary Keep the rule contents crisp, clear, concise and simple Address the ADS-B aircraft guidance in the rule at a “high level” The surveillance advisory circular 120-86 would provide the detailed ADS-B aircraft performance and installation requirements Allows for new technologies incorporation without new rulemaking

    23. Discussion & Wrap-up

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