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Hinduism & Buddhism

Hinduism & Buddhism. Overview of Hinduism. Collection of religious beliefs developed about 1500 BC Cannot be traced to one founder or people Vedic Religion of Aryan? Harappan belief system? Mix of both? Regardless, all elements were in place by 500 BC

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Hinduism & Buddhism

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  1. Hinduism & Buddhism

  2. Overview of Hinduism • Collection of religious beliefs developed about 1500 BC • Cannot be traced to one founder or people • Vedic Religion of Aryan? • Harappan belief system? • Mix of both? • Regardless, all elements were in place by 500 BC • Based off interpretations of Vedas & Mahabharata • Vedas – sacred hymns • Maha = epic stories (like Homer)

  3. Caste System • Caste defines who you are • Born into it • Marry within it • Die within it • Almost impossible to move up caste within one lifetime • Everybody knew what caste people were in • Relations with other castes • No one dealt w/ harijan • Very respectful up caste • Very condescending down caste

  4. Beliefs of Hinduism • Desire moksha • Liberation from cycle of birth and rebirth • Above time, space – the stilling of all passions and desires • Individual soul = Atman • Brahman • The source of all existence • At moksha, atman unifies w/ Brahman • Goal never achieved in one lifetime!

  5. Beliefs of Hinduism • Reincarnation • New personality develops in each life, based on past experiences • Part of original person is constantly present throughout successive lives

  6. Beliefs of Hinduism • Karma • Atman’s good and bad deeds • Everything one does influences one’s destiny and possibility of moving up the incarnation ladder • Effects caste & wealth in future lives • Good karma = good fortune • Current station in life is determined by prior good & bad karma of prior lives

  7. Beliefs of Hinduism • Each caste has dharma • Rights, obligations & duties of caste, within social order • Be the best brahmin / kshatriya / whatever you can be • Failure to do dharma leads to regression down caste system • If one does dharma, one will have good karma, and will be reincarnated to a higher caste, eventually reaching moksha

  8. Brahman is three major gods in one (some depictions of Hindu gods)

  9. Brahma = Creator: created universe, first humans

  10. Vishnu: Protector = preserver of universe; most popular aspect of Brahman

  11. Shiva: Destroyer = destroys evil and sorrow, including world, when it is evil

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